IGNOU Grade Card Percentage Calculator

Convert your IGNOU grades to percentage marks with our easy-to-use calculator

Grade to Percentage Calculator

Course Code
Grade Value
Credit Points
Designed by FutureDecider.com

About IGNOU Grade Card Percentage Calculator

The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) follows a grading system for evaluating student performance. Our calculator helps you convert your IGNOU grade points to percentage quickly and accurately.

The IGNOU Grading System

Letter Grade Numerical Grade Percentage Range
O (Outstanding) 10 >85%
A+ (Excellent) 9 >75% to <85%
A (Very Good) 8 >65% to <75%
B+ (Good) 7 >55% to <65%
B (Above Average) 6 >50% to <55%
C (Average) 5 >40% to <50%
D (Pass) 4 >35% to <40%
F (Fail) 0 <35%
Ab (Absent) 0 Absent

How to Use the IGNOU Grade Card Percentage Calculator


Enter Course Details

Input your course code (e.g., MCS-001) in the designated field.


Input Credits

Enter the credit value assigned to each course (typically between 2-8 credits per course).


Select Grade

Choose the grade you received for each course from the dropdown menu.


View Results

The calculator will automatically compute your CGPA and percentage as you enter the data.


Add More Courses

If needed, click "Add Course" to include additional courses (up to 10 courses total).

Examples of IGNOU Grade Calculation

Example 1: Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Student

Let's calculate the CGPA and percentage for a BCA student with the following grades:

Course Code Credits Grade Grade Value Credit Points
BCS-011 4 A+ 9 36
BCS-012 4 A 8 32
BCSL-013 2 O 10 20
MCS-014 4 B+ 7 28
MCS-015 4 A 8 32
Total: 18 Credits Total Credit Points: 148

CGPA Calculation: Total Credit Points ÷ Total Credits = 148 ÷ 18 = 8.22

Percentage Calculation: CGPA × 9.5 = 8.22 × 9.5 = 78.09%

This student has a CGPA of 8.22, which translates to approximately 78.09%. According to the IGNOU grading system, this falls within the A+ (Excellent) range.

Example 2: Master of Arts (MA) Student

Now let's calculate for an MA student with these grades:

Course Code Credits Grade Grade Value Credit Points
MEG-01 4 B 6 24
MEG-02 4 B+ 7 28
MEG-03 4 A 8 32
MEG-04 4 C 5 20
Total: 16 Credits Total Credit Points: 104

CGPA Calculation: Total Credit Points ÷ Total Credits = 104 ÷ 16 = 6.5

Percentage Calculation: CGPA × 9.5 = 6.5 × 9.5 = 61.75%

This student has a CGPA of 6.5, which converts to approximately 61.75%. According to IGNOU's grading system, this falls within the B+ (Good) range.

For more information about IGNOU's exam results and grade card dispatch status, check out our guide on IGNOU Marksheet Dispatch Status 2025.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is the CGPA calculated in IGNOU?

CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) is calculated by dividing the total credit points by the total number of credits. The formula is:

CGPA = Total Credit Points ÷ Total Credits

where Credit Points = Credits × Grade Value for each course.

How do I convert CGPA to percentage in IGNOU?

To convert your CGPA to percentage, multiply it by 9.5. The formula is:

Percentage = CGPA × 9.5

This is the official conversion factor used by IGNOU.

What is a good CGPA in IGNOU?

A CGPA of 8.0 or above (equivalent to A grade) is considered very good in IGNOU. This translates to approximately 76% or higher.

A CGPA between 6.0 and 7.9 is considered good, while anything above 9.0 (A+) or 10 (O) is excellent.

How are credits assigned to IGNOU courses?

Credits in IGNOU are assigned based on the workload and importance of each course. One credit typically represents 30 hours of study.

Most theory courses are assigned 4-6 credits, while practical or lab courses usually have 2-4 credits.

Can I improve my IGNOU grade?

Yes, IGNOU offers the facility to improve your grades through re-examination. You can apply for improvement within the stipulated time after the declaration of results.

Only the better of the two scores will be considered for final grade calculation.

Does IGNOU give honors degree based on CGPA?

IGNOU typically doesn't award honors degrees based solely on CGPA. The degrees are awarded based on successful completion of all required courses and components of the program.

However, students with exceptional performance may receive recognition during convocation ceremonies.

How long does it take to receive IGNOU grade card?

IGNOU typically dispatches grade cards within 2-3 months after the declaration of results. You can check your marksheet dispatch status online through the IGNOU website or through our guide.

Digital grade cards are often available earlier through the IGNOU student portal.

Is IGNOU CGPA accepted for higher education?

Yes, IGNOU degrees and the associated CGPA are recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC) and are generally accepted for higher education in India and many countries abroad.

However, specific institutions may have their own criteria for admission to higher programs.

How do I access my IGNOU grade card online?

You can access your IGNOU grade card by visiting the official IGNOU website and logging into the student portal using your enrollment number and password.

The grade card is usually available in the "Results" or "Grade Card" section. For more information, check our guide on IGNOU Marksheet Dispatch Status.

What if I fail a course in IGNOU?

If you fail a course ('F' grade), you need to reappear for the exam in the next examination cycle. The 'F' grade is not counted in CGPA calculation until you pass the course.

You will need to register for the re-examination and pay the requisite fee.

Similar to UDISE+ data entry systems for schools, IGNOU also maintains comprehensive digital records of all student performances.

Understanding the IGNOU Evaluation System

IGNOU follows a comprehensive evaluation system that includes both continuous and term-end assessments. The university has adopted a 10-point grading system that is designed to assess students' performance fairly across all programs.

Continuous Assessment

Continuous assessment in IGNOU is done through assignments that typically contribute 30% to the overall course grade. These assignments are designed to test your understanding of the course material throughout the semester.

Students must submit these assignments within the stipulated deadlines to the respective study centers. Each assignment is graded, and the cumulative assignment score contributes to the final grade.

For data management of these assessments, IGNOU uses systems similar to the UDISE Student Module used in schools across India.

Term-End Examination

The term-end examination accounts for 70% of the overall course grade. These examinations are conducted twice a year, in June and December.

To qualify for the term-end examination, students must have submitted the required assignments and meet other course-specific requirements.

The examination pattern varies based on the course and program, but generally includes a mix of short-answer and long-answer questions that test both theoretical knowledge and practical application.

For comprehensive data collection and management, IGNOU employs systems similar to UDISE+ DCF data entry protocols.

IGNOU's Credit System

IGNOU follows a credit system where each course is assigned a specific number of credits based on the study hours required. One credit typically represents 30 hours of study, which includes reading course materials, watching/listening to audio-visual materials, attending counseling sessions, and writing assignments.

The number of credits for a course usually ranges from 2 to 8, depending on the course's complexity and importance in the program structure.

To successfully complete a program, students must earn a specified number of credits, which varies by program. For example, a Bachelor's degree typically requires 96-120 credits, while a Master's degree requires 64-72 credits.