50+ Top Interview Questions And Answers For Your Future Careers

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If you knew exactly what questions a hiring manager would ask you during your next job interview, wouldn’t that be fantastic?

Sadly, we are unable to read minds, but we will provide you with the best alternative: a list of fifty of the most frequently asked interview questions and suggestions for how to respond to each one

We don’t recommend having a canned response for every interview question—in fact, please don’t—but we do recommend spending some time getting used to what you might be asked, what hiring managers really want from your responses, and how to demonstrate that you are the right candidate for the position.

Consider this list to be your study guide for interview questions and answers. Furthermore, don’t miss our reward list toward the end, with joins out to assets on unambiguous sorts of inquiries questions — about ability to understand anyone on a deeper level or variety and consideration, for instance — and inquiries by job, from bookkeeper to extend supervisor to instructor.)

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1 50+ most common top job interview questions and answers

50+ most common top job interview questions and answers

Here are 53 of the most common interview questions you’ll likely be asked in your next interview:

  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. Walk me through your resume.
  3. How did you hear about this position?
  4. Why do you want to work at this company?
  5. Why do you want this job?
  6. Why should we hire you?
  7. What can you bring to the company?
  8. What are your greatest strengths?
  9. What do you consider to be your weaknesses?
  10. What is your greatest professional achievement?
  11. Tell me about a challenge or conflict you’ve faced at work, and how you dealt with it.
  12. Tell me about a time you demonstrated leadership skills.
  13. What’s a time you disagreed with a decision that was made at work?
  14. Tell me about a time you made a mistake.
  15. Tell me about a time you failed.
  16. Why are you leaving your current job?
  17. Why were you fired?
  18. Why was there a gap in your employment?
  19. Can you explain why you changed career paths?
  20. What’s your current salary?
  21. What do you like least about your job?
  22. What are you looking for in a new position?
  23. What type of work environment do you prefer?
  24. What’s your work style?
  25. What’s your management style?
  26. How would your boss and coworkers describe you?
  27. How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations?
  28. What do you like to do outside of work?
  29. Are you planning on having children?
  30. How do you stay organized?
  31. How do you prioritize your work?
  32. What are you passionate about?
  33. What motivates you?
  34. What are your pet peeves?
  35. How do you like to be managed?
  36. Do you consider yourself successful?
  37. Where do you see yourself in five years?
  38. How do you plan to achieve your career goals?
  39. What are your career aspirations?
  40. What’s your dream job?
  41. What other companies are you interviewing with?
  42. What makes you unique?
  43. What should I know that’s not on your resume?
  44. What would your first few months look like in this role?
  45. What are your salary expectations?
  46. What do you think we could do better or differently?
  47. When can you start?
  48. Are you willing to relocate?
  49. How many tennis balls can you fit into a limousine?
  50. If you were an animal, which one would you want to be?
  51. Sell me this pen.
  52. Is there anything else you’d like us to know?
  53. Do you have any questions for us?

1. Tell me about yourself.

This question appears to be straightforward, such countless individuals neglect to get ready for it, yet entirely it’s essential. The deal is this: Try not to give your total business (or individual) history. Instead, give a pitch that explains exactly why you are a good fit for the job, is succinct, and persuasive. Lily Zhang, a Muse author and MIT career counselor, suggests using the present, past, and future formula.

Give a brief description of your current position, including its scope and, if possible, one major accomplishment, followed by some background information about how you got there and relevant experience. Last, explain why you want this job and would be perfect for it.

Possible answer to “Tell me about yourself.”

“Well, I’m an account executive at Smith right now, and I’m in charge of our highest-performing client. Prior to that, I was employed by an agency and worked on three distinct major national healthcare brands. I’m so excited about this opportunity with Metro Health Center because, despite the fact that I really enjoyed my work, I’d love to learn more about a specific healthcare company.

2. Walk me through your resume.

This question, like “Tell me about yourself,” is a common opening question for interviews. However, rather than focusing on the qualities and abilities that make you the best candidate for the position, your response should highlight your career path and group your qualifications by previous positions.

If you have a great story about what led you down this path, you might decide to tell this story in order. Or, just like with “Tell me about yourself,” you could start by talking about your current job and then talk about how you got here and where you want to go next.

However, when you talk about your “past” and “present,” highlight the most relevant experiences and achievements you have for this position, and then talk about the future to show why this position should be the next one you apply for.

Possible answer to “Walk me through your resume.”

“Well, as you can see from my resume, the path I took to get to where I am today being a little winding. I double majored in chemistry and communications at college. Early on, I realized that working all day in a lab wasn’t for me, and I realized that the lab class I TA’ed the most looked forward to.”

“So when I graduated, I got a new line of work in deals for a shopper medical services items organization, where I drew on my showing experience and learned much seriously fitting your message and clarifying complex wellbeing ideas for individuals without a science foundation.

After that, I was promoted to a position in sales training at a large company, where I was in charge of teaching recent graduates the fundamentals of selling. In their first quarter, my trainees averaged more deals closed than any other cohort of trainers.

In addition, finding the best method for training each new employee and watching them advance and succeed gave me a great deal of satisfaction. It brought back memories of working as a TA in college. I began taking evening classes at that time to earn my certificate in chemistry teaching.”

“I left my regular work last year to finish my understudy educating at P.S. 118 in Manhattan, and over the late spring, I worked for a science camp, showing kids from the ages of 10 to 12 about fundamental science ideas and best practices for safe examinations.

Now, I can’t wait to start working as a teacher full-time, and your district is my top choice. My favorite part of my job is taking the time to teach each student in the most effective manner for them because of the low student-to-teacher ratio.”

3. How did you hear about this position?

Another seemingly innocuous interview question is actually an excellent chance to stand out and demonstrate your passion for the company and connection to it.

For instance, if you heard about the job from a friend or professional acquaintance, mention them and explain why you were so excited about it. Share that you found out about the company through an event or article. Even if you found the job posting on a random job board, tell us what specifically drew your attention to the position.

Possible answer to “How did you hear about this position?”

“Simon, a friend of a friend, told me about a position on the product team. Since I like your work a lot and have been following you for a while, I thought it would be a great job for me to apply for,” I said.

4. Why do you want to work at this company?

Avoid generic responses! You’re missing a chance to stand out if what you say can be used by a lot of different businesses or if your response makes you sound like every other candidate.

One of the four options that Zhang suggests is: Do your homework and point to something that sets the company apart and really piques your interest; discuss how you’ve watched the organization develop and change since you originally knew about it; concentrate on the possibilities for the organization’s growth in the future and how you can help; or talk about what has excited you about your interactions with employees thus far.

Be specific, regardless of the choice you make. And what if, well into the hiring process, you still haven’t figured out why you’d like to work for the company you’re interviewing with? It could be a warning sign that this job isn’t right for you.

Possible answer to “Why do you want to work at this company?”

“I saw on The Dream that you were additionally employing for new situations on the West Coast to help your new tasks there. I read more about the new data center you’re building there, and I’m excited about it because I know it will give me opportunities to train new teammates.

A Wall Street Journal article also informed me that you are expanding into Mexico. I am able to communicate effectively in Spanish and would be eager to step up whenever necessary.”

5. Why do you want this job?

Again, businesses want people who are enthusiastic about their work, so you should have a strong reason for wanting the position. And if not, why not? You might want to apply elsewhere.)

First, think about a few key aspects that make the position a good fit for you (for instance, “I love customer support because I love the constant human interaction and the satisfaction that comes from helping someone solve a problem”), and then talk about why you love the company (for instance, “I’ve always been passionate about education, and I think you’re doing great things, so I want to be a part of it”).

Possible answer to “Why do you want this job?”

“I’ve played your games for a long time and have always been a fan of X Co’s offerings. I am aware that the emphasis you place on original narratives is what initially drew me and other fans to your games and keeps us coming back for more.

I’ve followed X Co via virtual entertainment for some time, and I’ve generally cherished how you have individuals in various divisions associate with clients. So when I saw this job posting for a social media manager with TikTok experience, I was excited.

I was in charge of launching our TikTok account and bringing it up to 10,000 followers in six months at my previous job. I know I can make this TikTok account special and exciting thanks to that experience, my passion for gaming, and my extensive knowledge of your games and fan base.”

6. Why should we hire you?

This interview question seems interesting and even scary! However, if you are asked, you are fortunate: There is no better opportunity for you to showcase your abilities and self-worth to the hiring manager. Your task here is to compose a response that addresses three aspects: that you are able to work hard and get great results; that you will truly blend in with the culture and team; and that you would be a better hire than anyone else.

Possible answer to “Why should we hire you?”

“I am aware that it has been an exciting time for General Tech—growing so much and acquiring several startups—but I also know from personal experience that it can be difficult for the sales team to comprehend how new products relate to existing ones.

It is always easier to sell what you know, so newer products may be undervalued, which could have an impact on the entire business. In addition to having more than a decade of experience as a sales trainer, the majority of those years were spent working with sales teams in the same predicament as Gen Tech’s current one.

Growth is wonderful, but it can only be sustained by the rest of the business. By implementing an ongoing sales training curriculum that emphasizes where new products sit in a product lineup, I am certain I can ensure that your sales team is self-assured and enthusiastic about selling new products.”

7. What can you bring to the company?

Interviewers aren’t just interested in learning about your past when they ask this question. They want to see that you are aware of the issues and difficulties they face as a company or department and how you will fit into the existing structure.

Make sure you pay attention during your early round interviews to comprehend any issues you are hired to resolve, read the job description carefully, and conduct research on the company. The next step is to demonstrate how you have performed similar or transferable work in the past by connecting your skills and experiences to the requirements of the company.

Possible answer to “What can you bring to the company?”

“As Jocelyn discussed in our meeting before, PopCo is hoping to grow its market to entrepreneurs with under 25 workers, so I’d get my mastery this region and my involvement with directing an outreach group that is offering to these clients interestingly.

This segment has been my primary focus in the majority of my previous positions, and in my current position, I also played a significant role in developing our sales strategies when the company began selling to these customers. The sales script was created by me and my managers.

I also gave advice and feedback to other account executives who were selling to these customers for the first time by listening in on a number of sales calls. In the first quarter, I personally closed ten of the 50 new bookings that our 10-person sales team closed in this market segment.

I’m eager to return the favor at PopCo after assisting my previous business in its expansion into small businesses. Additionally, I noticed you hold a monthly karaoke night, so I’m eager to perform “Call Me Maybe” for the team.”

8. What are your greatest strengths?

This is your chance to talk about something that makes you great and makes you a good fit for this job. Think about quality rather than quantity when answering this question. At the end of the day, don’t run through a rundown of modifiers.

Instead, pick one or a few specific qualities that are relevant to this position (depending on the question) and illustrate them with examples. Generalizations are never as memorable as stories. And if there is something you’ve wanted to say because it makes you a great candidate but haven’t yet, this is the time to do so.

Possible answer to “What are your greatest strengths?”

“I’d say that one of my greatest strengths is organizing frantic environments and establishing procedures to simplify everyone’s lives. I have developed new procedures for almost everything in my current position as executive assistant to a CEO, including meeting scheduling, monthly all-hands agenda planning, and event appearance preparation.

The structures assisted in relieving stress and establishing expectations on all sides, and everyone in the company was aware of how things worked and how long they would take. I’d be eager to carry that equivalent way to deal with a tasks supervisor job at a startup, where everything is new and continually developing and could utilize a perfect proportion of construction to keep things moving along as planned.”

9. What do you consider to be your weaknesses?

Beyond identifying any major red flags, your interviewer is really trying to gauge your honesty and self-awareness with this question. Therefore, neither “Nothing! “, nor “I can’t meet a deadline to save my life,” is an option. I’m flawless!” Think of something you struggle with but are working on improving to achieve balance. For instance, you might never have been good at speaking in front of a crowd, but you recently volunteered to run meetings to help you feel more at ease.

Possible answer to “What do you consider to be your weaknesses?”

It can be challenging for me to determine when my coworkers are overworked or dissatisfied with their jobs. We hold weekly check-ins to make sure I’m not asking too much or too little of my team. I like to inquire about whether or not they are engaged in what they are doing, how I can better support them, and whether or not they would like to take on or eliminate anything. These meetings really lay the groundwork for a good and trusting relationship, even if the response is “all good.”

10. What is your greatest professional achievement?

Don’t be shy when answering this interview question because nothing says “hire me” better than a track record of achieving amazing results in previous jobs!

The STAR method is an excellent approach: situation, action, and outcomes Describe what you did (the action) and what you accomplished (the result) to provide the interviewer with background context, setting up the situation and the task at hand (for example, “In my last job as a junior analyst, it was my role to manage the invoicing process”).

I simplified the procedure in a single month, saving my team 10 person hours per month and reducing invoice errors by 25%.

Possible answer to “What is your greatest professional achievement?”

“My greatest achievement was assisting the street lighting company I worked for to persuade the small town of Bend, Oregon, to replace its outdated street lighting with LED bulbs that use less energy. My job was made to advance and sell the energy-effective bulbs, while promoting the drawn out benefit of decreased energy costs.

I had to come up with a way to show city lighting officials how much our energy-efficient bulbs were worth. This was hard because our products cost more up front than less efficient lighting options. I put together a packet of information and held community events in the area for city officials and people who pay taxes. I was able to demonstrate the product of the company, respond to inquiries, and promote the long-term value of LED bulbs there.

I was able to reach a wide range of community members through these events, which was crucial in ensuring that the general public was on board. Not only did I meet my $100,000 sales target for the first year, but I also helped us secure another contract in a city nearby. Furthermore, the national media paid attention to the community-focused strategy. Additionally, I am pleased to report that I was promoted to senior sales representative within a year.”

11. Tell me about a challenge or conflict you’ve faced at work, and how you dealt with it.

You’re probably not eager to talk about conflicts you’ve had at work during a job interview. But if you’re asked directly, don’t pretend you’ve never had one. Be honest about a difficult situation you’ve faced (but without going into the kind of detail you’d share venting to a friend).

“Most people who ask are only looking for evidence that you’re willing to face these kinds of issues head-on and make a sincere attempt at coming to a resolution,” former recruiter Richard Moy says.

Stay calm and professional as you tell the story (and answer any follow-up questions), spend more time talking about the resolution than the conflict, and mention what you’d do differently next time to show “you’re open to learning from tough experiences.”

Possible answer to “Tell me about a challenge or conflict you’ve faced at work, and how you dealt with it.”

“Entertainingly enough, last year I was essential for a board that set up a preparation on struggle mediation in the working environment and how much pushback we got for requiring participation truly put our preparation under serious scrutiny. One particular senior employee appeared to be steadfast.

It took careful listening to realize that, given his workload, he felt it wasn’t the best use of his time. I made it a point to address his concern. Then, focusing on his direct objection, I explained that the training was intended to enhance not only the company’s culture but also our operational efficiency, and that the goal was for the training to make everyone’s workload feel lighter.

He eventually showed up, and he was present when I talked to the entire staff about how I try to deal with disagreements in the workplace by focusing on the root cause and resolving it without bringing up other issues.”

12. Tell me about a time you demonstrated leadership skills.

To act like a leader or demonstrate leadership abilities, you do not need a fancy title. Think back to a time when you were in charge of a project, suggested a different method, or helped your team get things done.

Then, tell your interviewer a story using the STAR method, stating the outcome in detail while not going into too much detail that you become rambling. To put it another way, explain to the interviewer why you are telling this particular story in detail.

Possible answer to “Tell me about a time you demonstrated leadership skills.”

“A good leader, in my opinion, is someone who is able to make decisions while also listening to other people, being willing to admit when they are wrong, and then taking corrective action. In my previous position, I and my team had to give a big presentation to a potential client.

I quickly delegated various responsibilities to team members, but the project never really moved forward. Everyone was able to express their opinions and concerns after I gave them a chance, and it turned out that they were struggling in the roles I had assigned them. I ended up changing the names of a few people. In the meantime, the employee I had assigned to give the presentation wanted to give it a shot despite being anxious.

I worked with them to ensure their readiness and even organized a practice session so they could practice in a more welcoming setting. They got it right when the real thing came around! We got the client, and the business still has the account.

Additionally, that employee became the go-to individual for crucial client presentations. I’m glad I took the time to listen to everyone’s concerns so I could rethink my approach and assist my team in being its best.”

13. What’s a time you disagreed with a decision that was made at work?

The ideal anecdote in this case is one in which you dealt with a disagreement professionally and gained some knowledge as a result. Zhang prescribes giving specific consideration to how you start and end your reaction. Make a brief statement to frame the remainder of your response as your opening statement that nods to the ultimate takeaway or the purpose of this story.

For instance: ” Early on in my professional career, I learned that disagreeing is fine when supported by data. And if you want to end on a positive note, you can either summarize your response in a single sentence (such as “In brief…”) or briefly discuss how what you learned or gained from this experience would assist you in the position for which you are applying.

Possible answer to “What’s a time you disagreed with a decision that was made at work?”

“I was in charge of putting together reports for potential company investments while working as a finance assistant. For leaders to have the best information from which to make a decision, it was critical to get the numbers and details right.

My boss once asked me to create a new report on a Wednesday morning and required me to finish it by Friday at 5 p.m. I knew I had to speak up because I’m dedicated to producing high-quality work and I wasn’t sure my boss knew exactly what goes into each report. I discussed my concerns with my boss at the next available opening.

She made it clear that the report would be finished by Friday at 5 o’clock. So I made the decision to inquire about anyone who might be able to assist. My boss found another assistant who could work a few hours after thinking about it. We completed the report within a short time frame, and the committee was delighted to review it at the meeting.

I felt good that I hadn’t let the report’s quality slip, and my boss appreciated the extra effort I put into making it happen. It was a good lesson in how to work as a team and when and how to ask for help. Also, when I made sense of how long and work goes into each report, my manager was mindful so as to relegate them further ahead of time.”

14. Tell me about a time you made a mistake.

You’re most likely not too anxious to even consider diving into past bumbles while you’re attempting to dazzle a questioner and land a task. However, Moy asserts that winning someone over and discussing a mistake are not mutually exclusive. In fact, it can be beneficial to you if done correctly.

The most important thing is to tell the truth without assigning blame, then explain what you learned from your mistake and what you did to prevent it from happening again. In the end, employers are looking for people who are self-aware, able to take criticism, and care about improving.

Possible answer to “Tell me about a time you made a mistake.”

“I missed a deadline early in my career, which cost us a very large account. There were numerous contributing factors to this, but in the end, I was the one who failed. I went back and really thought hard about what I could have controlled and changed after that experience.

As it turned out, I wasn’t nearly as organized as I thought. A few months later, I was able to secure an even larger account for the department after meeting with my boss and asking for advice on how to improve my organizational skills.”

15. Tell me about a time you failed.

You should approach your response in much the same way you would to the question about making a mistake. Choose a real-life failure that you can talk openly about. To begin, explain to the interviewer your definition of failure. Take for instance: When I’m taken by surprise, I consider it a failure as a manager.

I try to keep up with my team’s activities and their work. Then, explain what happened and place your story in relation to that definition. Last but not least, don’t forget to impart your knowledge. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time, but it’s important to show that you learned something from them.

Possible answer to “Tell me about a time you failed.”

“As a manager of a team, I consider it a failure if I do not know what is going on with my employees and the work they are doing; in other words, if a problem arises that takes me by surprise, then I have failed somewhere along the way.

Even if the outcome is satisfactory in the end, it indicates that I have unsupported a team member at some point. This annual training for new project managers is a somewhat recent example. I didn’t think to check in because my team has run it so many times, and I had no idea that a scheduling conflict was turning into a full-blown turf war with another team.

The resolution ended up being a simple and quick discussion at the leadership team meeting; however, if I had inquired earlier, it would never have been a problem in the first place. Setting reminders to check in on major projects or events, even if they have been done dozens of times before, was definitely a lesson I learned.”

16. Why are you leaving your current job?

This is a difficult question, but you can count on being asked it. You have nothing to gain by being critical of your current employer, so keep things positive. Instead, frame the situation in a way that demonstrates that you are eager to take on new challenges and that the position for which you are applying is a better fit for you.

“I’d really love to be part of product development from beginning to end, and I know I would have that opportunity here,” for instance. What about if you were fired from your most recent position? Keep things simple: Sadly, I was fired,” is a perfectly acceptable response.

Possible answer to “Why are you leaving your current job?”

“I’m prepared for the next career challenge. I adored the projects and people I worked with, but I eventually realized I wasn’t being challenged as much as I used to. I made the decision to look for a position where I could continue to develop rather than allowing myself to get too comfortable.”

17. Why were you fired?

Naturally, they might inquire further: Why were you dismissed? You can simply say, “The company [reorganized/merged/was acquired] and unfortunately my [position/department] was eliminated” if layoffs caused you to lose your job. However, imagine a scenario in which you were terminated for execution reasons.

Being sincere is your best bet given the small size of the job-seeking population. However, it need not be a deciding factor. Make it into a learning opportunity: Describe your development and how it has affected your work and life now. And even better is if you can emphasize how your development will benefit your next position.

Possible answer to “Why were you fired?”

“After four years of working for XYZ Inc., the number of client calls we were expected to process per hour was changed. After the change took effect, I used the methods we were taught, but I didn’t want our customer service to suffer. Sadly, I was fired because I did not consistently complete the required number of calls.

I felt terrible about this, and looking back, I should have stuck to the procedure that would have allowed me to meet the per-hour quota. However, you have informed me of the volume requirements and standards for customer service, and I believe it will not be a problem.”

18. Why was there a gap in your employment?

Perhaps you were dealing with kids or maturing guardians, managing medical problems, or venturing to the far corners of the planet. It’s possible that finding the right job just took a long time for you. You should be prepared to talk about the gap or gaps in your resume, regardless of the reason.

In any case, practice speaking your response aloud. The most important thing is to be honest, but you don’t have to give away more information than you can handle. You can also talk about how those skills or qualities would help you excel in this position if you acquired them while you were out of the workforce, whether it was through volunteer work, running a home, or responding to a personal crisis.

Possible answer to “Why was there a gap in your employment?”

“I endured various years working at an organization in an extremely exhausting position, in which — as you’ll see from my references — I was exceptionally fruitful. However, I was at a point in my career where I wanted to concentrate on my own development.

I learned a lot about how to get along with people of all ages and cultures during my time traveling. Presently I feel more than prepared to hop once again into my vocation with restored energy and concentration and I feel this job is the best method for doing that.”

19. Can you explain why you changed career paths?

Take a deep breath and explain to the hiring manager why you’ve made the career choices you have. Don’t be surprised by this question. The most important thing is to give a few examples of how your previous experience can be applied to the new position.

This need not necessarily have a direct connection; In point of fact, it is frequently more impressive when a candidate can demonstrate how their seemingly insignificant experience is extremely pertinent to the position.

Possible answer to “Can you explain why you changed career paths?”

“I’ve been training and running with my brother in your annual Heart Run ever since he was told he had a heart condition to raise money for your organization and help patients with costs that insurance doesn’t cover. I’ve been struck by how truly dedicated and content your employees have been each time.

As a result, when I saw this job posting for a fundraising position, I felt like it was destined to happen. I’ve spent the last ten years of my career working as an account executive for a number of SaaS companies.

During that time, I’ve really honed my ability to persuade organizations to make consistent payments for something over the long term. But I’ve been looking for a position in fundraising where I can really help people with these skills, and I’m very excited to do so with your organization.”

20. What’s your current salary?

In a number of states and cities, including New York City, it is now illegal for some or all employers to inquire about your salary history; In North Carolina, Louisville; California; what’s more, Massachusetts. However, hearing this question can be stressful regardless of where you live.

Try not to overreact — there are a few potential procedures you can go to. Muse career coach Emily Liou suggests, for instance, responding with something like, I would really like to learn more about this position before we talk about pay.

I’ve done a lot of research on [Company], and I’m confident that if it’s a good fit, we can agree on a fair and competitive price. You can also choose to share the number or reframe the question around your salary expectations or requirements (see question 38), if you believe doing so will benefit you.

Possible answer to “What’s your current salary?”

“I would really like to learn more about what this role entails before we discuss any salary. I’ve done a lot of research on [Company], and I’m confident that if it’s a good fit, we can agree on a fair and competitive price.”

21. What do you like least about your job?

Be cautious here! You don’t want to let your response turn into a tirade about how awful your current employer is or how much you despise that one coworker or boss.

Focusing on an opportunity that the position you’re interviewing for offers that your current job does not is the easiest way to handle this question with poise. You can maintain a positive tone in the conversation and stress your enthusiasm for the position.

Possible answer to “What do you like least about your job?”

“I am in charge of creating media lists to pitch in my current position. While I’ve fostered a skill for this and can do it when it is important, I’m anticipating a task that permits me to have an additional involved job in working with media accomplices. That was one of the aspects of your account supervisor position that piqued my interest the most.”

22. What are you looking for in a new position?

Hint: Ideally, the same advantages offered by this position. Be precise.

Possible answer to “What are you looking for in a new position?”

“I’ve been honing my data analysis skills for a few years now, and the most important thing for me is to find a position where I can use those skills again. The opportunity to directly address clients with my findings and recommendations is another thing I value.

Being able to see how my work affects other people keeps me going strong. Additionally, given that I hope to eventually assume managerial responsibilities, I am unquestionably seeking a position that will allow me to advance. In conclusion, I’d love to be in a position where I could use my skills to make an impact that I could actually see.

Naturally, position is only one part of the equation. It’s important for me to work for a company where I can develop and work toward something I care about. I’m inspired by DNF’s goal of being at the intersection of education and data, and I’m really excited about this opportunity.”

23. What type of work environment do you prefer?

Hint: Ideally one that is in line with the culture of the company to which you are applying. Be precise.

Possible answer to “What type of work environment do you prefer?”

“The atmosphere in my current position is fantastic. My manager is a great resource who is always willing to assist me when I run into a problem. However, they also trust me to finish my work, which gives me a lot of freedom over how I schedule and prioritize my work, which is very important to me.

Everybody has their own work area, so it’s not unexpected pretty calm to finish our work, however we as a whole eat together and our group has a ton of registration gatherings and conveys regularly through Slack so we actually get a ton of chances to run thoughts by one another. Therefore, I enjoy both solo and more group work. How might you depict the blend here?”

24. What’s your work style?

When an interviewer asks about how you work, they probably want to see yourself in the position. How will you conduct yourself at work? How will working with you feel? Will you get along with the current team well?

By choosing to concentrate on something that is significant to you and is in line with everything you have learned so far about the position, team, and company, you can assist them in progress. The inquiry is wide, and that implies you have a ton of adaptability by the way you reply:

You could discuss how you convey and team up on cross-utilitarian undertakings, what sort of remote work arrangement permits you to be generally useful, or how you approach driving a group and overseeing direct reports. Simply try to remain optimistic. Keep in mind that your answer will almost always be remembered better if you tell a story.

Possible answer to “What’s your work style?”

“I will quite often take care of my best responsibilities while I’m teaming up with partners and we’re cooperating toward a shared objective. I was one of the few students who enjoyed group projects, and I still get a rush of excitement when I plan marketing campaigns with a group and incorporate new and different perspectives.

I made it a habit when I worked at XYZ Agency to invite people from different departments to certain brainstorming and feedback sessions. A portion of our best missions outgrew the thoughts we created along with colleagues in IT, HR, item, and client achievement.

I was therefore thrilled to learn that I would be collaborating closely with a talented marketing team as well as the product and sales teams in this position. I also believe that organization and documentation are essential to the success of these collaborations.

As a result, I place a lot of emphasis on creating one central location for all project-related materials, such as meeting notes, action items, campaign copy and visual drafts, and timelines.”

25. What’s your management style?

In your response, you should emphasize how strong but adaptable the best managers are. Think something along the lines of, “While every situation and every team member requires a bit of a different strategy, I tend to approach my employee relationships as a coach…”)

Next, share a couple of your best managerial moments, such as when you coached an underperforming employee to become the top salesperson for the company or when you grew your team from five to fifteen.

Possible answer to “What’s your management style?”

“I think in general a good manager gives clear directions and actually stays pretty hands-off, but is ready and available to jump in to offer guidance, expertise, and assistance when needed. Management style is so difficult to pinpoint, but I think in general I make an honest effort to make that my administration style. I additionally make a special effort to ensure I know when my group needs assistance.

As a result, there will be a lot of informal conversations with them about their work, general job satisfaction, and mental health. At my most recent job, there was one project in particular that had everyone working on a different part of the product.

This required a significant amount of independent work on the part of my seven-person team; however, rather than encumbering them with recurrent meetings to update me and everyone else on progress, I created a project wiki that allowed us to communicate new information whenever it was required without interfering with the work of another team member.

Then, I made it my job to make sure that no one was stuck on a problem for too long without someone to talk to. We ended up with a very cohesive product and, more importantly, a team that wasn’t burned out, despite the different project responsibilities.”

26. How would your boss and coworkers describe you?

First and foremost, be truthful (keep in mind that the hiring manager will ask your former bosses and coworkers for references if you make it to the final round!). The next step is to try to highlight your strengths and qualities that you haven’t talked about in other parts of the interview, like your strong work ethic or your willingness to help out on other projects when needed.

Possible answer to “How would your boss and coworkers describe you?”

“In fact, during my most recent performance review in April, my direct supervisor said that I am someone who takes initiative and doesn’t shy away from difficult problems. A lot of my work is done on-site, so when things go wrong, it’s usually up to me to fix them. I always try to do what I can to solve the problem first rather than passing it on to the team. I am aware that she values that about me.”

27. How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations?

In an effort to demonstrate that you are the ideal candidate who is capable of handling anything, here is yet another question that you may feel compelled to ignore. However, it is essential not to dismiss this one (for example, refrain from stating, “I just put my head down and push through it” or “I don’t get stressed out”).

Instead, talk about your go-to strategies for dealing with stress, such as meditating for ten minutes each day, making sure you go for a run, or keeping a super-detailed to-do list, as well as how you communicate and actively try to reduce pressure in other ways. Better still if you can give a real-life example of a stressful situation you dealt with successfully.

Possible answer to “How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations?”

“I keep myself motivated by thinking about the outcome. Reminding myself of my objectives has helped me maintain a positive outlook even when faced with difficult circumstances.”

28. What do you like to do outside of work?

In order to get a better understanding of you and learn more about your passions and hobbies outside of work, interviewers may occasionally inquire about those pursuits. It’s yet another chance to show off your personality. Be sincere, but keep it professional, and be wary of responses that might give the impression that you will spend all of your time focusing on something other than the position for which you are applying.

Possible answer to “What do you like to do outside of work?”

“I love food a lot. We love to try new restaurants as soon as they open in town, and the more unusual the restaurant, the better! I enjoy trying new foods and cuisines, and it’s a fun way to spend time with friends.

I try to go out with the same group at least once a week. It’s a fun way to stay connected and share experiences even when we’re busy with other things. Even when we went to New York City, we bought something to share from a few restaurants each day and spent each day in a different neighborhood.”

29. Are you planning on having children?

Inquiries concerning your family status, orientation (“How might you handle dealing with a group of all men?”), nationality (the location of your birth), Although age and religion are against the law, they are still inquired about. You should, of course, make sure to link any questions about your personal life or anything else you think might be inappropriate to the job at hand—the interviewer may just be trying to make conversation and may not realize these are off limits.

Possible answer to “Are you planning on having children?”

“I’m not quite there yet, you know. However, I am very interested in your company’s career paths. Could you elaborate on that for me?”

30. How do you stay organized?

Would you want to be in a hot mess at work? We didn’t think so, either. No one else does either. Not only does a disorganized worker struggle in their job, but they can also cause chaos for their peers, managers, direct reports, clients, and customers, as well as anyone else with whom they interact.

Therefore, interviewers frequently inquire about how you organize your life to determine whether or not you can handle the workload and how you interact with others. In your response, you should reassure them that you will have everything under control (both in what you say and how you say it), describe a specific system or method that you have utilized (bonus points if you are able to tie it to the position for which you are applying), and explain how it has benefited you and your team. Simply ensure that your response is concise and, well, organized.

Possible answer to “How do you stay organized?”

“I take pride in my capacity to maintain order, and it has really come in handy in my previous positions, particularly the one I am currently holding as a social media assistant. First, I use Hootsuite, which I noticed you also use, to keep a meticulous calendar for each platform I’m responsible for. I try to set aside time twice a week to start writing posts and scheduling them in.

“Second, I’m a big fan of Trello, where I have a shared marketing team board that we use to coordinate campaigns launching across social, email, and other channels. My personal board is color-coded by task type and marked with a priority level. In the event that we need to put a campaign on hold, we pay close attention to the news. I would tag all relevant stakeholders on Trello, immediately suspend all scheduled content in Hootsuite, start a discussion on Slack, or suggest scheduling a meeting to reevaluate strategy if necessary.

Finally, I set up a shared folder on Google Drive with subfolders for each campaign. In these subfolders, I update one-pagers about goals and strategies, assets, the actual posts that were used, performance analyses, and retros. Because of this, there will always be a central location where everyone on the team can look back on previous projects, which, in my experience, really helps us gain knowledge from each campaign and incorporate it into the next project.”

31. How do you prioritize your work?

Your interviewers want to know if you can organize your time, make decisions, communicate effectively, and switch gears when necessary. Talk about your preferred method for planning your day or week, such as a favorite to-do list app or color-coded spreadsheet, first.

You will definitely want to use a real-world example here. Continue by describing how you evaluated and decided what to do in response to a last-minute request or another unexpected shift in priorities in the past, as well as how you communicated with your manager and/or teammates about it.

Possible answer to “How do you prioritize your work?”

“Without my daily to-do list, I’d be lost! To help me stay on track, I write down the things I need to do at the beginning of each workday and rank them from highest to lowest priority. But I also know that priorities shift out of the blue.

I had planned to spend the majority of one recent day calling advertising agencies to obtain cost estimates for a forthcoming campaign. After that, I did a brief update with my manager. She mentioned that she needed assistance putting together a presentation for a significant potential client right away.

I moved the more adaptable errand to the furthest limit of the week and went through the following couple of hours refreshing the time-delicate show. I always make it a point to keep in touch with my boss and coworkers.

I try to notify my team as soon as possible if I am working on a task that will take some time to complete. If my workload becomes too much to handle, I talk to my boss about what can be put last on the priority list, and then I try to set new deadline expectations.”

32. What are you passionate about?

You are not a programmed robot that does its work and shuts down. You are a human being, so if someone asks you this in an interview, it’s probably because they want to learn more about you. The response can adjust straightforwardly with the sort of work you’d do in that job — like if, for instance, you’re applying to be a visual creator and invest all of your free energy making representations and information perceptions to post on Instagram.

However, do not be afraid to discuss a pastime that is distinct from your regular job. Extra focuses if possible “make it one stride further and associate how your energy would make you a brilliant contender for the job you are applying for,” says Dream profession mentor Al Dea. For instance, if you are a software developer who enjoys baking, you might talk about how your approach to programming is influenced by your capacity for creativity and precision.

Possible answer to “What are you passionate about?”

“Knitting is one of my favorite pastimes because I enjoy the process of making something beautiful from nothing. Of course, knitting also requires a lot of patience and careful attention to detail. Fortunately, I have developed both of those qualities as an accountant!”

33. What motivates you?

Consider that the interviewer wants to make sure you are excited about this role at this company and that you will be motivated to succeed if they choose you before you panic about answering what seems like a probing existential question.

Therefore, take a moment to reflect on the things that have energized you in previous positions and pinpoint the aspect of this job description that has brightened your eyes. Choose one topic, ensure that it is pertinent to the position and company you are interviewing for, and try to incorporate a story to help make your point. Your enthusiasm will be palpable if you are sincere, which you should be.

Possible answer to “What motivates you?”

“I’m primarily motivated by my desire to learn new things, no matter how big or small, and take on new responsibilities so that I can continuously develop as an employee and contribute more to my team and organization. I worked as a camp counselor for several summers and felt most fulfilled when I volunteered to lead planning for a talent show, volunteered to help with logistics scheduling, and learned how to run pickups effectively.

I am so excited about the opportunity to assume this managerial role for the after-school program because all of that experience helped me tremendously when I moved up to become the lead counselor focused on operations last year.”

34. What are your pet peeves?

Another one that seems like a minefield is here. But if you know why an interviewer is asking it, it will be easier to navigate. They probably want to see how you handle conflict and ensure that you will succeed in their company.

Therefore, choose something that is both honest and in keeping with the organization’s culture and environment. Then, attempting to remain composed and calm, explain why and what you have done in the past to address it. Since there’s compelling reason need to harp on something that bothers you, you can keep this reaction quick and painless.

Possible answer to “What are your pet peeves?”

“I find it bothersome when an office’s schedule is extremely disorganized because, in my experience, confusion can undermine team motivation. I try to help keep my team on track while also allowing for flexibility because I like things to be in order.”

35. How do you like to be managed?

This is another one of those questions about finding the right fit, both from your point of view and that of the company. Recollect what functioned admirably for you previously and what didn’t. What did your previous bosses do that inspired you, supported your growth, and helped you succeed?

Focus on one or two things at a time and always frame them in a positive light (even if your preference stems from a negative experience with a manager, phrase it as what you would want a manager to do). Your response will be even more persuasive if you are able to provide a positive example from a great boss.

Possible answer to “How do you like to be managed?”

“I like working with managers who allow their employees to experiment, be independent, and collaborate cross-functionally with other teams because I enjoy working on a variety of projects.

In addition, I really appreciate it when a boss offers me support, direction, and coaching. I believe that when managers and employees work together and learn from one another, everyone wins. No one can accomplish anything on their own.”

36. Do you consider yourself successful?

You might feel uneasy in response to this question. However, you can think of it as an opportunity to show the interviewer why they should hire you and to get to know you better. First and foremost, be sure to say yes! Then pick one explicit expert accomplishment you’re glad for that can be attached back to the job you’re talking with for — one that shows a quality, expertise, or experience that would assist you with succeeding here.

You’ll want to talk about why you think it was a success, talk about the process as well as the result, and talk about your own success without forgetting your team. Focusing in on one story will help assuming that you feel off-kilter gloating!

Possible answer to “Do you consider yourself successful?”

“Despite the fact that I am still in my early professional career, I do consider myself successful. Because I wanted to volunteer for a human rights organization in another country during the summer, I took a full semester of classes in my junior year of college.

I was aware that I needed to check that I was meeting the requirements for my major, minor, and graduation. With my part-time job, which I kept to make up for the fact that I wouldn’t be making any money over the summer, it was hard to keep up with everything, and there were a few sleepless nights. However, the effort was well worth it:

I finished the year with a 3.9 grade point average and the opportunity to volunteer for the organization in Ghana without delaying my graduation. This experience demonstrated that I could be successful even when there is a lot to balance, which I know there always is at a nonprofit like this one. For me, success is about setting a goal and sticking with it, no matter how difficult it is.”

37. Where do you see yourself in five years?

Be sincere and specific about your future objectives when asked this question, but keep in mind the following: A hiring manager wants to know, among other things, if you have realistic career goals and ambition (also known as, this isn’t the first time you’ve thought about the question), and c) whether the position supports your growth and goals.

Your best bet is to respond in a manner that reflects your realistic assessment of the potential outcomes of this position. And what if the position isn’t always a ticket to your goals? It’s alright to say that you’re not exactly certain what’s in store, but rather that you see this experience assuming a significant part in assisting you with settling on that choice.

Possible answer to “Where do you see yourself in five years?”

“I would like to be in a position in five years where I know more about my long-term career goals as a designer.” Working for a design agency will have given me experience and taught me more about the industry as a whole.

I will have improved my technical abilities and learned how to incorporate client feedback. In addition, given the structure of your agency, I will have had the opportunity to design a variety of deliverables for a variety of clients, including websites, branding, and advertising campaigns, so that I can find a niche in which I can thrive.”

38. How do you plan to achieve your career goals?

It shows interviewers that you care, are ambitious, and can plan ahead by having goals. Self-motivation, organizational abilities, and time management are all demonstrated when you have a strategy for achieving your objectives. Last but not least, evidence of your capacity for persistence can be found in the fact that you have previously achieved goals that you have set for yourself.

Together, these are indications that you can assist your potential boss, team, and company in setting and achieving their own goals. To create your response, ensure you center around a couple of objectives exhaustively, make sense of why the objectives are significant, convey what achievements are coming up, feature past victories, and interface back to this work.

Possible answer to “How do you plan to achieve your career goals?”

“My current objective is to obtain my CPA license so that I can contribute to a junior staff accounting position with full certification. I completed an accounting internship with XYZ Company last summer and have a finance degree.

During my time there, I made the decision to invite one member of each team to coffee each week to learn more about their job and career path. Besides the fact that those discussions presented for me the significance of getting my CPA as quickly as time permits, they likewise assisted me with acknowledging I was anxious to seek after criminological bookkeeping, which is the reason I’m so amped up for the potential chance to join this group.

I signed up for NASBA workshops, made a study schedule to keep me on track, and will take my first trial exam in three weeks to make sure I get my CPA this year. Within the next three to six months, I intend to take the actual test.”

39. What are your career aspirations?

Career aspirations are more expansive and lofty than career objectives. Interviewers are posing this inquiry by asking: If you were to be realistic, what kind of career would bring you the most happiness?

Your aspirations may center on the kind of company you’d like to work for, the tasks you’d like to complete, the people you’d like to help, or how you want your coworkers to perceive you. Therefore, in response to this question, talk about what would energize and fulfill you and tie it to the position for which you are applying. Be specific about how this position will support your career goals.

Possible answer to “What are your career aspirations?”

“My greatest professional aspiration is to contribute to making healthy food more widely available and accessible to everyone, regardless of where they live, after growing up in a food desert. I additionally love taking care of mind boggling issues.

Presently, as a task supervisor, I have some expertise in essential preparation and join it with an innate capacity to draw in basic partners — bringing about on-time and under-financial plan conveyance. I could apply those skills to a cause I am passionate about in this position.

I am determined to put these abilities to use in order to assist your organization in ensuring that our community has access to low-cost, healthy food and information necessary for healthy choices. I would love to assume additional responsibility and a decision-making role in the next five or so years to expand the mission beyond our community and assist even more families in gaining access to nutritious food options.”

40. What’s your dream job?

In a similar vein, the person conducting the interview wants to ascertain whether or not this position truly aligns with your ultimate career objectives. While referring to yourself as “an NBA star” might make people laugh, it’s better to talk about your goals and ambitions and the reasons why this job will help you get closer to them.

41. What other companies are you interviewing with?

There are a few reasons why businesses might ask you who else is interviewing you. Perhaps they need to perceive how serious you are about this job and group (or even this field) or they’re attempting to figure out who they’re contending with to enlist you.

You want to show that you are excited about this job on the one hand, but you also don’t want to give the company more power by telling them there are no other candidates. You can talk about applying to or interviewing for a few jobs that have XYZ in common depending on where you are in your search. Then talk about how and why this job seems like a good fit.

Possible answer to “What other companies are you interviewing with?”

“I’m interviewing with a few companies for a variety of positions; however, all of them revolve around providing an outstanding customer experience. Although I wanted to remain open-minded regarding the most effective method for achieving that objective, it appears that this position will really allow me to concentrate all of my efforts on customer experience and retention, which I find very appealing.”

42. What makes you unique?

“Dea promises, “They genuinely want to know the answer.” Give them a reason to choose you over other candidates in your field. Maintaining relevance to the position for which you are applying is essential. Therefore, it’s possible that your ability to run a mile in six minutes or win a trivia contest won’t help you land a job (however, it all depends on the job!).

Make the most of this opportunity to inform them of something that will set you apart from other candidates for this position. You can ask former coworkers, think back to patterns you’ve observed in feedback, or try to understand why people tend to turn to you to find out what that means. Keep your attention on one or two things, and don’t forget to back up everything you say with facts.”

Possible answer to “What makes you unique?”

“I basically learned animation by myself. When I was in college, I was immediately drawn to it, and given the limited resources I had, I decided to take matters into my own hands. This is how I approach all aspects of my work as a video editor. When I can, I’m always eager to step in and take on new projects, learn new skills, or come up with new ideas. I don’t just wait for things to happen.”

43. What should I know that’s not on your resume?

If a hiring manager or recruiter is interested in more than just your resume, this is a positive sign. It probably indicates that they have reviewed your resume, believe you may be a suitable candidate for the position, and are interested in learning more about you.

Try talking about a positive quality, a story or detail that reveals a little more about you and your experience, or a mission or goal that makes you excited about this role or company to make this wide-ranging question a little bit more manageable.

Possible answer to “What should I know that’s not on your resume?”

“The following is not included on my resume: the time it took me to perform CPR in an emergency. Last year, I was at the lake when I saw a little kid who seemed as though she was suffocating. I swam out, carried her to shore, and performed CPR on her because I was a high school lifeguard.

I have always been able to remain calm in stressful situations, come up with a solution, and then act, even though this was, hopefully, a one-time occurrence. I would use this quality as your account manager to quickly and effectively resolve team and external issues. In the end, there will always be challenges, especially in a startup environment. And I’m your woman if anyone needs CPR at the office beach party.”

44. What would your first few months look like in this role?

If you’ve been asked this question, your potential boss or someone else wants to know that you’ve done your homework, thought about how you would start, and are willing to take initiative if hired. You might even receive the more specific question, “What would your first 30, 60, or 90 days look like in this role?”) in some interviews.

Therefore, consider the information and aspects of the company and team that you would need to familiarize yourself with, as well as the colleagues with whom you would prefer to meet. You can also suggest a possible start-up project to demonstrate your readiness to contribute early on. If you do get the job, you might not do this first, but a good response shows that you are thoughtful and care.

Possible answer to “What would your first few months look like in this role?”

“I know there is still a lot for me to learn, but it has been exciting to hear about some of the new initiatives the company has started in our previous conversations, such as the database project and the company-wide sync.

The principal thing I’d do is line up gatherings with the partners engaged with the undertakings I’d handle to assist me with sorting out what I don’t have the foggiest idea and afterward go from that point.

It can be hard to jump into a database project halfway through, but I’m confident that once I know what all the stakeholders want, I’ll be able to plan out our next steps and set appropriate deadlines efficiently. After that, I’ll be concentrating on achieving the team’s objectives.”

45. What are your salary expectations?

The main rule of addressing this question is: Get a head start on planning your salary requirements. Utilize PayScale and your network to conduct research on the pay for comparable positions. Be sure to take into account your personal requirements, skills, and experience! After that, Muse career coach Jennifer Fink recommends selecting one of the following three approaches:

  • Give a range of pay: Fink advises, however, that you keep the bottom of your stated range closer to the mid- to high-point of what you actually hope for.
  • Flip the question: According to Fink, you could try something like, “That’s a great question—it would be helpful if you could share what the range is for this role.”
  • Delay answering: Before discussing pay, inform the interviewer that you would like to learn more about the position or the rest of the compensation package.

Possible answer to “What are your salary expectations?”

“I’m looking for between $42,000 and $46,000 per year for this role, taking into consideration my experience and Excel certifications, which you mentioned would be very helpful to the team. However, benefits are definitely important to me as well. The commuter benefits, your free on-site gym, and other perks could definitely allow me to be more flexible with my salary.”

46. What do you think we could do better or differently?

You can really be hurt by this question. How can you provide a thorough response without offending the company or, worse, the person with whom you are speaking? Take a deep breath first. Then, begin your response by praising the business or product you have been asked to discuss.

At the point when you’re prepared to give your useful input, give some foundation on the viewpoint you’re offering of real value and make sense of for what reason you’d roll out the improvement you’re recommending (obviously founded on some previous experience or other proof).

And by concluding with a question, you can demonstrate to them that you are open to hearing other points of view and are interested in the company or product. Try: “Did you think about that methodology here? I would love to learn more about your method.

47. When can you start?

Your objective should be to establish reasonable expectations that are beneficial to both you and the business. Your particular circumstance will determine how exactly that sounds. You could offer to start within a week if you are ready to start immediately, such as if you are unemployed.

However, don’t be afraid to let your current employer know if you need to give notice; People will appreciate and comprehend your intention to properly conclude the situation. It is also valid to want to take a break from your job, but if they really need someone to start sooner, you should say that you have “previously scheduled commitments to attend to” and try to be flexible.

Possible answer to “When can you start?”

“I am looking forward to the chance to work with your team. In my current position at [Company], I have several projects to complete. To ensure a smooth transition for my coworkers, I intend to give them two weeks’ notice. After that, I will be happy to join the team.”

48. Are you willing to relocate?

This may appear to be a straightforward yes-or-no question, but it is frequently a little bit more complicated than that. The simplest scenario is one in which you would be willing to relocate in exchange for this opportunity.

Yet, in the event that the response is no, or possibly not at the present time, you can emphasize your energy for the job, momentarily make sense of why you can’t move right now, and proposition another option, such as working from a distance or out of a neighborhood office. It’s okay if it doesn’t always come out that way. You can say that you’d rather stay where you are for xyz reasons but would be willing to relocate if the opportunity presented itself.

Possible answer to “Are you willing to relocate?”

“I in all actuality do adore living in Raleigh and would like to remain here. However, if the opportunity presented itself, I would be willing to relocate.”

49. How many tennis balls can you fit into a limousine?

1,000? 10,000? 100,000? Seriously? Seriously, you might be asked questions like these to test your brain, especially in quantitative jobs. But keep in mind that the interviewer doesn’t always need a precise number; instead, they want to make sure you know what’s being asked of you and can come up with a methodical and logical response. Therefore, take a deep breath and begin considering the math. Yes, it is acceptable to request a pen and paper!

50. If you were an animal, which one would you want to be?

These seemingly random questions from personality tests are asked in interviews because hiring managers want to see how well you can think on your feet. There is no correct answer here; however, you will immediately receive bonus points if your response enables you to communicate your personality or strengths or connect with the hiring manager. Pro tip: To buy yourself some time to think, come up with a stalling strategy like, “Now, that is a great question. I suppose I should say…”

51. Sell me this pen.

If you’re applying for a sales job, your interviewer might put you on the spot to sell them a pen, a legal pad, a water bottle, or any other item that’s on the table. What are they primarily testing you for? how you deal with a stressful situation.

Therefore, you should make an effort to maintain composure and self-assurance and convey this through your body language—such as making eye contact, sitting up straight, and other actions. Ensure that you listen, comprehend your “customer’s” requirements, be specific about the product’s features and benefits, and conclude strongly—as if you were actually concluding a transaction.

52. Is there anything else you’d like us to know?

Your interviewer asks you this open-ended question just when you thought you were done. Try not to overreact — it’s anything but a perplexing question! According to Zhang, you can make the most of this opportunity to end the meeting on a high note in one of two ways. First, if there is something pertinent that you have not yet mentioned, do so immediately.

If not, you can briefly summarize your credentials. According to Zhang, one example would be to say: We’ve probably covered the majority of it, but to summarize, it sounds like you want someone who can immediately start working. Additionally, I believe I would be an excellent fit given my prior experience, which can be listed here.

53. Do you have any questions for us?

You probably already know that an interview is more than just a chance for a hiring manager to question you; it is also a chance to determine whether or not a job is a good fit for you. What inquiries do you have regarding the position? The business? The division? The group?

In the actual interview, you will cover a lot of this, so prepare a few less common questions. We particularly enjoy asking the interviewer questions like, “What is your favorite part about working here?” or the expansion of the business (“What can you tell me about your new products or growth plans?”) There are some specific questions you should ask if you are interviewing for a remote position.

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