16 Tips To Get An Internship

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Looking for tips to get an internship and are you eager to kickstart your career and gain hands-on experience in your field of interest? Securing an internship is a fantastic way to do just that, and in this article, we’re here to guide you through the ins and outs of landing that dream internship.

Whether you’re a college student looking to gain practical knowledge or a recent graduate wanting to break into a specific industry, we’ve got you covered with some invaluable tips to get an internship. 

In today’s competitive job market, knowing how to navigate the internship application process effectively can make all the difference.

So, let’s dive right in and explore 16 tips to get an internship that will help you stand out from the crowd and secure that coveted internship opportunity.


Why Tips For Getting An Internship Matters?

In the modern world, internships have become an essential stepping stone towards building a successful career. They not only provide you with a chance to apply what you’ve learned in the classroom to real-world scenarios but also offer you a glimpse into your chosen industry’s inner workings.

However, with numerous candidates vying for limited positions, it’s crucial to be well-prepared and strategic in your approach. Our tips to get an internship are tailored to help you gain a competitive edge in your internship search.

From crafting a stellar resume to acing the interview and everything in between, we’ll share practical advice that can make your journey toward landing an internship a lot smoother.

Tips for getting an internship matter because they can be the key to unlocking valuable career opportunities and experiences. In today’s competitive job market, internships have become a crucial bridge between education and the real world of work.

They provide you with a chance to gain practical, hands-on experience in your chosen field, which can significantly enhance your resume and skill set.

Here’s why these tips are so important:

  1. Competitive Advantage
  2. Industry Exposure
  3. Skill Development
  4. Resume Building
  5. Confidence Boost
  6. Career Clarity

Why tips to get an internship matters:

1. Competitive Advantage:

With a growing number of students and recent graduates entering the job market, competition for internships has become fierce. Tips for getting an internship give you an edge by helping you stand out among the crowd.

Employers often receive numerous applications, so knowing how to craft an impressive resume, cover letter, and interview performance is vital.

2. Industry Exposure:

Internships allow you to explore your chosen industry, gain insight into the day-to-day operations, and build a network of industry contacts. These experiences can be invaluable when it comes to making informed career decisions and establishing connections that may lead to future job opportunities.

3. Skill Development:

Internships provide you with the opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge gained in classrooms to real-world situations. These practical experiences help you develop relevant skills that employers are looking for. Learning how to perform in a professional environment is an essential part of career growth.

4. Resume Building:

A well-executed internship can significantly bolster your resume. It demonstrates to potential employers that you’ve not only studied a subject but have also put that knowledge into practice. Having internship experience can make you a more attractive candidate for entry-level positions.

5. Confidence Boost:

Knowing how to navigate the internship application and interview process can boost your confidence. Confidence is essential when networking, interviewing, and presenting yourself professionally to potential employers.

6. Career Clarity:

Sometimes, internships can help you clarify your career goals. They provide a real-world taste of your chosen field, helping you decide if it’s the right fit for you or if you’d like to explore different options.

Tips for getting an internship are important because they equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to secure a meaningful internship experience. These experiences can shape your career trajectory, open doors to future job opportunities, and empower you to make informed career choices.

So, if you’re aiming to kickstart your career with an internship, don’t underestimate the value of seeking and following these tips. They can make a significant difference in your professional journey.

16 Tips To Get An Internship

We understand that the process of finding and securing an internship can be overwhelming, especially if you’re new to it. You may have questions like:

  • Where do I start?
  • How do I make my application stand out?
  • What do employers look for in an ideal candidate?

Don’t worry; we’ve got your back.

By the end of this article, you’ll not only have a clearer picture of what steps to take but also feel more confident and well-equipped to navigate the competitive world of internships. So, let’s dive into the article and explore these valuable tips to get an internship that can set you on the path to a promising career.

Here are 16 tips for getting an internship:

  1. Set Clear Goals
  2. Build a Strong Resume/CV
  3. Network
  4. Use Online Resources
  5. Apply Early
  6. Customize Your Cover Letter
  7. Prepare for Interviews
  8. Build an Online Presence
  9. Leverage Your School’s Career Services
  10. Seek Referrals
  11. Volunteer or Freelance
  12. Be Persistent
  13. Follow Up
  14. Consider Alternative Options
  15. Develop Relevant Skills
  16. Be Flexible

1. Set Clear Goals

Setting clear goals is the foundational step when embarking on your journey to secure an internship. Think of it as the roadmap that guides you toward the right opportunity. Without a clear direction, you might find yourself lost in the vast landscape of available internships. Here’s how you can do it:

Steps to Set Clear Goals:

     Self-Reflection: Take some time to reflect on your career aspirations, interests, and what you hope to gain from an internship.

     Research: Investigate different industries and roles to determine what aligns with your goals.

     Short-Term and Long-Term Objectives: Define both short-term goals (what you want to achieve during the internship) and long-term goals (how the internship fits into your broader career plans).


Let’s say you’re a marketing major eager to break into the tech industry. Your clear goal might be to secure a marketing internship at a leading tech company to gain experience in digital marketing and product promotion.

How This Tip Helps:

     Targeted Search: Setting clear goals narrows down your internship search to positions and companies that align with your objectives.

     Focused Applications: You can tailor your application materials, such as your resume and cover letter, to highlight your relevant skills and enthusiasm for specific opportunities.

     Confidence and Direction: Knowing your goals boosts your confidence during interviews, allowing you to articulate your motivations and why you’re an ideal candidate for the internship.

2. Build a Strong Resume/CV

Your resume or curriculum vitae (CV) is your first opportunity to make a positive impression on potential internship employers. It’s your chance to showcase your qualifications and demonstrate why you’re the right fit for the role. Crafting a strong resume is essential to get noticed in a competitive applicant pool.

Steps to Build a Strong Resume/CV:

     Tailor Your Resume: Customize your resume for each internship application, highlighting relevant skills and experiences.

     Use Action Verbs: Start bullet points with action verbs (e.g., “Managed,” “Achieved,” “Developed”) to describe your accomplishments.

     Quantify Achievements: Whenever possible, use numbers to quantify your achievements and impact (e.g., “Increased website traffic by 30%”).

     Prioritize Information: Place the most relevant information at the top of your resume, such as education and relevant work or volunteer experience.

     Professional Formatting: Keep the layout clean and professional, using a readable font and consistent formatting.


Suppose you’re applying for a graphic design internship. Your resume should emphasize your design skills, such as proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite, and showcase design projects you’ve completed, such as creating graphics for a school club or designing promotional materials for a local event.

How This Tip Helps:

     Captures Attention: A well-crafted resume grabs the attention of recruiters and encourages them to review your application more closely.

     Demonstrates Qualifications: It showcases your qualifications and how they align with the internship requirements.

     Professionalism: A polished resume conveys professionalism, which is essential for making a positive first impression.

     Customization: Tailoring your resume to the specific internship position demonstrates your genuine interest and commitment.

     Clear Communication: It effectively communicates your skills and experiences, making it easier for employers to understand your suitability for the role.

3. Network

Networking can be a game-changer when it comes to securing an internship. It’s all about building meaningful connections within your chosen industry or field. While qualifications and skills are crucial, knowing the right people can open doors to opportunities you might not have otherwise discovered.

Here’s how you can make networking work for you:

Steps to Network:

     Attend Events: Attend industry-specific events, conferences, career fairs, and workshops both in person and online.

     Use Social Media: Utilize platforms like LinkedIn to connect with professionals in your field, join relevant groups, and share valuable content.

     Reach Out: Don’t hesitate to reach out to alumni, professors, or professionals you admire. Send a personalized message explaining your goals and seeking advice.

     Join Organizations: Join clubs, associations, or organizations related to your field of interest. They often host networking events and provide opportunities for skill development.

     Follow Up: After making connections, follow up with a thank-you email and keep in touch periodically to maintain the relationship.


Let’s say you’re passionate about environmental conservation and want an internship with an environmental nonprofit organization. 

By attending environmental conferences and joining online forums, you meet professionals already working in the field. One of them introduces you to a contact at your dream organization, which ultimately leads to an internship opportunity.

How This Tip Helps:

     Access to Hidden Opportunities: Networking can expose you to hidden job and internship opportunities that aren’t publicly advertised.

     Insider Insights: Professionals can provide valuable insights about the industry, company culture, and what employers are looking for in interns.

     Recommendations and Referrals: A strong network can lead to recommendations and referrals, which carry weight in the hiring process.

     Personal Growth: Networking helps you develop interpersonal and communication skills, which are essential for interviews and workplace success.

     Building Your Reputation: Establishing a positive reputation in your industry can lead to long-term career benefits and connections.

4. Use Online Resources

The internet is a goldmine of information and opportunities when it comes to finding internships. It’s a vast digital landscape where you can explore countless internship listings, company profiles, and valuable career resources. 

Leveraging online resources is an essential step in your internship search, providing you with a broader scope and convenience in your quest for the right opportunity.

Steps to Use Online Resources:

     Internship Websites: Explore specialized internship websites such as Internships.com, Idealist, and Internmatch to find a wide range of internship listings.

     Company Websites: Visit the career pages of companies you’re interested in to check for internship openings directly from the source.

     LinkedIn: Utilize LinkedIn to search for internship opportunities, follow companies you’re interested in, and connect with professionals in your field.

     Online Job Boards: Don’t forget to browse general job boards like Indeed and Glassdoor, which often feature internship listings.

     Professional Networks: Join industry-specific forums and groups to access job and internship information and gain insights from professionals.


Imagine you’re a computer science student looking for a software development internship. By visiting the career page of a major tech company and setting up job alerts on LinkedIn for software development internships, you can stay updated on the latest openings and apply promptly when positions become available.

How This Tip Helps:

     Broad Search: Online resources provide access to a vast array of internship listings across various industries and locations.

     Convenience: You can search and apply for internships from the comfort of your home, making the process more efficient.

     Research Opportunities: Online resources allow you to research companies, read reviews, and gather information about their internship programs.

     Networking: Platforms like LinkedIn offer networking opportunities by connecting you with professionals in your field and potential employers.

     Stay Updated: Job alerts and notifications help you stay informed about new internship postings.

5. Apply Early

The early bird gets the worm, and this saying holds true in the world of internships. Applying early can significantly increase your chances of landing the internship you desire. 

Internship positions often fill up quickly, and companies may start reviewing applications well in advance of the internship start date.

Here’s why applying early is a vital tip:

Steps to Apply Early:

     Set a Timeline: Create a timeline for your internship search, marking application deadlines and any other relevant dates.

     Prepare Application Materials: Prepare your resume, cover letter, and any other required documents in advance.

     Monitor Job Boards: Regularly check internship listing websites and company career pages for new openings.

     Submit ASAP: Once you find a suitable internship, submit your application as soon as possible, ideally well before the deadline.


Let’s say you’re interested in a summer marketing internship, and you’ve identified several companies you’d like to work for. By applying early in the fall or winter before the internship season, you increase your chances of securing a position since companies often start their selection process months in advance.

How This Tip Helps:

     Less Competition: Applying early means fewer applicants, which can increase your chances of getting noticed.

     More Options: Early applications give you access to a wider range of internship opportunities, as many positions may close later in the application cycle.

     Demonstrates Initiative: Applying early demonstrates your enthusiasm and proactiveness, qualities that employers appreciate.

     Time for Adjustments: If you don’t secure your desired internship on the first try, applying early allows you time to adjust your strategy and apply to other opportunities.

6. Customize Your Cover Letter

Your cover letter is your opportunity to make a personal connection with potential employers and explain why you’re the perfect fit for a specific internship. 

A one-size-fits-all approach rarely works in the competitive world of internships. Tailoring your cover letter to each application can make a significant difference in catching the employer’s attention and securing that internship.

Steps to Customize Your Cover Letter:

     Research the Company: Understand the company’s mission, values, culture, and any recent news or projects.

     Highlight Relevant Skills: Identify the skills and qualifications mentioned in the internship posting and emphasize how you possess them.

     Address the Hiring Manager: Whenever possible, address your cover letter to a specific person rather than using a generic salutation.

     Tell a Story: Share a brief story or example that demonstrates your passion and qualifications for the internship.

     Explain Your Fit: Explain why you’re interested in the specific company and internship role, showcasing your enthusiasm and alignment with their goals.


Let’s say you’re applying for a marketing internship at a tech startup known for its innovative product launches. In your cover letter, you could mention your previous experience in digital marketing and highlight a specific campaign you managed that led to a significant increase in website traffic.

You’d also explain how you’re drawn to the startup’s culture of innovation and mention a recent product launch that impressed you.

How This Tip Helps:

     Demonstrates Genuine Interest: Customizing your cover letter shows that you’ve taken the time to research and are genuinely interested in the company.

     Relevance: A tailored cover letter ensures that your qualifications align with the specific requirements of the internship.

     Personal Connection: It allows you to create a personal connection with the hiring manager, making you a more memorable candidate.

     Differentiation: Customized cover letters stand out from generic ones, increasing your chances of being selected for an interview.

     Shows Effort: Tailoring your cover letter demonstrates your effort and dedication to securing the internship.

7. Prepare for Interviews

Once you’ve submitted your application and made it to the interview stage, you’re one step closer to securing that coveted internship. Interview preparation is absolutely crucial to make a strong impression and demonstrate your suitability for the role.

Here’s why and how you should prepare for interviews:

Steps to Prepare for Interviews:

     Research the Company: Understand the company’s culture, values, mission, products, and recent news.

     Practice Common Questions: Review common interview questions and practice your responses to them.

     Highlight Your Qualifications: Prepare specific examples from your resume that showcase your skills and experiences.

     Ask Questions: Prepare thoughtful questions to ask the interviewer about the company and the internship.

     Dress Professionally: Plan your outfit in advance, ensuring it’s appropriate for the company culture.

     Mock Interviews: Consider conducting mock interviews with a friend or career advisor to receive feedback.


Imagine you’re interviewing for a finance internship at an investment bank. You’ve thoroughly researched the bank’s financial services, recent market trends, and their investment philosophy.

During the interview, you confidently discuss how your coursework in finance and your experience managing a student investment portfolio demonstrate your quantitative and analytical skills, aligning perfectly with the internship requirements.

How This Tip Helps:

     Impression: Preparation helps you make a positive impression during the interview, demonstrating your commitment and interest in the position.

     Confidence: Being well-prepared boosts your confidence, allowing you to articulate your qualifications and experiences more effectively.

     Showcases Fit: It allows you to explain how your skills and experiences align with the company’s needs and culture.

     Engagement: Asking insightful questions shows that you’re engaged and genuinely interested in the internship and the company.

     Competitive Edge: A well-prepared interviewee is more likely to outshine other candidates and secure the internship.

8. Build an Online Presence

Having a strong online presence is more important than ever when it comes to landing an internship. Your online presence is a reflection of your professional identity, and it can significantly impact how potential employers perceive you. 

Here’s why and how you should build an online presence to enhance your chances of securing that internship:

Steps to Build an Online Presence:

     Create or Update LinkedIn: Set up a professional LinkedIn profile with a well-written summary, a professional photo, and a comprehensive work history.

     Share Relevant Content: Share industry-related articles, projects, or personal insights to demonstrate your knowledge and passion.

     Engage in Discussions: Join and participate in relevant LinkedIn groups and discussions to showcase your expertise and connect with professionals.

     Clean Up Your Social Media: Review and clean up your personal social media profiles to ensure they present a professional image.

     Start a Blog or Portfolio: If relevant to your field, consider starting a blog or online portfolio showcasing your work and projects.

     Connect with Industry Professionals: Connect with professionals in your chosen field on LinkedIn and engage with their content.


Suppose you’re pursuing a career in digital marketing. You create a LinkedIn profile that highlights your coursework in digital marketing, shares articles about the latest trends, and showcases a case study of a successful digital campaign you managed for a class project.

You also connect with digital marketing professionals and engage in discussions about emerging trends in the industry.

How This Tip Helps:

     Visibility: A strong online presence increases your visibility to potential employers and industry professionals.

     Credibility: Sharing industry insights and showcasing your work establishes your credibility in your field.

     Networking: It provides an avenue to connect with professionals who may have internship opportunities or valuable advice.

     Personal Branding: Building an online presence allows you to shape your personal brand and convey your unique strengths and interests.

     Differentiation: A well-crafted online presence can set you apart from other internship candidates by demonstrating your commitment and expertise.

9. Leverage Your School’s Career Services

Your school’s career services office can be an invaluable resource in your quest to secure an internship. These offices are specifically designed to help students and graduates connect with internship opportunities and provide guidance on all aspects of the job search.

Here’s why and how you should make the most of your school’s career services:

Steps to Leverage Your School’s Career Services:

     Visit the Career Center: Schedule an appointment or visit the career services office to get personalized assistance.

     Resume and Cover Letter Help: Seek help with crafting and fine-tuning your resume and cover letter to make them stand out.

     Job Search Support: Utilize their resources, which often include internship listings, job boards, and networking events.

     Mock Interviews: Take advantage of mock interview sessions to practice and improve your interview skills.

     Career Counseling: Schedule one-on-one sessions with career counselors to discuss your goals and get tailored advice.

     Workshops and Seminars: Attend career-related workshops and seminars to build your job-search skills.


Suppose you’re a psychology major looking for a research-based internship. You visit your school’s career services office and meet with a career counselor who helps you identify research internship opportunities, reviews your resume to highlight your research skills, and provides tips on how to approach potential faculty mentors.

How This Tip Helps:

     Access to Resources: Career services offices provide access to internship listings, job search tools, and other valuable resources.

     Expert Guidance: Career counselors can offer expert guidance on your internship search strategy, resume, and interview preparation.

     Networking Opportunities: Many career services offices host networking events, job fairs, and workshops that can lead to internship opportunities.

     Personalized Support: Career counselors can provide tailored advice based on your field of interest and career goals.

     Confidence Building: Utilizing career services can boost your confidence and readiness for the internship application and interview process.

10. Seek Referrals

When it comes to landing an internship, referrals can be incredibly valuable. They involve someone recommending you to a potential employer based on their firsthand knowledge of your skills and qualifications.

Seeking referrals is an effective way to tap into your existing network and increase your chances of getting noticed by internship recruiters. Here’s why and how you should consider seeking referrals:

Steps to Seek Referrals:

     Identify Potential Referrers: Think about professors, classmates, family friends, or anyone in your network who may have connections in your desired field.

     Reach Out: Approach potential referrers and explain your interest in securing an internship. Ask if they’d be willing to refer you or introduce you to someone who can help.

     Provide Relevant Information: Share your resume, cover letter, and any other materials that can help the referrer understand your qualifications.

     Follow Up: After receiving a referral, keep the referrer updated on your progress and express your gratitude for their assistance.


Imagine you’re interested in a finance internship, and your finance professor is well-connected in the industry. You approach your professor during office hours, express your interest in internships, and ask if they can refer you to any contacts or companies looking for interns.

Your professor agrees and connects you with a hiring manager at a financial firm where you eventually secure an internship.

How This Tip Helps:

     Credibility: Referrals vouch for your abilities and qualifications, making you a more attractive candidate.

     Access to Hidden Opportunities: Referrers may have access to unadvertised internship positions or insider information.

     Networking: Seeking referrals can expand your professional network, providing you with valuable connections in your chosen field.

     Increased Chances: Employers often prioritize candidates who come recommended by trusted sources, giving you a competitive edge.

     Confidence Boost: Knowing someone believes in your capabilities can boost your confidence during the application and interview process.

11. Volunteer or Freelance

Sometimes, securing a traditional internship can be challenging, especially if you lack experience or face tough competition. In such cases, volunteering or freelancing can be a strategic alternative.

These experiences not only provide valuable skills but also enhance your resume and increase your chances of securing future internships or employment. Here’s why and how you should consider volunteering or freelancing:

Steps to Volunteer or Freelance:

     Identify Opportunities: Look for non-profit organizations, community projects, or freelance gigs in your field of interest.

     Offer Your Skills: Approach these opportunities with a willingness to contribute your skills and knowledge.

     Build a Portfolio: Use volunteer or freelance work to build a portfolio of projects that demonstrate your abilities.

     Network: While volunteering or freelancing, you can network with professionals who may offer further opportunities.

     Learn and Grow: Embrace these experiences as opportunities to learn and grow, even if they are unpaid.


Imagine you’re passionate about web development but haven’t been able to secure a web development internship yet. You volunteer to build a website for a local non-profit organization.

Through this experience, you develop a portfolio showcasing your web development skills. Later, when you apply for a paid internship, you have a tangible project to demonstrate your abilities, giving you a competitive edge.

How This Tip Helps:

     Build Experience: Volunteering or freelancing allows you to gain practical experience and develop skills.

     Enhances Your Resume: These experiences can significantly enhance your resume and make you a more attractive candidate for internships.

     Networking: You can connect with professionals in your field who may later offer you internship opportunities.

     Demonstrates Initiative: Volunteering or freelancing shows potential employers that you’re proactive and committed to gaining relevant experience.

     Opens Doors: Successful volunteer or freelance experiences can lead to paid internships or job offers in the future.

12. Be Persistent

Persistence is a valuable trait when it comes to securing an internship. The path to landing the perfect internship can be filled with challenges, setbacks, and rejections. 

But, by staying persistent and resilient, you can increase your chances of success. Here’s why and how you should embrace persistence as a tip to get an internship:

Steps to Be Persistent:

     Set Realistic Expectations: Understand that the internship search can be competitive and may take time.

     Stay Consistent: Continue searching and applying for opportunities regularly, even if you face initial rejections.

     Seek Feedback: After rejections, politely ask for feedback to understand areas where you can improve.

     Learn and Adapt: Use rejection as a chance to learn and adapt your approach, whether it’s refining your resume or enhancing interview skills.

     Stay Positive: Maintain a positive attitude throughout the process, believing that the right opportunity will come your way.


Suppose you’re an engineering student aiming for a summer internship at a prestigious aerospace company. You apply to multiple positions but face rejection after rejection. Instead of giving up, you reach out to a few hiring managers to ask for feedback.

You take their advice seriously, work on improving your interview skills, and continue applying to relevant positions. Finally, your persistence pays off when you secure an internship at a well-known aerospace company.

How This Tip Helps:

     Increases Opportunities: Being persistent increases the number of opportunities you can access.

     Demonstrates Determination: Employers often admire candidates who demonstrate determination and resilience.

     Continuous Improvement: Persistence allows you to learn from setbacks and continually improve your approach.

     Builds Confidence: Overcoming rejections and challenges can boost your self-confidence, making you a stronger candidate.

     Eventual Success: Ultimately, persistence can lead to the internship you’ve been working hard to secure.

13. Follow Up

Following up is a crucial step in the internship application process that many candidates tend to overlook. It’s about showing your continued interest and professionalism after you’ve submitted your application or had an interview.

Following up not only keeps you on the radar of potential employers but also demonstrates your enthusiasm for the position. Here’s why and how you should incorporate follow-ups into your strategy for getting an internship:

Steps to Follow Up:

     Thank-You Email: After an interview or application submission, send a polite thank-you email expressing your gratitude for the opportunity to apply or interview.

     Check-In Periodically: If you haven’t heard back within the expected timeframe, send a polite follow-up email inquiring about the status of your application.

     Provide Updates: If you’ve made significant progress or achieved relevant milestones (e.g., completed a relevant course or certification), share this information with the employer.

     Maintain Professionalism: Keep your follow-up emails professional and concise, avoiding excessive pressure or impatience.


After interviewing for a marketing internship, you send a personalized thank-you email to the hiring manager. However, weeks pass without any response. At this point, you decide to send a polite follow-up email inquiring about the status of your application.

In your email, you also mention that you’ve completed a relevant digital marketing certification since your interview, which could strengthen your qualifications for the role.

How This Tip Helps:

     Keeps You Top-of-Mind: Following up ensures you remain on the radar of potential employers, especially in competitive job markets.

     Demonstrates Interest: It shows your genuine interest in the position and the company, which can be a positive factor in decision-making.

     Provides Updates: You can use follow-ups to share any additional qualifications or achievements that make you a stronger candidate.

     Professionalism: It’s an opportunity to display your professionalism and communication skills.

     Clarifies Status: Following up can provide clarity on the status of your application, helping you manage your expectations and plan accordingly.

14. Consider Alternative Options

While securing a traditional internship is a popular route, it’s important to remember that alternative options can be equally valuable and sometimes even more accessible.

These alternatives can provide you with valuable experiences, skills, and connections that enhance your resume and increase your chances of landing your dream internship in the future. Here’s why and how you should consider alternative options as part of your strategy to get an internship:

Steps to Consider Alternative Options:

     Look for Remote or Virtual Internships: Consider remote or virtual internships, especially if you’re facing geographic constraints or limited opportunities in your area.

     Explore Part-Time or Freelance Work: Part-time jobs or freelance work in your field of interest can provide relevant experience and connections.

     Seek Volunteer Opportunities: Volunteering for causes or organizations related to your field can be a meaningful way to gain skills and build your resume.

     Participate in Clubs or Student Organizations: Join clubs or student organizations that align with your career goals. They often provide leadership opportunities and hands-on experience.

     Attend Workshops and Webinars: Participate in industry-specific workshops, webinars, and online courses to expand your knowledge and network.


Suppose you’re a journalism student aiming for a summer internship at a prestigious news organization, but you haven’t been successful in securing one. As an alternative, you join a local community newspaper as a freelance writer, covering local events and stories.

This experience not only improves your writing skills but also gives you published articles to add to your portfolio, making you a stronger candidate for future journalism internships.

How This Tip Helps:

     Build Skills: Alternative options offer opportunities to develop relevant skills and experiences.

     Expands Network: They provide chances to network with professionals in your chosen field.

     Enhances Resume: These experiences can significantly enhance your resume, making you a more attractive candidate for internships.

     Demonstrates Initiative: Pursuing alternative options demonstrates your commitment and determination to gain relevant experience.

     Increases Confidence: Successfully completing alternative options can boost your confidence and readiness for internships.

15. Develop Relevant Skills

One of the most effective ways to stand out in the competitive internship landscape is by continuously developing relevant skills. Internship recruiters often look for candidates who not only meet the qualifications but also show potential for growth and adaptability.

Developing these skills not only increases your chances of securing an internship but also prepares you for success in your chosen field. Here’s why and how you should focus on developing relevant skills:

Steps to Develop Relevant Skills:

     Identify Key Skills: Research the skills most sought after in your desired industry or field.

     Take Courses: Enroll in courses, both online and in-person, that can help you acquire these skills.

     Hands-On Practice: Seek opportunities to apply these skills in real-world settings, such as internships, freelance work, or personal projects.

     Networking and Mentoring: Connect with professionals who can provide guidance and mentorship to help you develop these skills.

     Continuous Learning: Stay updated with industry trends and emerging technologies to remain competitive.


Suppose you’re interested in a career in digital marketing. You identify key skills like search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, and data analytics as crucial in the field. You start by taking online courses and earning certifications in SEO and content marketing.

To gain hands-on experience, you volunteer to manage the social media accounts of a local nonprofit organization, using data analytics tools to measure the impact of your efforts. You also connect with a digital marketing professional who becomes your mentor, offering guidance on how to excel in the field.

How This Tip Helps:

     Skill Competency: Developing relevant skills makes you a more competitive candidate.

     Adaptability: It prepares you to adapt to changing industry demands and technologies.

     Confidence: Skill development boosts your confidence in interviews and on the job.

     Differentiation: It sets you apart from other candidates who may have similar qualifications but lack specific skills.

     Long-Term Success: Building a strong skillset not only helps you secure internships but also positions you for success in your career.

16. Be Flexible

Flexibility is a valuable quality when seeking an internship. While having specific preferences and goals is important, being open to adjustments in your plans can broaden your opportunities and increase your chances of finding the right internship fit. Here’s why and how you should embrace flexibility as a tip to get an internship:

Steps to Be Flexible:

     Consider Different Locations: Be willing to explore internship opportunities in different geographic locations, not just in your immediate area.

     Open to Various Industries: Be open to internships in different industries or sectors that may align with your skills and interests.

     Adapt to Different Roles: Consider roles that may not perfectly match your initial expectations but still offer relevant experience.

     Accommodate Timing: Be flexible with the timing of your internship, considering both full-time and part-time options, or even internships during non-traditional seasons.

     Stay Open-Minded: Keep an open mind and be willing to learn new things and adapt to different work environments.


Let’s say you’re a marketing major who initially wanted a summer internship with a well-known advertising agency in a major city. However, after several applications and interviews without success, you expand your search.

You come across a smaller marketing firm in a nearby town offering a remote internship opportunity for the fall semester. While it’s not what you initially planned, you decide to give it a shot. This internship ultimately provides you with valuable hands-on experience and opportunities to take on more responsibilities.

How This Tip Helps:

     Expands Opportunities: Flexibility opens doors to a wider range of internship opportunities.

     Broadens Experience: It can lead to diverse experiences that enrich your skillset.

     Increases Chances: Being open to different options increases your chances of securing an internship.

     Adaptable: Flexibility demonstrates your adaptability, a valuable trait in the workplace.

     Aligns with Career Growth: Embracing flexibility early on in your career can set a positive tone for future growth and adaptability.

Final Thoughts

In your quest to secure that perfect internship, remember that the journey can be both exciting and challenging. These tips to get an internship are more than just pieces of advice; they’re strategic tools to help you navigate the competitive internship landscape and stand out from the crowd.

Each tip plays a unique role in enhancing your chances, from setting clear goals and crafting a standout resume to staying flexible and persistent in your pursuit. By approaching your internship search with a well-rounded strategy, you not only increase your chances of finding the right opportunity but also develop valuable skills and experiences along the way.

Think of this process as an investment in your future. The skills you acquire, the connections you make, and the lessons you learn will not only help you secure an internship but also prepare you for a successful career.

In the end, landing that dream internship is about showcasing your passion, dedication, and determination. Don’t be discouraged by setbacks or rejections. Instead, use them as opportunities for growth and learning.

The journey is just as important as the destination, and the skills and experiences you gain along the way will ultimately shape your path to success. So, stay focused, keep an open mind, and embrace the adventure of finding the internship that’s right for you. Your future self will thank you for it.

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