20 Best Reading Jobs For People Who Love Reading

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Reading jobs for people offer diverse and engaging opportunities to transform their passion for literature into fulfilling careers. From becoming book critics who evaluate and analyze written works to script readers identifying captivating narratives, these roles harness the magic of storytelling.

Through literacy scouts discovering the next literary gem and political scientists researching textual trends, the world of reading jobs provides avenues for individuals to connect with written words on a professional level, fostering a deeper appreciation for the art of communication.

For individuals seeking reading jobs, the realm of possibilities extends to English literature professors nurturing the next generation of literary enthusiasts, and grant writers crafting persuasive narratives for funding support. 

In this article, we have listed 20 careers for people who love books. These careers are best jobs where you read for a living and at the same time earn salaries. Paralegals assist in legal research and document preparation, while archivists preserve historical records that whisper tales of the past.

Whether as podcasters sharing stories through audio or researchers unearthing new insights through words, these roles highlight the diverse ways in which people can immerse themselves in the world of reading, offering a rich tapestry of career paths for those who cherish the written word.


Careers for readers hold significant importance in our ever-evolving society. Reading is not merely a skill but a gateway to knowledge, critical thinking, and continuous learning.

Individuals who embrace reading as a central part of their careers often possess a broader perspective, enhanced problem-solving abilities, and the adaptability needed to navigate diverse professional landscapes.

Whether in academia, journalism, or business, a strong foundation in reading equips individuals to absorb, analyze, and communicate complex information effectively.

That’s why, the careers for readers are pivotal as they contribute to fostering a workforce that is intellectually agile and capable of thriving in a world where information is abundant and constantly changing.

The impact of careers for readers extends beyond personal development to societal enrichment. Professionals who prioritize reading often become thought leaders, influencers, and catalysts for positive change.

They play a crucial role in disseminating information, shaping public discourse, and challenging prevailing norms. In a world inundated with information, individuals with reading-centric careers act as guides, helping others navigate the vast sea of knowledge and encouraging a culture of continuous learning.

Ultimately, careers for readers are not only about personal growth but also about fostering a more informed, innovative, and interconnected global community. That’s why we have brought twenty jobs for people who like reading.

20 Reading Jobs For People

If spending your Saturday night in comfy pyjamas, engrossed in a book, sounds ideal to you, then the notion of crafting a career around your passion for reading might have crossed your mind.

The exciting news is that your aspiration of a dream job or jobs if you love reading need not remain mere wishful thinking. Indeed, it’s entirely possible to earn an income and make a living by indulging in your love for reading.

When we see the jobs for readers and in fact there are plenty of jobs for people who like to read. Few of the examples of the jobs if you like reading include: script reader, editor, librarian, podcaster, publishing assistant, and so on.

Although donning pyjamas at work might not be on the table, there are several occupations that generously reward your dedication to what you adore.

If you are looking for reading career jobs then the below list is the one that contains, the best careers for people who like to read. If you’re really committed to transforming your reading passion into a lifelong career, then continue reading ahead!

Below, you’ll find a list of 20 reading jobs that are considered as best careers for people who love reading.

  1. Lawyer
  2. Political Scientist
  3. Script Reader
  4. Literacy Scout
  5. English Literature Professor
  6. Literacy Translator
  7. Book Packager
  8. Author
  9. Grant Writer
  10. Archivist
  11. Editor
  12. Podcaster
  13. Book Critic
  14. Librarian
  15. Paralegal
  16. Literacy Agent
  17. Researcher
  18. Publishing Assistant
  19. Proofreader
  20. Bookseller

Twenty reading jobs for people who love reading and have the habits of reading. 

20 reading jobs who have reading habits:

1. Lawyer

Average hourly wage: $61.54

Lawyers job is one of the best reading jobs and careers for people who love to read. As a lawyer, you not only keep reading books but also earn an average salary of around $96,811 per year.  

What do Lawyers do?:

Lawyers, often referred to as attorneys, play a crucial role in the legal system by providing legal advice, representing clients, and advocating on their behalf. Their responsibilities encompass a wide range of tasks, from conducting legal research and analyzing statutes to preparing legal documents and negotiating settlements.

Lawyers frequently specialize in various areas of law, such as criminal, civil, corporate, family, or environmental law, tailoring their expertise to the specific needs of their clients. They are the intermediaries between individuals, organizations, and the complex legal framework, ensuring that their clients’ rights are protected and upheld within the boundaries of the law.

One of the primary functions of lawyers is to represent their clients in court. This involves presenting arguments, examining witnesses, and cross-examining opposing witnesses to build a persuasive case.

Beyond the courtroom, lawyers engage in extensive legal research to interpret laws, precedents, and regulations applicable to their cases. They also engage in negotiations and mediation, seeking to settle disputes outside of court whenever possible.

Lawyers’ roles extend beyond legal expertise; they often serve as counsellors, guiding clients through complex legal processes, advising them on potential risks, and offering insights into the best courses of action to achieve desired outcomes.

How to become a Lawyer?:

Becoming a lawyer entails a combination of education, training, and licensure. The journey to becoming a lawyer typically begins with earning a bachelor’s degree in any field, followed by completing a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from an accredited law school.

Admittance into law school usually requires a competitive Law School Admission Test (LSAT) score, along with a strong academic record and letters of recommendation. During law school, aspiring lawyers delve into various legal subjects, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the law’s intricacies and principles.

Practical experience through internships, moot court competitions, and legal clinics also play a significant role in preparing them for real-world legal practice.

Upon earning a J.D., prospective lawyers must pass the bar exam in the jurisdiction they intend to practice. Bar exams evaluate an individual’s knowledge of the law and legal procedures specific to that jurisdiction.

Successfully passing the bar exam grants candidates the necessary licensure to practice law within that state or jurisdiction. After becoming licensed, some lawyers choose to further specialize by pursuing advanced degrees, such as Master of Laws (LL.M.) or Doctor of Juridical Science (S.J.D.), to gain expertise in specific areas of law.

The path to becoming a lawyer demands dedication, rigorous study, and a passion for justice, culminating in a rewarding career that involves advocating for clients and upholding the principles of the legal system.

2. Political Scientist

Average hourly wage: $58.90

What do Political Scientists do?

If you are looking for jobs that involve reading, then political scientist is the best reading job for you. Political scientists are experts who study and analyze political systems, governments, and political behavior to gain insights into the complex dynamics that shape societies and nations. 

Their work spans a diverse range of topics, from examining the structures and functions of governments to analyzing the behavior of individuals and groups in the political realm.

Through rigorous research, political scientists strive to understand how political institutions function, how policies are formulated and implemented, and how different actors interact within the political landscape. They may also delve into areas such as international relations, public policy, political philosophy, and comparative politics, seeking to provide valuable insights that inform decision-making at local, national, and global levels.

One significant aspect of a political scientist’s role is conducting research and collecting data on political phenomena. This research can involve studying historical documents, analyzing statistical data, conducting surveys and interviews, and using various methodologies to uncover patterns and trends.

Political scientists then use their findings to develop theories, models, and explanations that shed light on political behaviour, government actions, and the impact of policies. Their work contributes to a deeper understanding of political systems, aids in predicting potential outcomes, and provides guidance to policymakers, institutions, and citizens as they navigate the complexities of the political landscape.

How to become a Political Scientist?

Becoming a political scientist involves a deliberate path of education, specialization, and engagement. Start by earning a bachelor’s degree in political science or a related field. This foundational education introduces you to the theories, systems, and dynamics of politics.

Engage in coursework that covers areas like comparative politics, international relations, research methods, and public policy. Developing strong analytical, research, and communication skills during your undergraduate years will serve as a solid foundation for your future endeavors.

Consider pursuing advanced education to deepen your expertise. A master’s or doctoral degree in political science can provide opportunities for specialization and original research. During your studies, focus on a specific area of interest within political science, whether it’s electoral systems, public opinion, international conflict, or policy analysis.

Engage in internships, research projects, and collaborations to gain practical experience and build a portfolio showcasing your work. Attend conferences and seminars to connect with fellow scholars and professionals, expanding your network in the field.

By combining education, focused research, practical engagement, and networking, you can navigate a fulfilling journey towards becoming a political scientist, contributing to the understanding of political structures, policies, and global affairs.

3. Script Reader

Average hourly wage: $43.00

Script reader can be considered as one of the best among jobs involving reading books. Having this job not only allows you to read books but also helps you to fulfill your dreams of careers in reading jobs.

What do Script Readers do?:

Script readers, often employed by production companies, studios, or literary agencies, play a critical role in evaluating scripts for potential films, TV shows, or other media projects. Their primary responsibility is to review screenplays, manuscripts, and other written material submitted for consideration.

Script readers assess the narrative structure, character development, dialogue, and overall storytelling quality of these submissions. Through their evaluations, they determine whether a script has the potential to resonate with audiences and meet the creative and commercial goals of the organization they work for.

In addition to analyzing the creative aspects of a script, script readers also assess its marketability and feasibility. They consider factors like target audience appeal, genre trends, and production budget considerations.

Based on their evaluations, script readers provide detailed feedback and recommendations to decision-makers, helping them make informed choices about which projects to pursue or develop further.

The insights offered by script readers are instrumental in shaping the creative direction of media projects and ensuring that only the most promising and well-crafted stories move forward in the competitive entertainment industry.

How to become a Script Reader?:

Becoming a script reader requires a blend of literary insight, analytical skills, and industry knowledge. To embark on this career path, start by cultivating a deep appreciation for storytelling and an understanding of scriptwriting principles.

Engage in reading a wide range of scripts, including screenplays and manuscripts for various genres, to develop your ability to identify compelling narratives, well-developed characters, and effective dialogue.

Educational background is crucial; while there’s no fixed degree requirement, a bachelor’s degree in film studies, literature, creative writing, or a related field can provide a strong foundation. Courses that cover script analysis, storytelling, and film theory can be particularly valuable.

Practical experience is equally important, so consider taking internships or entry-level positions at production companies, film festivals, or literary agencies. This will expose you to the industry dynamics and give you a chance to learn from experienced professionals.

Cultivate your skills in script analysis by practicing the art of providing constructive feedback. Develop the ability to evaluate plot structure, character arcs, pacing, and dialogue critically.

As you gain experience, you can create a portfolio showcasing your script evaluations and recommendations. Networking within the entertainment industry is also essential. Attend industry events, workshops, and film festivals to connect with filmmakers, writers, and industry insiders.

Building a strong network can open doors to opportunities as a script reader or other related roles. Ultimately, honing your storytelling instincts, combining educational knowledge with practical experience, and staying well-connected within the industry will pave the way for a fulfilling career as a script reader.

4. Literacy Scout

Average hourly wage: $39.07

What do Literacy Scouts do?:

Literacy scouts, also known as reading scouts or literary scouts, are professionals who play a pivotal role in the publishing and entertainment industries. Their primary responsibility is to identify potential books, manuscripts, or literary properties that have the potential for adaptation into films, TV shows, or other media projects.

These scouts have a keen eye for compelling stories, unique concepts, and emerging literary trends. They scour a wide range of sources, including novels, short stories, articles, and even unpublished manuscripts, seeking out material that could capture audiences’ attention across different mediums.

Once a potential literary property is identified, literacy scouts provide detailed evaluations and recommendations to publishers, agents, or production companies. They analyze the narrative structure, characters, themes, and marketability of the work, offering insights into its potential for successful adaptation.

Their role involves a delicate balance of creativity and market understanding, as they need to identify stories that not only have artistic merit but also align with the preferences and demands of the entertainment industry.

Literacy scouts act as a bridge between the literary and entertainment worlds, contributing to the selection of material that eventually becomes beloved films, TV series, or other media projects.

How to become a Literacy Scout?:

Becoming a literary scout requires a unique blend of passion for storytelling, keen observation skills, and a deep understanding of the publishing and entertainment industries. To embark on this career path, start by cultivating an extensive reading habit across various genres and forms of writing.

Develop a knack for identifying stories with strong potential for adaptation into films, TV shows, or other media. Engaging with literary works, both established and emerging, will help you refine your instincts for what resonates with audiences.

Formal education is valuable but doesn’t necessarily require a specific degree. A bachelor’s degree in literature, English, media studies, or a related field can provide a strong foundation. However, what truly matters are your ability to recognize compelling narratives and trends that could translate well across different mediums.

Internships or entry-level positions in publishing houses, literary agencies, or production companies can offer invaluable hands-on experience in the industry. Here, you can learn about the scouting process, gain insight into industry dynamics, and build relationships within the field.

Practice your evaluation skills by regularly reviewing and analyzing literary works. Pay attention to storytelling elements, character development, and themes that could capture an audience’s imagination.

As you develop your expertise, consider creating a portfolio showcasing your scouting evaluations and recommendations. Networking is also crucial; attend book fairs, industry events, and film festivals to connect with publishers, agents, producers, and fellow scouts.

Building a strong network can open doors to opportunities as a literacy scout, helping you turn your passion for reading into a rewarding career identifying the next big literary-to-screen adaptations.

5. English Literature Professor

Average hourly wage: $37.14

What do English Literature Professors do?:

English Literature Professors play a pivotal role in higher education by sharing their deep knowledge and passion for literature with students. They teach courses that span various periods, genres, and authors, helping students develop critical thinking skills, analyze literary works, and understand the cultural and historical contexts that shape them.

Professors guide discussions, lead seminars, and assign readings to foster an appreciation for classic and contemporary literature. They also contribute to academic research through publishing articles, books, and papers that add new insights to the field.

English Literature Professors mentor students, providing guidance on research projects, offering career advice, and nurturing the next generation of literary scholars and enthusiasts. Jobs with reading skills can become to choose an English’s literature professor.

How to become English Literature Professor?:

Becoming an English Literature Professor involves a comprehensive academic journey. Start by obtaining a bachelor’s degree in English or a related field, focusing on a diverse range of literary works and critical theories. Pursuing a master’s degree in English Literature can deepen your understanding of the subject.

However, to become a professor, a doctoral degree (Ph.D.) in English Literature is typically required. During your doctoral studies, specialize in a specific area of literature, engage in original research, and contribute to scholarly conversations through publications and presentations.

Gain teaching experience by assisting professors, leading discussions, and designing your own courses. As you progress, seek tenure-track positions at colleges or universities, where you’ll engage in teaching, research, and mentorship, leaving a lasting impact on both the field of literature and the students you guide.

6. Literacy Translator

Average hourly wage: $36.75

What do Literacy Translators do?:

Literary translators are skilled linguists who bridge cultures by translating literary works, such as novels, poems, and short stories, from one language to another while preserving the nuances, style, and artistic essence of the original text. 

Their role is to capture not only the literal meaning but also the emotional depth and cultural context of the work, ensuring that the translated version resonates with readers in the target language.

Literary translators are artists in their own right, carefully selecting words, phrases, and expressions to recreate the author’s voice and maintain the integrity of the work. Their expertise lies not just in linguistic proficiency but also in a profound understanding of the cultural and historical factors that shape the original piece, enabling them to craft translations that evoke the same emotional impact and intellectual richness as the source material.

How to become a Literacy Translator?:

Becoming a literary translator requires a deep appreciation for language, culture, and storytelling. Start by becoming proficient in at least two languages, typically your native language and a language you wish to translate from.

Immerse yourself in the literary works of both languages to develop a nuanced understanding of their structures and idioms. Pursue formal education in translation studies, literature, or a related field to gain insights into translation techniques, cultural context, and linguistic nuances.

Practical experience is key; begin by translating shorter texts, such as poems or short stories, to hone your skills and build a portfolio. Collaborate with other translators, attend workshops, and seek mentorship from experienced professionals to learn from their insights and experiences.

Cultivate patience and dedication, as literary translation requires meticulous attention to detail and the ability to capture the essence of the original work while adapting it for a new audience. As you gain expertise and confidence, explore opportunities to work with publishers, agents, or cultural organizations, sharing your passion for languages and literature through your transformative translations.

7. Book Packager

Average hourly wage: $35.68

What do Book Packagers do?:

Book packagers are creative professionals who play a pivotal role in the publishing industry by conceiving, developing, and producing original book projects. Working as a bridge between authors and publishers, they generate ideas for books, create detailed outlines or manuscripts, and then collaborate with authors, illustrators, and designers to bring these concepts to life.

Book packagers often specialize in specific genres or age groups, such as children’s books, young adult fiction, non-fiction, or educational materials. They oversee various aspects of the book’s creation, from content development and editing to design and layout, ensuring that the final product aligns with the intended vision and meets market demands.

Book packagers leverage their creative expertise and market insights to produce engaging, commercially viable titles that resonate with readers and contribute to the ever-evolving landscape of literature.

How to become a Book Packager?

Becoming a book packager involves a blend of creative flair, project management skills, and industry knowledge. Start by developing a deep understanding of the publishing landscape and identifying the genres or age groups that align with your interests and strengths.

Cultivate a network within the industry by attending literary events, book fairs, and connecting with publishers, agents, authors, and illustrators. Gaining experience in related fields, such as writing, editing, design, or illustration, can provide valuable insights into the different aspects of book production.

Build a portfolio that showcases your creative abilities and project management skills. This can include mock-ups, concept outlines, and samples of your work. Collaborate with other professionals in the field to gain practical experience and broaden your understanding of the book packaging process.

As you develop a reputation for creativity and innovation, consider forming partnerships or freelance collaborations with publishers or authors. The role of a book packager requires a unique blend of creativity, industry savvy, and strong communication skills to bring diverse literary projects to fruition and contribute to the dynamic world of publishing.

8. Author

Average hourly wage: $33.42

What do Authors do?:

Authors are creative visionaries who craft narratives, stories, and content that capture the imagination of readers. Their role involves conceptualizing characters, plots, and settings, and then bringing them to life through written expression.

Authors meticulously choose words, structure sentences, and build dialogues to convey emotions, evoke reactions, and transport readers into diverse worlds. Beyond storytelling, authors conduct research, draft and revise their work, and collaborate with editors and publishers to refine their manuscripts.

Whether creating novels, short stories, non-fiction books, or other forms of written expression, authors use their words to entertain, educate, inspire, and provoke thought, leaving a lasting impact on readers’ lives and the literary landscape.

How to become an Author?:

Becoming an author is a journey that begins with a passion for storytelling and a dedication to honing your craft. Start by reading widely across genres and styles to develop an understanding of narrative techniques and storytelling dynamics.

Cultivate a regular writing practice, setting aside time to pen your ideas, stories, and thoughts. Experiment with different genres and writing styles to discover your unique voice and creative strengths. Embrace feedback and critique from peers, writing groups, or mentors, as it can help you refine your work and identify areas for improvement.

Consider formal education in creative writing, literature, or related fields to gain a deeper understanding of literary techniques and narrative structure. Alternatively, many successful authors are self-taught through their extensive reading and writing experiences. As you create a body of work, start submitting your manuscripts to literary magazines, contests, or publishers.

Rejection is part of the journey, but persistence is key. With a strong portfolio and a compelling manuscript, you can also explore self-publishing options that empower you to share your stories directly with readers. Becoming an author requires perseverance, creativity, and a willingness to learn and evolve as you embark on a fulfilling journey of self-expression and storytelling.

9. Grant Writer

Average hourly wage: $31.97

What do Grant Writers do?:

Grant writers are skilled professionals who research, prepare, and write compelling proposals seeking financial support from organizations, foundations, or government agencies. Their role involves understanding the needs and objectives of their clients, identifying suitable grant opportunities, and crafting persuasive narratives that highlight the project’s goals, impact, and alignment with the funder’s priorities.

Grant writers navigate intricate application processes, ensuring that proposals meet specific guidelines and requirements. Through their expertise, they facilitate the acquisition of funds for diverse projects, ranging from nonprofit initiatives to research endeavors, contributing to the success and sustainability of organizations and initiatives that rely on external funding.

How to become a Grant Writer?:

To become a grant writer, start by cultivating strong research and writing skills. Acquire a deep understanding of the grant application process by studying guidelines and requirements from various funding sources.

Consider formal education in fields such as communications, nonprofit management, or public administration to gain relevant knowledge. Practical experience is essential, so intern or volunteer with nonprofits, research institutions, or community organizations to learn about grant writing firsthand.

Build a portfolio of writing samples and successful grant applications to showcase your expertise. Networking within the nonprofit sector can also open doors to opportunities, allowing you to apply your skills to help organizations secure funding for their important initiatives.

10. Archivist

Average hourly wage: $30.76

What do Archivists do?:

Archivists are professionals who curate, preserve, and manage historical records, documents, and collections of cultural significance. They play a vital role in organizing and maintaining archives, ensuring that valuable materials are safeguarded and accessible for research, education, and historical preservation.

Archivists catalog and digitize materials, develop systems for efficient retrieval, and work to maintain the integrity of documents through proper storage and conservation methods. Their expertise bridges the past and the present, facilitating the exploration of historical narratives, genealogical research, and the documentation of societal evolution.

Through their diligent efforts, archivists contribute to the preservation of our collective heritage and the dissemination of knowledge across generations.

How to become an Archivist?:

To become an archivist, start by pursuing a bachelor’s degree in history, library science, or a related field to develop a solid foundation in research and documentation. Acquire relevant knowledge through coursework in archival studies, preservation techniques, and cataloging methods.

Practical experience is essential; consider internships or entry-level positions in libraries, museums, or archives to gain hands-on exposure to archival work. Pursuing a master’s degree in library and information science or archival studies can enhance your expertise and job prospects.

Develop strong organizational skills, attention to detail, and a deep appreciation for historical preservation. Networking within the archival community, attending workshops, and staying updated on industry standards will help you connect with professionals and stay informed about best practices. Becoming an archivist requires dedication to preserving history, fostering accessibility, and contributing to the preservation and understanding of our cultural heritage.

11. Editor

Average hourly wage: $30.46

What do Editors do?:

Editors are professionals responsible for refining written content to ensure clarity, coherence, and accuracy. They review manuscripts, articles, or documents for grammar, punctuation, and style consistency. Editors collaborate with authors to enhance the overall structure, organization, and flow of the content.

They may suggest revisions, rewrites, or deletions to improve readability and convey the intended message effectively. Editors also ensure that content adheres to specific guidelines, such as formatting requirements or publication standards.

If you are looking for careers with reading skills then becoming an editor is the best job that one can choose. Whether working in publishing, journalism, or other industries, editors play a crucial role in shaping content that resonates with audiences and meets the highest standards of quality and professionalism.

How to become an Editor?:

To become an editor, start by honing your writing and language skills through a bachelor’s degree in English, journalism, or a related field. Gain practical experience by writing, editing, or working for school publications, blogs, or community newsletters.

Cultivate a strong attention to detail, grammar rules, and style guidelines commonly used in the publishing industry. Pursuing internships or entry-level positions at newspapers, magazines, publishing houses, or online platforms can provide valuable hands-on experience.

Consider earning a master’s degree in journalism, communications, or a specific field of interest to enhance your expertise and job prospects. As you build your portfolio, showcase your editing skills and diverse range of projects.

Networking within the writing and publishing community, attending workshops, and staying current with industry trends will help you connect with professionals and stay informed about best practices. 

Becoming an editor can be considered as the best jobs that involve reading books. Becoming an editor requires a passion for refining written content and an unwavering commitment to delivering high-quality, polished work.

12. Podcaster

Average hourly wage: $30.00

What do Podcasters do?:

Podcasters create, produce, and host audio content that covers a wide range of topics, from news and storytelling to interviews and educational discussions. They conceptualize episodes, write scripts, record audio, and edit the content to ensure high-quality production.

Podcasters use their unique voices and perspectives to engage listeners, sharing insights, information, and entertainment through this increasingly popular medium. They often interview guests, conduct research, and stay current on relevant trends to deliver engaging and informative episodes that cater to their target audience. Whether producing solo or as part of a team, podcasters contribute to a diverse and dynamic audio landscape that reaches global audiences.

How to become a Podcaster?:

To become a podcaster, begin by selecting a topic you’re passionate about and that resonates with a target audience. Plan your content, outlining episode ideas and structures. Invest in recording equipment, such as microphones and headphones, to ensure high-quality audio.

Create a recording space with minimal background noise. Record your episodes, speaking naturally and confidently. Edit the audio to remove any mistakes or distractions, enhancing the overall quality. Choose a podcast hosting platform to upload your episodes and distribute them to major podcast directories.

Design cover art and write engaging episode descriptions to attract listeners. Promote your podcast through social media, online communities, and collaborations to expand your audience. Consistency is key; release episodes regularly to keep listeners engaged and build a loyal following. As you refine your skills and gain experience, your podcasting journey can evolve into a meaningful and creative endeavor.

13. Book Critic

Average hourly wage: $30.32

What do Book Critics do?:

Book critics evaluate and analyze literary works, offering insights, reviews, and critiques that help readers make informed decisions about what to read. They read and assess books across different genres, providing thoughtful assessments of writing style, character development, plot structure, and thematic depth.

Book critics often write reviews for newspapers, magazines, websites, or their own platforms, sharing their opinions on the merits and shortcomings of the books they’ve read.

Their analyses contribute to literary discourse, influencing readers’ choices and providing valuable feedback to authors and publishers. Book critics play a significant role in shaping public opinion about literature, sparking discussions, and highlighting noteworthy literary achievements.

How to become a Book Critic?:

To become a book critic, start by developing a deep love for reading and a keen interest in analyzing and discussing literature. Read widely across different genres and styles to broaden your perspective.

Hone your writing skills through practice, whether it’s through blogging, contributing to online platforms, or writing reviews for local publications. If you are looking for jobs for reading then becoming a book critic can be the best choice for you.

Create a portfolio showcasing your ability to analyze and critique books effectively. Stay informed about current literary trends and notable releases by following publishers, authors, and literary news.

14. Librarian

Average hourly wage: $29.42

What do Librarians do?:

Librarians are professionals who curate, organize, and manage libraries to provide resources, information, and services to the public. They assist patrons in finding books, articles, and other materials, guiding them in their research and reading choices.

A librarian job can be considered as the careers and  jobs involving books and reading. This is the best career if you love reading. As a librarian you not only read books but get paid for reading books by managing the library. 

Librarians catalog and classify materials, ensuring easy access and retrieval. They may also conduct educational programs, workshops, and events that promote literacy, learning, and community engagement.

Librarians stay updated on emerging technologies and digital resources, adapting libraries to the digital age while preserving the importance of physical collections. They are information specialists who contribute to fostering a culture of lifelong learning and knowledge dissemination.

How to become a Librarian?:

To become a librarian, start by earning a bachelor’s degree in library science, information science, or a related field. Gain practical experience by working in libraries, whether through internships, part-time jobs, or volunteer opportunities.

Pursue a master’s degree in library and information science to develop a deeper understanding of library management, cataloging, information retrieval, and user services. During your studies, specialize in a specific area such as academic, public, or special libraries.

Gain proficiency in technology and digital resources, as modern librarians often work with digital databases, e-books, and online research tools. Obtain any required certifications or licenses for your specialization, such as school media specialist certification for working in educational settings.

Networking within the library and information science community, attending conferences, and staying updated on industry trends will help you connect with professionals and stay informed about best practices. 

Becoming a librarian requires a commitment to serving the public, organizing information, and fostering a love for learning within your community. Becoming a librarian is one of the best jobs for people who love books as you can spend all of your life around books.

15. Paralegal

Average hourly wage: $27.03

What do Paralegals do?:

Paralegals, also known as legal assistants, work alongside lawyers to provide vital support in legal matters. They conduct research to gather relevant information, assist in drafting legal documents, and organize case files for litigation or transactions.

Paralegals may communicate with clients, witnesses, and other professionals to gather necessary information and coordinate appointments. They help lawyers prepare for trials, hearings, and meetings, ensuring all documentation is accurate and organized.

Paralegals are essential in maintaining the efficient functioning of legal practices, allowing attorneys to focus on legal strategy while relying on the paralegal’s expertise in managing details and administrative tasks.

How to become a Paralegal?:

To become a paralegal, start by earning a degree or certification in paralegal studies or a related field. These programs provide foundational knowledge in legal principles, research methods, and documentation. Gain practical experience through internships, volunteer work, or entry-level positions at law firms, government agencies, or corporate legal departments.

Develop strong communication, research, and organizational skills, as these are essential in supporting legal professionals. Consider pursuing optional certifications, such as those offered by national paralegal organizations, to enhance your expertise and job prospects.

Networking within the legal community, attending legal seminars, and staying updated on industry trends will help you connect with professionals and stay informed about best practices. Becoming a paralegal requires a dedication to supporting legal matters and maintaining the accuracy and integrity of legal documentation.

16. Literacy Agent

Average hourly wage: $25.00

What do Literacy Agents do?:

Literary agents are professionals who act as intermediaries between authors and publishers. Their role involves representing authors and their work, negotiating book deals, and advocating for favorable terms on behalf of their clients.

Literary agents review manuscripts, offer feedback to authors, and help polish submissions to enhance their marketability. They leverage their industry insights to identify suitable publishers for specific genres and audiences.

Literary agents also handle contract negotiations, ensuring that authors receive fair compensation and retain their creative rights. Their expertise in the publishing landscape helps authors navigate the complexities of the industry while connecting them with opportunities to share their work with readers worldwide.

How to become a Literacy Agent?:

To become a literary agent, start by developing a deep understanding of the publishing industry and a keen eye for compelling writing. Earn a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field such as English, literature, or communications to build a strong foundation in writing and storytelling.

Gain practical experience by interning or working in publishing houses, literary agencies, or related organizations to learn about the industry dynamics. Becoming a literacy agent can be considered as the best jobs where you read books.

Cultivate strong networking skills by attending literary events, book fairs, and writer conferences to connect with authors, editors, and fellow agents. Consider pursuing a master’s degree in publishing or a related field to enhance your knowledge and credentials.

17. Researcher

Average hourly wage: $22.72

What do Researchers do?:

Researchers are professionals who investigate and explore various subjects to gather information, analyze data, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge. They design experiments, surveys, or studies to answer specific questions or address research hypotheses.

Researchers collect and analyze data, often using specialized tools or software, to draw conclusions and uncover new insights. Researchers are the best jobs for people who like books as it allows people to keep reading books and make money for living.

They communicate their findings through research papers, presentations, and reports, contributing to their respective fields by expanding the collective understanding of various topics. Researchers play a critical role in pushing the boundaries of knowledge and driving innovation across disciplines.

How to become a Researcher?:

To become a researcher, start by selecting a field or subject you’re passionate about. Pursue a bachelor’s degree in a relevant discipline, such as science, social science, or humanities, to gain foundational knowledge. Develop research skills by participating in coursework, projects, and internships that involve data collection, analysis, and critical thinking.

Pursue a master’s or doctoral degree in your chosen field to delve deeper into specialized areas and engage in original research. Collaborate with professors, mentors, or research teams to gain practical experience and learn research methodologies.

18. Publishing Assistant

Average hourly wage: $22.60

What do Publishing Assistants do?:

Publishing assistants provide essential support to the publishing process by helping with administrative tasks, coordination, and communication. They assist in managing manuscripts, tracking submissions, and maintaining databases.

Publishing assistants may communicate with authors, agents, and other professionals to coordinate schedules and deadlines. They also help prepare materials for publication, including proofreading, formatting, and checking for consistency.

Publishing assistants play a role in ensuring that the publishing workflow runs smoothly, allowing books, articles, or other materials to reach their intended audiences efficiently and effectively.

How to become a Public Assistant?:

To become a publishing assistant, start by earning a bachelor’s degree in fields like English, communications, or journalism, to develop strong writing and organizational skills. Gain practical experience through internships or entry-level positions in publishing houses, literary agencies, or media companies.

Familiarize yourself with publishing processes, manuscript management, and communication tools. Develop attention to detail and proficiency in proofreading and editing. Networking within the publishing community, attending industry events, and staying updated on industry trends will help you connect with professionals and stay informed about best practices.

As you gain experience, seek opportunities to grow within the industry and take on more responsibilities, contributing to the seamless production of published materials.

19. Proofreader

Average hourly wage: $21.66

What do Proofreaders do?:

Proofreaders are professionals who meticulously review written content to correct errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and formatting. Their role involves ensuring that documents, articles, books, or other written materials are free from mistakes and adhere to established style guides.

Proofreaders also check for consistency in terms of language usage, formatting, and overall readability. They collaborate with writers, editors, and designers to maintain the highest quality standards in written communication.

Through their meticulous attention to detail, proofreaders contribute to polished and error-free content that effectively conveys its intended message to audiences.

How to become a Proofreader?:

To become a proofreader, start by developing strong language and grammar skills through readin jobs and writing regularly. Gain a solid understanding of different style guides, such as the Associated Press (AP) style or the Chicago Manual of Style.

Consider pursuing a bachelor’s degree in English, communications, or a related field to further refine your language skills. Gain practical experience through internships, volunteer work, or entry-level positions in publishing houses, media companies, or marketing agencies.

Develop proficiency in using proofreading tools and software to enhance your efficiency and accuracy. Networking within the writing and editing community, attending workshops, and staying updated on industry trends will help you connect with professionals and stay informed about best practices.

As you build your reputation and experience, you can take on freelance opportunities or work as an in-house proofreader to ensure the accuracy and quality of written content.

20. Bookseller

Average hourly wage: $13.01

What do Booksellers do?:

Booksellers are professionals who work in bookstores, connecting readers with a wide range of books and literary materials. They assist customers in finding books that match their interests, provide recommendations, and answer inquiries about authors, genres, and titles.

Booksellers manage inventory, ensuring that shelves are well-stocked and organized. They process transactions, handle payments, and manage customer orders.

If you are looking for careers involving books then bookseller job is the best one for you. Booksellers on an average make around $38,699 per year in the United States.

Booksellers also create displays, arrange book signings, and host events to promote reading and engage with the community. They play a crucial role in fostering a love for literature, helping readers discover new books, and contributing to the vibrant literary culture.

How to become a Bookseller?:

To become a bookseller, start by developing a strong passion for reading and a genuine interest in connecting people with books. Gain experience by working part-time or volunteering at bookstores, libraries, or related organizations.

Learn about different genres, authors, and publishing trends to provide informed recommendations to customers. Develop excellent customer service and communication skills. Pursue a high school diploma or equivalent, as formal education requirements can vary.

Familiarize yourself with bookstore operations, inventory management, and point-of-sale systems. Networking within the book industry, attending book fairs, and staying updated on literary news will help you connect with professionals and stay informed about best practices.

As you gain experience and knowledge, you can seek full-time positions in bookstores, where you’ll contribute to a vibrant literary community and help readers discover their next favorite book.


In a world shaped by words, the realm of reading jobs offers diverse avenues for individuals to channel their passion for literature and communication into meaningful careers. Finding jobs for people who love to read is now made easy with our 20 best list of jobs that involve reading.

From editors refining narratives to paralegals navigating legal documents, each role underscores the pivotal role that words play in shaping information, stories, and ideas.

As literacy agents connect authors with publishers and podcasters share narratives through audio, the dynamic landscape of reading jobs reflects the ever-evolving ways in which language binds us together. These roles collectively contribute to the dissemination of knowledge, the preservation of culture, and the enrichment of lives through the power of reading and storytelling.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the best careers for readers?

The best careers for readers are those that seamlessly integrate the joy of delving into written worlds with professional fulfilment. Editorial roles, such as editing and proofreading, allow readers to refine manuscripts and contribute to the literary landscape.

Librarians, immersed in a sea of books, serve as custodians of knowledge, connecting readers with the right stories. Literary critics and reviewers find their niche in articulating the essence of books, sharing insights with diverse audiences.

Finally, content creation professions, including copywriting and blogging, enable readers to weave narratives and engage others with their love for words. These careers not only celebrate the passion for reading but transform it into a rewarding vocation.

What are the 5 best jobs that require reading?

The five best jobs that require reading encompass a spectrum of literary engagement. Editorial roles, like editing and proofreading, demand a keen eye for detail and a love for refining written content.

Research positions in academia rely on reading to stay abreast of the latest developments in a field. As literary critics and reviewers, individuals delve into books, sharing their perspectives and shaping discussions.

Librarians, surrounded by books, play a pivotal role in connecting readers with the right literature. Content creators, including bloggers and copywriters, use their reading skills to craft compelling narratives for diverse audiences.

These jobs not only value the act of reading but make it an integral part of a fulfilling and dynamic professional journey.

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