17 Personal Career Goals Examples To Decide Your Future

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“Where do you see yourself in five years?”

This is a question you should ask yourself as well as one that you probably received during a job interview.

Since I don’t always know where I see myself in a week, let alone five years, this question makes me cringe at times. However, I am also aware of the significance of having a clear career path and a knowledge of the tasks that must be completed to realize my career goals.

In addition, I am aware that my five-year plan is an evolving document. I frequently alter the situation. If I discover a new field in my field that really interests me, I might add a goal, and I might put things off for a few years that are less important on my priority list.

It’s likely that prospective employers will inquire about your five-year plan to learn more about your career objectives and long-term vision. How well does your response align with the objectives of the company? Even if you aren’t looking for a job, there are advantages to answering this question for yourself.

If you approach your work with a goal-oriented mindset as opposed to a task-oriented mindset, you will not only be able to develop a strategy for eventually securing a career that you enjoy, but you will also be less likely to feel like you are wasting time at work.

We’ll talk about career goals in this article, and then I’ll give you 17 solid examples of career goals you could talk about in a job interview.

Let’s begin by discussing what is a personal career goal?


A short- or long-term milestone that you want to achieve as you advance in your career is a personal career goal. This puts more emphasis on your potential achievements rather than the amount of money you want to earn or the position you want to hold.

The things that will keep you motivated to get up every day and get ahead of the competition are your career goals. They help you focus and encourage you to keep learning and improving.

In addition to helping you land a job interview, having solid career goals can also help you advance in your current career.

While attempting to think of your vocation objectives, there are a couple of things that you can remember:

  • What are your professional strengths?
  • Is there anything new that you want to learn?
  • What do you enjoy most about your chosen profession?
  • What achievements are you most proud of?
  • What jobs interest you the most?
  • What new opportunities could you have in the next few years that could alter your career?

You can then make your profession objective proclamation to assist you with arranging your vocation and convey your goals. Or, if you prefer to see things in pictures, make a vision board for your job.

17 personal career goals examples

A sense of intrinsic motivation can be sparked by having the right career goals, allowing success to just happen on its own. Let’s take a look at some examples of career goals that you might want to discuss in a job interview or if you want to move up in your current position.

Here are 17 personal career goals examples for an interview, job advancement, or for your future decider or future career:

  1. Earn a higher degree
  2. Become an expert
  3. Start your own business
  4. Improve processes
  5. Gain new experiences
  6. Obtain a leadership position
  7. Be satisfied
  8. Establish a personal brand
  9. Become a thought leader
  10. Make essential connections
  11. Win a prestigious award
  12. Change career paths
  13. Work towards personal development
  14. Improve sales/productivity numbers
  15. Become a mentor
  16. Write a book in my field of expertise
  17. Get appointed to the board of directors

1. Earn a higher degree

“While I just completed my master’s degree in _______, my long-term objective is to eventually obtain a doctorate.” I intend to work all day in this field for the following couple of years to acquire the fundamental experience to have the option to succeed in a doctorate program.”

This answer shows that you see yourself as a deep rooted student and you need to remain in the field you’ve picked over the long haul. If you set this career goal for yourself, it will motivate you to keep up with industry news and trends so you can continue to be a competitive doctoral candidate.

Even though your experience, work ethic, and dedication to your job will help you advance in your career, research shows that executives typically have formal educations. This suggests that you will need to put in the time and money to prepare yourself for success if you really want to excel.

2. Become an expert

Through successful end-to-end project management practice and hands-on experience, I hope to become a true expert in this field. I am looking forward to participating in ongoing learning opportunities so that others in the field will think of me when they require a second opinion or assistance with industry issues.

A strong incentive for ongoing education is also the desire to become an authority in your field. With this objective, you will probably look for opportunities to learn and eventually attract other people who want to work for you.

Respect and prestige in your field will come from your expertise, and other experts will want to work with you. Work toward the long-term objective of becoming an expert in your field, whether you are a nurse, administrative assistant, or HR professional, so that you can position yourself to be a better teacher and problem solver than anyone else.

3. Start your own business

“I know I would be successful in creating something of my own, and I think I am a visionary. I desire to go into business one day so I can integrate my own innovativeness into our industry to fill neglected needs.”

If you say you want to start your own business, it shows potential employers that you are confident in your ideas and believe you can be a leader. It also shows that you are committed to your work and have a strong work ethic.

In order to one day fulfill an unmet need in your target market, you will be encouraged to think outside the box and find solutions to unanswered questions if you maintain that pioneering mindset in your current position. Having this mindset will help you become accustomed to working independently and prepare you for success.

4. Improve processes

I hope to improve the business’s ineffective processes. I’ve always valued efficiency, and I think I’d be a good addition to any team looking to cut back on unnecessary expenses and labor.

Companies are always looking for ways to cut costs and cut back on labor. This is an excellent objective to set if you enjoy problem-solving in this manner and are passionate about it.

Your efforts to increase efficiency may have a significant positive impact on a company, but you can also tailor this career objective to your position. Improving your processes and finding ways to streamline your work will always be beneficial, whether you find a way to perform your job more effectively or look for things you can eliminate to free up time and space to increase your capacity at work.

5. Gain new experiences

My objective is to never settle for less in my career. I want to continue gaining experience in a variety of fields and always have something new to look forward to.

If you’re working on autopilot, I don’t think anyone is truly happy or fulfilled in their career. Show possible bosses (and advise yourself) that you realize there is continuously something new you can encounter that will assist you with becoming as an expert.

Whether you volunteer in the community or at work, join a professional organization to network with others in your area, or reach out to people in your field you never meet, new experiences will help keep your career passion alive.

6. Obtain a leadership position

“I am looking forward to holding a leadership position because I want to assist others in becoming successful in this field by providing them with the necessary resources, teaching, and providing constructive feedback,”

This response demonstrates your concern for the company’s future as well as your chosen field. Obtaining a leadership position in your career could be a great fit for a career goal if you feel that being responsible is one of your strengths and that you enjoy helping other people grow.

Having this objective as a main priority will assist you with acting such that shows initiative potential while you’re working. This means being able to communicate clearly, being upbeat, and helping with projects even if they aren’t part of your job description. Set a good example for new employees by being proactive in your work and being open to other people’s ideas.

If you want to be a leader in the future, having a sense of personal responsibility is also essential. Therefore, hold yourself accountable for any positive or negative contribution you make to the team. Taking these steps will help you get started on the path to becoming a leader.

7. Be satisfied

“I am aware that in order for me to remain motivated, loyal, and satisfied at work, I must experience a sense of fulfillment from my accomplishments there. Because the company will gain a long-term, dedicated employee, and because I will receive the satisfaction of knowing that my work is valued and meaningful, working in a position that I find satisfying will benefit both the company I am working for and myself.

In order to avoid a high employee turnover rate, businesses want their workers to be happy. Also, it goes without saying that if you want to live a happy and fulfilled life, you need to be happy in your job. According to research, there are a few essential elements you need to have in place for your career to make you happy. Having a positive attitude, being challenged, having a sense of purpose, connecting with others, and doing a good job are all examples of these qualities.

You are likely to settle into a life of mediocrity without advancing beyond a basic level of success if you do not strive for career satisfaction. Knowing that you want to be satisfied at work will keep you motivated to keep moving up the professional ladder because there is a statistical correlation between feeling satisfied at work and position prestige.

Make sure to make it clear to potential employers how your goals align with the company’s when discussing job satisfaction. Because they want to keep you as an employee, the company will be interested in your satisfaction needs as a result of this.

8. Establish a personal brand

“To make a name for myself in this industry, one of my goals is to build a personal brand. By the end of the year, I want to create a website and social media pages, and I want to get my first 100 followers within a month of going live.

This career objective shows potential employers that you are confident in your industry knowledge to the point where you want to promote your expertise.

If you want to build a personal brand, you’ll always be looking for new content to share with your followers. This will not only assist you in your own personal growth and learning, but it will also attract employers who are looking for innovators to join their teams.

A proactive strategy for controlling your own career development and influencing how your clients and coworkers will perceive you is to develop a personal brand. With this goal in mind, you can figure out what makes you different and make people want to meet you.

9. Become a thought leader

By becoming a respected thought leader, I want to assist in setting the pace for this industry. I want to see my ideas implemented and inspire innovation.

Many executives strive to attain the status of “thought leader,” which is certainly a lofty objective. However, you may be able to influence others in your industry and become a respected source of intelligent insight if you employ the appropriate strategies and possess a strong sense of determination, patience, and a growth mindset.

You must regularly publish educational materials that come from your own unique, first-person perspective in order to be a thought leader. Reading the writings of thought leaders engenders a sense of trust with clients and colleagues because readers are able to gain useful, actionable advice.

Setting this objective is a great way to demonstrate to potential employers that you are motivated to contribute positively to your industry. Thought leaders are able to evaluate the past, present, and future in order to construct a comprehensive, novel, and inspiring perspective on some aspect of their field.

10. Make essential connections

“One of my career objectives is to establish personal connections with respected industry leaders. Not exclusively will this assist me with proceeding to foster my own authority abilities, it will likewise permit me to associate with industry figures whom I endeavor to copy.”

You can learn from people who have achieved the success you yearn for by locating industry leaders you admire and establishing connections with them through panel discussions or meetings. You can expand your skill set and open up new opportunities in your career by connecting with influential leaders.

You will also be able to keep up with the most recent industry trends, monitor the job market, meet potential new partners and clients, and have access to the resources you need to support your professional development if you keep in touch. This goal can clearly help you build a career you love. It also shows potential employers that you take the initiative to connect with other businesses, which could eventually bring in new business.

11. Win a prestigious award

My objective is to receive a prestigious award for my efforts and accomplishments. I believe that achieving this objective will keep me motivated to perform at my best in order to become an outstanding team member.

Everyone, of course, wants to win an award, but if this is a specific goal of yours, the thought of winning this award will keep you going all the time. If you tell your employer—or a potential employer—that you are particularly interested in a particular award, they may also be able to keep you in mind when the time comes to bestow that honor upon someone.

This will enable your employer to know that they have a motivated team member who does not want to get by with just doing the bare minimum, and it will assist you in continuing to do your best work even when completing minor tasks. Instead, you want to excel and compete with other businesses as well as within your own organization.

12. Change career paths

I’m looking for a new career direction, and this one seems to be calling to me. I have gone to the extent that I can in my ongoing field. Since I was a young child, the path I want to take has been a passion of mine, and I believe now is the best time to follow that passion.

This shows the interviewer why you might want a job that doesn’t fit your previous experience. Additionally, it demonstrates your willingness to risk growth by stepping outside of your comfort zone.

13. Work towards personal development

“I’m continuously searching for ways of improving by and by in light of the fact that I need to offer the best version of myself of real value. I can only perform to the best of my abilities. I want to bring as much as I can to the table.

A statement of this kind lets the interviewer know that you won’t be satisfied with subpar work. You will give everything with respect to exertion, making an air that will energize others in the organization to improve and put forth a valiant effort. A person who acknowledges that they are not perfect will strive to gain knowledge from those with greater knowledge.

14. Improve sales/productivity numbers

I usually compete with myself, trying to break my own records. After achieving a previous objective, I set a higher bar and strive for greater accomplishments, such as setting a new sales record or producing more products this week than last. The toughest competition I can get is from myself, which is why I compete with myself.

You are stating to the boss that you will not engage in office politics. To look good, this includes stepping on other people. A mediocre performance will not satisfy you, and those in your charge should likely demonstrate the same diligence.

15. Become a mentor

“When I see a young person succeed in achieving a new goal or a milestone, I frequently find that I am happiest. I want to be the person that young people in an organization can turn to for direction. I’ve been told that I have a gift for bringing people’s potential to the forefront because I believe that everyone has more potential than they realize.

This demonstrates that you are a leader in addition to being a team player. You would be a supervisor who would foster the best in each employee under your supervision. This will not only assist individuals in succeeding, but it will also be to the organization’s advantage because happy and motivated employees frequently perform at their best.

16. Write a book in my field of expertise

My intention is to write a book that explains the industry in terms that the average layperson can comprehend. I think they will value our services more if we make them more aware of what we do. Last but not least, I would like to see the book included in the reading list for classes.

This demonstrates your self-assurance in your knowledge. It also demonstrates your capacity to instruct and train new employees in a manner that will enable them to fully comprehend their position. The fact that you mentioned increasing customer awareness demonstrates your awareness of the fact that appealing to customers is the most effective strategy for gaining their support.

17. Get appointed to the board of directors

“I would like to be appointed to this company’s Board of Directors at some point. I think that’s the best position I could be in to help this business expand in novel ways. I can collaborate with other board members to develop policies that benefit everyone in the company, from the top down, in this position. We will be able to bring in the best applicants for jobs and establish our company as a market leader as a result of this.

This clearly demonstrates ambition. Additionally, it demonstrates your long-term commitment to the business. You demonstrate that you would be an empathic leader who comprehends what motivates employees to stay and make this a career by your concern for the company as a whole and each individual worker.


Strong career goals help you connect your passion and income. When they are specific, your career goals can help you get the job you want, succeed in it, and continue to develop into a role model employee.

When you go into a job interview or try to persuade an existing employer that it’s time for you to move up in the company, it’s important to know your career goals. Having career goals, on the other hand, is essential if you want to work with a sense of purpose and spend your time doing what you love.

Make a concrete plan to achieve your career goals by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable goals. Here are some great resources on how to set SMART goals and some SMART goal setting templates if you need some assistance with the formulation or planning of your goals.

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