How To Write A Cover Letter? Best Cover Letter Examples And Cover Letter Writing Tips

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Even though cover letters aren’t always required, many hiring managers still use them to evaluate an applicant’s skills, background, and experience. Clearly demonstrating how your professional experience aligns with the requirements of the open position and the hiring company’s culture is essential to writing an effective cover letter.

How to write a cover letter that makes a good first impression on potential employers is the topic of this article. Browse our free Cover Letter Samples to find examples of cover letters for jobs and industries like yours.

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What is a cover letter?

An application letter, also known as a cover letter, is a three- to four-paragraph note to potential employers outlining your suitability for the position and your interest in the company and position. It is typically included in a job application along with your resume.


Your abilities, experience, and accomplishments in relation to the position you are applying for should be emphasized in this letter. Not at all like your resume, introductory letters permit you to carefully describe your expert vocation and make sense of for what reason you’re ideal for the job and company.

Employers may be impressed by a cover letter that is written well and sets you apart from other applicants. Before writing your cover letter, you should thoroughly research the company and position for which you are applying to avoid writing one that is generic.

A cover letter is a one-page document that you include with your resume or CV when applying for a job. Its objective is to introduce you and provide a brief summary of your professional history. Your cover letter should be between 250 and 400 words long on average.

A compelling cover letter can pique the interest of the HR manager and encourage them to read your resume. On the other hand, if your cover letter is poor, it might mean that your application is sent straight to the shredder. Therefore, it is essential to know how to write a persuasive cover letter to prevent this from happening.

What is the purpose of a cover letter?

There are a few reasons recruiting directors demand introductory letters, and occupation candidates ought to think of them. The primary reason is that the cover letter can provide additional, more intimate details that are difficult to comprehend when reading a resume. In addition, it:

  • Makes you stand out from other applicants
  • Expresses your interest in the position
  • Shows your knowledge about the company
  • Presents how your skills and experience can assist the company
  • Proves you understand the needs of the company

What to consider before you write?

Make sure you have all the information you need before writing your cover letter. Before you write a cover letter, think about the following:

  • Consider your experiences and how you would like to relate them to an employer looking to hire you. What accomplishments, abilities, or skills do you want the company to know about?
  • Consider how you found out about the job opportunity. Make a note of the person’s name and title if it is a personal contact. Write down where and when you saw it if it was an advertisement or job board, and include any specific instructions in the job description.
  • Consider what attracted you to the company you are writing to. Do you admire its brand or culture? Are there positive or negative reviews of it? Check out the company to see if you agree with its vision and mission statement.
  • Think about the recipient of your letter. On the off chance that it’s a particular individual, address them by name and title. If not, you might want to write “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear Human Resources” on the cover letter.

Cover letter format

The following sections should be included in a cover letter formatted like a business letter:

  • Header with date and contact information
  • Salutation or greeting
  • Opening paragraph
  • Middle paragraph(s)
  • Closing paragraph
  • Letter ending and signature

Your cover letter should be one page long and written in a simple, professional font of 10 to 12 points, such as Arial or Helvetica. The margins on your letter should be one inch and should be left-aligned.

How to write a cover letter in 6 steps?

How to write a great cover letter is as simple as these six steps? We will provide examples and in-depth information about what to include in each area in the sections that follow.

  1. Start with your header
  2. Include a greeting
  3. Write an opening paragraph
  4. Add a second paragraph
  5. Finish with a closing paragraph
  6. End with a professional signoff

1. Start with your header

To make it easier for a hiring manager or recruiter to follow up with you, you should include a few pieces of personal and role-specific information at the top of your cover letter, just like you would in a typical business letter header. You have the option of centering your name and address at the top of the page, just like you would on your resume.

Header template:

  • Your name
  • Your city and ZIP code
  • Your phone number
  • Your email address
  • Date
  • Name of recipient
  • Title of recipient
  • Company name
  • Company address

Header example:

Bryan Lee

222 Orchard Lane, Las Vegas, NV (555) 888-4000

June 18, 20XX

Terry Washington

Revolve Inc.

123 Vineyard Drive, Las Vegas, NV

2. Include a greeting

Attempt to locate the name of the applicant for the position in your research. Use a standard greeting from a business correspondence, such as “Dear [first and last name]” or “Dear [position title].” “To whom it may concern” should be avoided.

Greetings example:

  • Dear Hiring Manager,
  • Dear Henry Moore,

3. Write an opening paragraph

Mention the job title and the location where you saw the posting in the first paragraph. To demonstrate that you have conducted research, explain your interest in the company and the position. Since the reader will get their first impression of you from the first section of your cover letter, it’s important to make an impact quickly and clearly.

Opening paragraph example:

“I’m excited to submit my application for the position of Graphic Designer at Cloud Clearwater that I found on Indeed. I know that you’re adding a lot of new products at the moment, and I think my video and animation skills will help a lot with a successful launch. I’m thrilled to have the chance to contribute my distinctive style and passion for beachwear to the company as a long-time fan of your products.”

4. Add a second paragraph

A brief synopsis of your previous work experience in relation to the position should be included in your second paragraph. Include important accomplishments, skills, and areas of expertise that make you an ideal candidate for the position. Provide specific details about your success, including the measurable affects you had, focusing on one or two.

In the body of your cover letter, pay close attention to the keywords in the job description and include those with which you identify. Only information about your most recent professional experiences should be included.

Second paragraph example:

“As the Head of HR at Wes Morgan Philips, I was a vital senior innovator in the association and was liable for working on the proficiency and execution of the organization’s 540 representatives. Prior to that, I was employed by Jenkins Technology Solutions, Inc. in the areas of human resources, diversity, and equal employment opportunity. There, I was in charge of developing an employee retention strategy that included a wellness program, an internal training program, and a selection process for promotions. The overall rate of employee turnover decreased by 50% as a result of this.”

5. Finish with a closing paragraph

Another important accomplishment or skill related to the position should be the focus of the concluding paragraph. Retell a specific story or anecdote that demonstrates your suitability for the position rather than repeating information from your resume. This is a good time to talk about skills that can be used in a new job or experiences from your previous job that people can relate to.

Closing paragraph example:

“Accomplishing aggressive showcasing objectives is consistently a first concern, and I’m continuously paying special attention to the organization’s wellbeing. I enjoy highlighting an organization’s strengths in marketing presentations to potential customers. At River Tech, my marketing skills helped the company reach new heights of success and increase customer engagement by 45 percent. I’m never content with the status quo, and I think a business should always look for new and creative ways to improve and reach new customers.”

6. End with a professional signoff

A paragraph that summarizes your reasons for applying for the position and why you would be a good fit should be included at the end of your cover letter. The conclusion of your cover letter should be brief, and you should say that you look forward to the employer’s response regarding potential next steps. Your signature should be at the bottom.

Signoff example:

“I appreciate your consideration and time. I am eager to learn more about DailyLot and the sales position. I’m looking forward to the opportunity to be a part of DailyLot’s industry-leading team because I believe that growth is essential to my ongoing success. DailyLot’s high-quality products and my established track record work well together to boost the company’s market share.


Taylor Moore

Cover letter examples

Two examples of cover letters—one more conventional and one less conventional—are provided here. Read the cover letter first, then the job description. You can see how the letter uses specific phrases from the job description in the first example. The second example takes a more imaginative approach by relating a personal story and making a more abstract reference to the skills required by the job advertisement. They each have fewer than 300 words.

Example 1: Administrative assistant

Job description

You will support managers and other senior-level employees in this position by organizing travel, filing expense reports, managing their calendars, and performing other administrative tasks. Success will require strong interpersonal skills, attention to detail, and problem-solving abilities.


  • 5+ years of experience working in a fast-paced environment as a high-level admin support for a variety of teams.
  • A high school diploma or work experience that is comparable
  • Excellent proficiency with Outlook and Excel in Microsoft Office.
  • Highly organized and self-motivated.
  • People who work well as a team and require little supervision

Cover letter

Dear Hiring Manager,

I’m writing to communicate my advantage in the opening for a clerical specialist at [name of company].

There are many reasons why I’m interested in this opportunity. First, I’ve been successful in administrative positions before, most recently in my current position as an administrative coordinator. When I took the initiative to organize a summit for our senior leaders last year, it was a highlight of my time here. I coordinated meals and activities, worked with our internal events team, coordinated travel and lodging for a group of 15 executives from across the company, and made sure the two-day summit ran on schedule. I am now tasked with doubling the event’s attendance this year and leading an internal team to accomplish this because of the positive feedback I received.

The opportunities for development offered by [name of company] draw me to this position. My research into your company’s culture has shown me that self-motivated individuals like me can take advantage of numerous opportunities. I’m eager to put my organizational and detail-oriented skills to use in new and challenging settings because they are second nature to me.

I am eager to discuss my experiences and motives in greater detail with you. I appreciate your consideration.


[Your name]

Example 2: Brand copywriter

Job description

We are seeking a copywriter with previous experience to join our team. This position is ideal for you if you have a keen eye for balance, quick wit, and the ability to adapt a brand voice to any medium.


  • Write for branded communications, such as advertisements, emails, events, landing pages, videos, and product marketing, among other things.
  • Our brand’s voice should be maintained and developed in collaboration with others.
  • Create internal communications copy that excites readers about our company’s culture.
  • Work on your own and effectively manage your time.
  • Excellent copyediting abilities, both for your own and others’ work.


  • A work portfolio of yours.
  • Writing copy for at least five years, ideally for an agency.
  • Solid scrupulousness.

Cover letter


There are at least two less obvious methods for expanding your vocabulary and, by extension, your ability to write copy: preparing for the GRE and developing a passion for crossword puzzles I’ve completed both, but I’d like to concentrate on the latter for this job application.

The best writer I’ve ever known was my grandmother. We shared a love of writing, even though she wasn’t a professional writer. I didn’t discover her love of crossword puzzles until last year, but I knew right away that they were compatible. I soon found myself solving Monday-Wednesday puzzles in the New York Times, necessitating less and less word research as time went on. I was soon able to finish Thursday through Saturday as well. I could feel my collection of jokes, rejoinders, and idioms steadily growing throughout this process. I eventually found the strength to try the Sunday puzzles.

The real turning point in my life was this courage. I’m known as a hard worker and creative person at my current agency; This is abundantly clear from my manager and peer evaluations. However, I had never considered myself to be particularly daring, even though I was confident in my abilities. I gained a fresh perspective on who I am and a greater understanding of my chosen field when I considered each new obstacle and learned to overcome it.

Because I was skilled at finding word combinations that fit a thought or feeling, I started a career as a copywriter. Because I’ve learned how to shape and hone that skill to reach new heights, I’m continuing along that path. I need copywriting at [name of company] to be the subsequent stage in my excursion.

All the best,

[Your name]

4 tips for an effective cover letter

When writing a cover letter, keep in mind the following guidelines:

  1. Customize your header based on your application format
  2. Avoid generic references to your abilities
  3. Keep it short and to the point
  4. Proofread before you submit

1. Customize your header based on your application format

There is no need to include your address or other contact information if you write your cover letter within an online job application. Most likely, you already typed that into other sections of the application. You can use the same heading as your resume if you send your cover letter as an attachment.

2. Avoid generic references to your abilities

When you can, share meaningful anecdotes that connect your skills to real-world problem-solving tasks or tangible business outcomes from your career. Anyone can claim to have a desirable skill. You must demonstrate your skills in action to hiring managers in order to have an impact.

“My skills would be a great fit for your organization,” for instance, is ambiguous. “As a sales associate, I am frequently required to provide exceptional customer service on short notice” would be a more specific approach. I take personal and professional pride in exceeding customer expectations, and this is a skill I’m eager to improve.”

3. Keep it short and to the point

The length of a cover letter is not required unless otherwise specified in the job description. Concentrate on the most significant aspects of the position when determining the length of a cover letter. Find the best opportunities to demonstrate your qualifications by carefully reading the job description.

Which of your professional accomplishments makes you the proudest? Utilizing only a few sentences that are both detailed and succinct, select one or two and map them directly to the desired experience or qualifications that the hiring manager is looking for. Which qualities does the job description require of a candidate? Consider demonstrating those qualities through the cover letter itself.

4. Proofread before you submit

Before sending your cover letter, read it through several times for spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes. You might be able to spot awkward wording or sentences that are too long if you read it aloud. We all tend to gloss over mistakes, so read slowly and carefully, looking at each word. Double-check your spelling if your salutation includes the hiring manager’s name.

If you apply for a job that requires a cover letter, you’ll have a great chance to show off your real personality and skills. Show the hiring manager that you value their time and attention by highlighting your strongest points in the cover letter.

How to write a cover letter – 10 tips to write a cover letter

Writing an effective cover letter is perhaps the most challenging part of the job application process. Yes, you ought to send one. Even if only one out of every two cover letters is read, there is still a fifty percent chance that including one could assist you. Learn more about the company and the job you want before you start writing. Next, use a strong opening line to get the hiring manager or recruiter’s attention. Try to address your letter directly to someone if you have a personal connection with the company or an employee there. Include this information in the first few sentences.

Employers are looking for people who can assist them in problem-solving, so demonstrate your familiarity with the company’s operations and some of its obstacles. Then talk about how your previous work has prepared you to meet those requirements. Use the format provided to demonstrate your aptitude for the position and enthusiasm for it if the online application does not permit you to include a cover letter.

No one enjoys looking for work. It’s not fun to look through job listings online, improve your resume, or prepare for difficult interviews. Writing an effective cover letter is often the most challenging part of the process for many people. It’s hard to know where to begin because there is so much contradictory advice available. Do you actually require one, particularly if you apply online?

  1. What the Experts Say
  2. Do your research first
  3. Focus it on the future
  4. Open strong
  5. Emphasize your personal value
  6. Convey enthusiasm
  7. Watch the tone
  8. Keep it short
  9. Get feedback
  10. When you can’t submit a cover letter

1. What the Experts Say

Almost always, the answer is “yes.” According to Jodi Glickman, a communications expert and the author of Great on the Job, “There will be times when you are submitting an application online and you may not be able to include one. However, whenever it is possible, send one.”

It is an important chance to set yourself apart from everyone else and is your best chance of getting the attention of the HR person or hiring manager.” According to career strategist and author of Knockout CV John Lees, who is based in the UK, standing out from the competition for jobs is essential. However, it’s not easy to do well in a cover letter, as anyone who has ever written one knows. Here are some helpful hints.

2. Do your research first

Learn more about the company and the job you want before you start writing. Naturally, you should read the job description carefully, but you should also look at the company’s website, executive Twitter feeds, and employee LinkedIn profiles.

Since you shouldn’t send a generic cover letter, this research will help you personalize it. It will also assist you in selecting the appropriate tone. Consider the organization’s culture when applying, according to Glickman. You might take more chances with a creative agency, like a design shop, but you might hold back with a more conservative organization, like a bank.

Before writing your cover letter, Lees suggests contacting the hiring manager or someone else you know at the company if at all possible. You can “ask a smart question about the job” via email or LinkedIn message.

This way, you can mention the interaction at the beginning of your letter. You might say something along the lines of “Thanks for the helpful conversation last week” or “I recently spoke to so and so at your company.” Naturally, contacting someone may not always be possible, or you may not receive a response. That’s fine. Still, give it a shot.

3. Focus it on the future

According to Glickman, whereas your résumé is meant to reflect on your past experiences and where you’ve been, your cover letter should focus on your future plans. Thinking of it as the link between the past and the future that explains what you want to do next and why can be helpful.

There is less expectation that you will apply for a job you have previously held because of the pandemic. According to Glickman, there are millions of people who are voluntarily or involuntarily changing careers and need to pivot and rethink how their skill set relates to a different role or industry. You can use your cover letter to talk about the change you’re making—say, from hospitality to marketing. Consider it a chance to market your transferable skills.

4. Open strong

“The typical self-promotional letter begins, “I’m applying for X job that I saw in Y place.” Lees asserts, “That’s a waste.” Instead, begin with a powerful sentence. Glickman advises, “Start with the punch line: why this job excites you and what you bring to the table.” You could write something like, “I’m an environmental fundraising professional with more than 15 years of experience looking for an opportunity to apply my skills in new ways, and I’d love to bring my expertise and enthusiasm to your growing development team.” as an illustration. After that, you are free to include one or two sentences about your background and any relevant experience, but you should not rehash your résumé.

You want to get the attention of the hiring manager or recruiter because they are probably reading a lot of these. However, don’t try to be funny. According to Lees, humor can frequently fall flat or sound self-centered. Additionally, avoid common idioms. “Let me draw your attention to two reasons why I would be a great addition to your team,” for instance, is a direct and dynamic statement.

Mention it in the first or two sentences if you have a personal connection to the company or a worker there. Also, always write to someone directly in your letter. According to Glickman, it is frequently possible to locate the name of a hiring manager through social media.

5. Emphasize your personal value

Managers of hiring are looking for people who can assist them in resolving issues. Show that you are familiar with the company’s operations and some of its challenges by drawing on your earlier research. These don’t have to be specific, but you could talk about how the pandemic has affected the industry.

You might write, for instance, “A lot of health care companies are overwhelmed with the need to provide high-quality care while protecting their staff’s health and safety.” Then discuss how your experience has prepared you to fulfill those requirements; Perhaps share a relevant accomplishment or explain how you solved a similar issue previously. You want to demonstrate the qualities that set you apart.

According to Lees, there are two skills that are currently applicable to nearly every job: the capacity to learn quickly and adaptability. Include any brief instances that demonstrate these skills. For instance, if you helped your team transition to remote work, explain how and what capabilities you used.

6. Convey enthusiasm

According to Glickman, “when you don’t get hired, it’s usually not because you lack skills.” People didn’t believe your story, didn’t believe you wanted the job, or didn’t know what you were getting yourself into. Hiring managers will select the candidate who has presented the impression that this is their ideal position.

Therefore, make it clear why you want the job. Lees adds, “Enthusiasm conveys personality.” He advises writing something along the lines of “I’d love to work for your company.” Who would say no? You set the standard for the industry and others only follow your example. If you aren’t excited about the company or the position, don’t apply.

7. Watch the tone

But at the same time, don’t be too flattering or say things you don’t mean. Authenticity is very important. “You want to avoid sounding desperate, even if you’ve been out of work for months and would take any job at this point,” advises Lees. Be mature and professional because you don’t want your tone to distract from your message.

Put yourself in the position of the hiring manager and consider “the kind of language that the hiring manager would use with one of the company’s customers” as a general rule. Naturally, it can be difficult to determine your own writing tone, so you may need to request a review (which is always a good idea; see the advice below). When reviewing letters for clients, Lees claims that he frequently eliminates “anything that sounds like desperation.”

8. Keep it short

Keep it under a page, according to a lot of the advice. However, Lees and Glickman concur that even shorter is preferable. Most introductory letters I see are excessively lengthy,” says Remains. ” It ought to be concise enough for someone to read it quickly. You truly do need to make a ton of progress — yet you ought to get it done compactly. Asking a friend, former coworker, or mentor to review your letter can be helpful in this situation. Request that they read through it and point out where you can cut.

9. Get feedback

According to Lees, it is actually a good idea to send your cover letter to a few people. Instead of sending it to someone else and asking, “What do you think?” Be specific when describing the kind of feedback, you want. In particular, make two requests. First, ask your friend if your main point is clear.

What is the plot of your narrative? Is it possible for them to sum it up? Second, inquire about the issue with the letter. According to Lees, “other people are more attuned to desperation, overselling, over-modesty, and underselling,” and they ought to be able to identify instances in which the tone is off.

10. When you can’t submit a cover letter

Nowadays, numerous businesses use online application systems that do not permit a cover letter. It’s possible that you can incorporate one into the same document as your résumé, but that’s not always guaranteed due to the fact that some systems only permit data to be entered into specific boxes. Empowered finish the work and your excitement for the job. You might try to locate a person to whom you can send a brief follow-up email outlining a few important aspects of your application.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

What is a cover letter?

A formal letter that goes along with a CV or resume is called a cover letter. It includes a candidate’s introduction and a summary of their most relevant qualifications, skills, and accomplishments for the position they are applying for. The candidate’s enthusiasm for contributing to the company’s success and interest in the position are also conveyed in the cover letter. It can also aid in the explanation of employment gaps.

What are the four parts of a cover letter?

  • Cover letter header: Include your email address, phone number, and full name in the header of your cover letter.
  • Cover letter introduction: Include the address of your hiring manager in the opening of your cover letter, as well as a hook that gets the reader so excited they can’t stop reading.
  • Significant Accomplishments: Include a description of your significant accomplishments and strengths that you will bring to the table in the body of your cover letter. Beware! This is not an imitation of your resume.)
  • Cover letter closing: With your signature and a call to action, close your cover letter.

What should a cover letter say?

That only you are. that not only do you want them, but they also want you. that you are the answer to their issues. Your cover letter ought to state that.

And you can accomplish all of that by including the following information in your cover letter:

  • Action verbs and power words
  • Accomplishment statements
  • Organized cover letter layout, and
  • Enthusiastic but determined tone of voice

How to write a simple cover letter?

There are a few things you need to know before you can write a cover letter:

  • Before you write a word, make sure your cover letter is formatted correctly. Your cover letter will adhere to the correct format and fit on a single page.
  • Find the name of your recruiter or hiring manager. You will increase your chances of getting the job if you personalize your cover letter.
  • Make a list of job-related keywords to include in your application. Examine the job advertisement and highlight the phrases that refer to essential skills and attributes. Use them in your paragraphs after that.
  • Never tell a lie when applying for a job.
  • Lastly, conduct as much in-depth research as you can about the business. Your cover letter will benefit from the intricate details about their mission, values, and vision.

How to write a cover letter for an internship?

Add a cover letter to your internship resume to stand out from the crowd. Therefore, do not delay in writing a cover letter for the internship you have long desired.

Make it clear to your potential employer that you are a valuable employee and that they are a great place to work. Do your homework and don’t be afraid to share your findings. Later, make use of that information to demonstrate your connection to the business and its values. Let your determination and motivation work their magic while you demonstrate your transferable skillset and accomplishments.

How to write a cover letter for 2023?

In 2023, follow these easy steps to write your cover letter:

  • By incorporating a resume header into your template, you can achieve a uniform appearance.
  • Maintain sufficient whitespace on the page by creating a neat cover letter layout.
  • Write your cover letter from a different angle, such as sharing shared values or a mission statement or recent industry developments. Doing exhaustive exploration generally makes a difference.
  • Begin your introductory letter with a pertinent achievement that makes the pursuer need to continue.
  • In no more than three to four paragraphs, make a seamless transition from the hook to your strengths and motivation.
  • In the closing of your cover letter, you should call your recruiter to action and request a meeting with them.

Is a cover letter necessary?

Yes. Without a cover letter, nearly half of recruiter’s reject applications. For those who still want to hire dedicated professionals, cover letters are a treat. And you are that, right?)

However, it should come as no surprise that you are questioning whether or not a cover letter is required. As exhausting as the entire job application process can be, reducing the number of required documents always seems like a good idea. This time, not though.

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