How To Talk To Recruiter For First Time – 18 Tips To Grab Your First Job

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Be well-prepared in advance, regardless of whether the recruiter approaches you directly or through email or phone. The recruiter should be approached with respect. The process must be understood, the technical jargon must be understood, and numerous other factors must be taken into account.

When they see you as a candidate, recruiters are your best friends. When you believe you are the ideal candidate for a job, they can also be as elusive as a yeti when you try to get their attention.

Recruiters are typically viewed as individuals who communicate with potential candidates rather than the other way around. However, recruiters are running out of time to fill positions given that the U.S. Labor Department reported that 531,000 new jobs were created in October and that growth is expected to accelerate in the final months of the year. 


How can you get their attention if they’re so busy, and when should you try? Therefore, in order to speak with recruiters, one must follow these guidelines:

  1. Know what you want to know
  2. Go little into the depth of the matter
  3. Be generous
  4. Practice before finalizing to talk to the recruiter
  5. Be confident
  6. Having knowledge of the subject
  7. Show your zeal and energy
  8. Be available
  9. Be true and honest
  10. Show gratitude
  11. Give up to date information
  12. Know the process
  13. Know the technical know how
  14. Eye to eye contact
  15. First listen and then say
  16. Think before you speak
  17. Know the requirements
  18. Body language

1. Know what you want to know

On the list, this comes in first. You’ll want to know what’s really important. Some of the questions, like “What opportunity are you looking for in your next job,” will be included. Questions about the expected salary, the kind of work environment, and so on.

It’s hard to know what you want when there are so many options and opportunities out there. You might sometimes misinterpret what you want with what other people want of you. You will need to do some soul searching and make some decisions in order to determine what exactly you want. Here are the 3 steps to find out what you want to know:

  • Separate the “shoulds” from the “wants”
  • Make a list of what you’d do if you lived without fear
  • Figure out what dissatisfies you

Separate the “shoulds” from the “wants”:

The majority of people are more likely to want what they think others expect of them than what they actually want. You might think that you should get back to school, be more organized, or settle down and get married. But if you lack the motivation to carry them out, all those “shoulds” won’t get you anywhere. If you do manage to complete them, you may lose motivation and find yourself back where you were five or ten years ago. Now is the time to let go of your shoulds and concentrate on what you want.

The majority of people have trouble distinguishing between wants and shoulds in their urges. Take some time to determine which is which. What exactly do you want? What do you think the world would like you to do? Are you under pressure from your peers, your family, your community, or society to do something you don’t feel passionate about?

Make a list of what you’d do if you lived without fear:

Every person has abstract, intangible fears. Many people worry that they won’t be liked or respected, that they will go broke, that they won’t have friends, or that they will be alone. Erase all of those for a moment to get to what you want. You can be ruled by fear and prevented from achieving your goals.

Despite your fears, make a list of everything you want. If you weren’t afraid of people’s opinions, money, or getting hurt, what would you do?

Figure out what dissatisfies you:

Most likely, you already know what makes you unhappy. Most people are better at complaining than at solving problems. You can begin planning how to alter or eliminate the aspects of your life with which you are dissatisfied by determining the locations in which you do so. List the things that make you unhappy. What makes you unhappy? What are you hankering for? What would improve the situation? Make a note of the responses to these questions.

Take, for instance, your position at work. If you despise your job, it’s possible that you only despise certain aspects of it. These aspects must be isolated. If you could, what would you alter? How might it alter your perspective?

Finding aspects of your life that make you unhappy will not make them better. Once you have made this list, you need to start thinking about whether or not you have some control over these things and what you can do about them. If you despise your job, you might need to start planning how to find a new one. Or, if there are just a few things about your job that you don’t like, think of ways to change those things and talk to your boss about putting some new ideas into action.

2. Go little into the depth of the matter

Try to learn as much as you can and offer them everything you can. Also, find out the answers to all the questions you could ask, like who would be a good fit for the job, what the hardest part of the job is, etc. You can learn everything in detail by asking all of these questions.

Self-exploration and adaptation are sometimes just as important as acquiring a set of skills when learning on the job. Often, putting yourself in a new situation will help you realize your unique value and how you can increase it over time.

3. Be generous

Being flexible in terms of time and adapting as necessary are examples of generosity in this context. You can even discuss hiring additional employees for the same position with the recruiter. By being in your position, don’t be afraid to give other people a chance to feel as good as you do. You can freely explain to the recruiter everything you need to be successful in that position.

You may frequently discuss being kind or generous in conversation. Because this is a very good quality, you should know how to talk about it when the person or situation calls for it.

4. Practice before finalizing to talk to the recruiter

Before you apply, you must practice calling a recruiter. Before the event, practice should be completed. You can talk to any of your friends who would be willing to serve as recruiters. You’ll learn everything you need to know about talking, starting a conversation, and more as you practice.

When speaking with a recruiter, prepare your resume, work samples, and references in advance so that you can provide them with the information they require while the conversation is still fresh in their minds. It demonstrates your readiness to begin immediately by sending them this information right away.

5. Be confident

The key is to be confident. You ought to have enough self-assurance to converse with the person who is standing in front of you or even to send an email. You should speak with self-assurance, giving your best effort without stammering or flaws. You won’t be able to do anything if you don’t feel confident; only having confidence will help you become something.

Recruiters are also human, and they are anxious about the same things as you are. With that knowledge, you can relax, take a deep breath, and feel a little bit more confident going into each interview.

Your interview performance greatly depends on your level of confidence. People around you naturally have an easier time trusting you when you have confidence in yourself. Additionally, it is quite crucial that you don’t come across as insecure because the main goal of an interview is to ascertain whether the firm can rely on you to execute a decent job.

6. Having knowledge of the subject

Know the subject matter you need to discuss with the recruiter in detail and go into detail about it. This is because if you know everything about the subject, you will be able to respond to questions in the event of cross-questioning. Therefore, be aware of the subject before speaking with the recruiter.

Definition, knowledge base, terminology, structure, methodology, and epistemology are the foundations of any discipline. We parallel the levels of Bloom’s cognitive taxonomy as we progress from basic knowledge to the complex organization and hierarchies of information in the disciplines: understanding, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation are all aspects of knowledge.

The acquisition of fundamental information is the focus of this objective, “Gaining a basic understanding of the subject…,” which serves as the foundation for more advanced learning. The question is whether “delivery” is sufficient, given that traditional teaching methods, particularly lectures and readings, are quite effective at “delivering” this kind of information. Students’ comprehension and ability to learn are not guaranteed by simply having access to the information. Is there a way to help students learn the material more effectively and use it when they move on to more difficult cognitive tasks?

Students will be willing to put in more effort and perform better if they understand why information is important and useful, if their curiosity is piqued, if they are appropriately challenged, and if they perceive the content’s relevance. These same dimensions are among the most strongly correlated with overall student ratings of teaching and courses, from a different but still important perspective.

7. Show your zeal and energy

Your voice should convey the vitality you possess as you speak. You must not speak sluggishly and slowly. Simply be audible enough to convey your enthusiasm. This is very important if you want to get a job because if you don’t talk enough, you might get rejected. Therefore, merely give your best effort and demonstrate that you do have potential to be selected.

Have confidence in yourself. Take a look in the mirror and first think about the things you do that make you happy, the clothes you like to wear, and what you think are your best physical features. Try highlighting your best qualities. As superficial as it may sound, having self-confidence and being yourself are the most important aspects of being less boring. Go ahead and make any changes that boost your self-confidence if you want to change anything about yourself.

By displaying charisma, you can be more confident. By thinking outside the box and concentrating on a particular aspect of the person you are speaking with and their demeanor. For instance, if they ask, “How are you doing?” If you want to make the conversation stronger, say, “Doing, but how do I not know?” If you’re not in the mood, just keep it short.

However, you can always start a great conversation by complimenting them on their attire, talking about the weather, or even a tree you see or plant. Most of the time, you can tell by a person’s body language whether they are tired, ill, or in the zone. Whatever the case may be, the best thing you can do for your meeting is to be nice and show interest in the conversation.

You might be surprised at how many people enjoy receiving this kind of attention. They’ll be happy to have you around and even wave to you as they pass. The best thing is to remember that today is the only day that will ever come, so make the most of it.

Hopefully, something good will happen today, so go for it, be yourself, and be the best you can be. Keep that in mind for other people as well. We all need to be like this. Last but not least, there is the age-old proverb, “If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing.” If you adhere to this rule, your life will be happier and less negative.

8. Be available

If you’re going to talk to the recruiter over the phone, make sure you’re available whenever they need you to be. Simply allow yourself to speak with the individual whenever they need to. Also, check that your mobile device is technically sound and that nothing gets in the way of the conversation; failing to do so will cost you the opportunity for good.

Within 24 hours, you should respond to an interview request. Being prompt is important because it lets the employer or recruiter set up the interview. In addition to demonstrating professionalism and seriousness about the position, your prompt response helps establish your merit as a candidate.

Remember to check your email frequently and respond to all requests as soon as possible if you have applied for a few positions. If a recruiter or hiring manager has inquired about your availability, remember to always respond to their inquiries. Take a look at some examples:

  • “Thank you for your invitation to interview with [company name]. Yes, I am available on day, date, month, at time am / pm.”
  • “Yes, I very much would like to interview with you at…”
  • Yes, I can be available for an interview at several times during the week of…”
  • Thank you for the invitation to interview for the [job position]. I appreciate the opportunity and I look forward to meeting with [hiring manager] on [date] at [time] in your [location].”

If you get a call asking you to confirm your interview time, try to return the call or answer it as soon as you can. When you call, think about how you sound, thank the recruiter or hiring manager for the request for an interview, and say that you will be available at the time that has been set.

Consider responding with “Hi [insert name], thank you for calling to schedule an interview time” if you receive a voicemail when returning the call. I apologize that I was unable to answer your call, but I am available for an interview on [date], [month], and I look forward to seeing you then.”

When you call, it is appropriate to use the recruiter’s or hiring manager’s name. Choose a time when you won’t be interrupted or distracted by background noise.

It is beneficial to respond to all requests for interviews, even if you no longer have an interest in the position. In all situations, you want to keep your professionalism. This helps your reputation, which can be especially important when dealing with recruiters who might be able to assist you in the future.

9. Be true and honest

Only convey what you are well-versed in. Be truthful and honest, not fabricate ideas. Never lie about something you don’t know. You can say less but keep your word. If you are honest, you will be able to answer the sub questions; however, if you lie, you will be unable to do so, which will bring your lie to light. As a result, your public image will be affected.

Highlighting how your technical and soft skills will benefit the company is one of the best ways to demonstrate your suitability for a position throughout your job search. Even though these are great ways to stand out, some professionals regrettably feel the need to fabricate certain aspects of their professional history, such as their program skills, previous responsibilities, salary, and so on, in order to increase their chances of getting the job.

However, job seekers should always tell the truth to any recruiting professional or hiring manager supporting their job search, even though embellishing parts of your resume or salary history may appear advantageous.

So that your recruiter can be upfront with the employer about your schedule, start date, and more, you should be as truthful as possible about information that could affect your ability to work. It’s critical to tell the recruiter the truth. You should never cover up anything that has to do with your job or career. An honest recruiter can assist the candidate in numerous ways.

Being honest is great because you never have to worry about who you’ve spoken to. Be open and honest about what you’ve done and when you present yourself to recruiters. One could argue that an individual seeking employment is just another resource to a recruiter. This is true, in fact. However, you need to keep in mind that they are not looking for work for you.

They are not private recruiters for you. They are there to fill employment positions when they become available and are motivated by some incentive. It’s just the way it is, and it has nothing to do with me. In this way, if you have the qualities they’re looking for, you can align your interests with theirs.

Consider them as a valuable resource for getting your resume in front of the people who matter, rather than thinking that they are only using you. Everyone benefits when you are hired. You may find the ideal opportunity because the recruiter receives a commission or other compensation. You receive something, and they receive something. What else could be better?

10. Show gratitude

A grateful attitude for a recruiter’s efforts goes a long way, and it’s even better if it starts from the beginning. The best indication that your relationship with the recruiter has the potential to advance greatly is if the recruiter acknowledges your efforts. At the conclusion of the conversation, a straightforward thank you from the recruiter suffices. Therefore, always act gratefully and demonstrate your gratitude.

Here is an example:

I am so grateful that you met with me today. It was a pleasure to learn more about the team and the position, and I am very excited about the opportunity to join [Company Name] and assist your team in [bring in new clients, develop world-class content, or do anything else awesome you would be doing].

I am grateful that you took the time to interview me and look forward to meeting you in person. Again, I appreciate your time and consideration greatly. I expect a response from you soon. Here is another example:

Dear [Interviewer’s Name], I appreciate you taking the time to discuss the [Position] at [Company Name] with me today. I would love the chance to talk to the hiring manager after learning more about the position. I believe my experience and background make me an excellent candidate for the position.

11. Give up to date information

For this, you must read. You will only learn about the most recent events if you read more. When you talk to a recruiter, your current skills, knowledge, and career goals are very important. The recruiter will request the most recent resume while you are speaking with them. You must therefore be well prepared for that as well.

Update your resume regularly and keep a copy for yourself. If you’re talking to the recruiter over the phone, take a picture or keep a soft copy of the file on your phone so you can send it whenever you need to. Use your common sense to deal with both scenarios.

12. Know the process

Worked with the recruiter before? If this is the case, excellent, as you will have an understanding of the entire procedure. If you have never worked before, it would be wise to inquire about the entire procedure and then speak with the required recruiter.

Don’t lead from the front like a dead pan with no contents. Be current only, and only then will you have the confidence to speak with the recruiter.

13. Know the technical know how

You will speak with the recruiter. Because they are experts in their fields, they ought to use all of the technical jargon they are familiar with. Therefore, you must also be familiar with technical terms and other such terms. You will be deemed ignorant if you speak in a straightforward manner without employing appropriate language.

14. Eye to eye contact

Make sure to make good eye contact with the recruiter when you meet in person because it demonstrates your confidence and your knowledge of the subject. Concentrate on what he or she says to you if you are present via phone.

“The eyes are the window to the soul” is a well-known saying. The experts in hiring say that if you make eye contact, the interviewer can tell if you are lying or telling the truth. As a result, it is not incorrect to assert that people can be judged solely based on how they view other people or things. During an interview, the interviewers are said to pay close attention to your eyes and body language. As a result, the importance of making eye contact in nonverbal communication cannot be overstated.

Because the majority of people rely on their vision more than any other sense, eye contact is a particularly important form of nonverbal communication. The person you are looking at might interpret your gaze in a number of different ways, such as attention, affection, resentment, or attraction.

In spite of your lack of confidence, keeping eye contact during an interview demonstrates your interest. In an interview, making direct eye contact demonstrates professionalism, trust, and politeness.

The way you look, whether you are looking up, down, away, or when you make direct eye contact, can potentially reveal a lot about your personality to the interviewer.

Experiencing anxiety during an interview makes perfect sense. Keeping eye contact with the interviewer is a great way to show confidence during the interview. In spite of your lack of confidence, keeping eye contact during an interview demonstrates your interest.

In an interview, making direct eye contact demonstrates professionalism, trust, and politeness. The interviewers say that the candidates’ anxiety during an interview is completely normal. Candidates who are able to maintain eye contact and whose eyes light up when discussing a particular topic are the most successful.

15. First listen and then say

In the event that you are there on telephone with the selection representative, first allow the person in question an opportunity to talk and afterward your obligation will be to listen that person. Allow the other person to speak fully without interjecting. Be quiet at first, and then say something after the recruiter speaks.

16. Think before you speak

Think ten times before speaking while you speak. Don’t say anything negative. If you know less, it’s better to speak less, but you shouldn’t speak without thinking. Remember that you are speaking to the recruiter and not your friend, so speak truthfully. Therefore, talk only in a formal manner.

17. Know the requirements

By calling the recruiter in advance, you can learn about the requirements. It’s possible that you won’t know what to say or do if you’re just starting out. Be prepared with the required resume, additional credentials, certificates, or whatever else is required in advance.

18. Body language

During your personal meeting with the recruiter, maintain an upbeat demeanor. You should not show that you are sluggish or unwilling to work by your body language. Since your body language conveys a lot to others, you should act confident. It is absolutely necessary to maintain eye contact while shaking hands with firmness. Keep a smile on your face and avoid looking down at the recruiter.


Therefore, the points listed above will be of assistance to you when speaking with the recruiter. There are a lot of other things to keep in mind, but the most important ones are listed above.

If you’re just starting out, you should ask and consult any experienced recruiter to learn what to say and what not to say. Recruiters are professionals. This will help you allocate your time more effectively and serve as a model for how to behave in front of the recruiter. Present yourself to the world without trepidation or shyness. Simply be you. Put forth your best effort, and you will emerge as the best among others.

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