10 Career of Future – Careers In High Demand And Are High-Paying Jobs

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In a world where routine white-collar and blue-collar jobs can be easily automated by robots and algorithms, we need to keep learning and coming up with new ways to add value to other people. The so-called robot revolution is reducing demand for many traditional, high-paying professionals like lawyers, accountants, academics, and middle management, despite the booming digital economy.

Although competition is rapidly increasing in traditional professions, this does not necessarily mean that these jobs will disappear; rather, many people entering these professions are working longer hours for less money.

Fortunately, because the skills needed to do the job have only been around for a few years, there are new industries where hierarchies aren’t as strong. The next economic boom will be driven by these new industries. Start learning highly paid digital skills in the emerging industries of the Innovation Economy if you want to position yourself for a significantly higher income.

This new development driven advanced economy requires inventive laborers who are profoundly inquisitive, take on new innovations before every other person and embrace the deep rooted way of continually working on their specialized, imaginative and social capacities. A new generation of innovative online education platforms has emerged to assist lifelong learners in entering the industries of the future and simplify learning.


Coursera is one of the pioneering educational disruption startups from Silicon Valley. With over 10 million students from every nation, they are the largest massive open online course (MOOC) platform in the world today. They have been working on new micro-degrees for the past five years, offering an alternative to enrolling in a traditional university degree program and incurring student loan debt.

Coursera is collaborating with some of the best professors from Ivy League schools like Stanford University, the University of California system, and the University of Toronto. They have likewise collaborated with tech industry accomplices, for example, Google, NVIDIA, Instagram and 500 New companies to ensure their alumni have the right stuff that will get them recruited in the advanced economy.

Coursera Specializations are the new microdegrees they offer. They offer master’s specializations for skilled industry professionals who want to improve their skills and beginner specializations for students with no prior experience.

The following are ten high-paying digital careers that, based on current technology trends, will have a greater demand than supply over the next decade:

  1. 3D Printing
  2. The Internet of Things
  3. User Experience Design
  4. Digital Marketing
  5. App Development
  6. Robotics
  7. CyberSecurity
  8. Data Science
  9. Artificial Intelligence
  10. Deep Learning

1. 3D Printing

Bringing manufacturing to the desktop is now possible with open source design and 3D printing. As on-shoring leads to the return of manufacturing to wealthy nations, there will be a significant demand in the 2020s for artisans who are skilled in 3D Printing.

“The collective potential of a million garage tinkerers and enthusiasts is about to be unleashed in an age of custom-fabricated, do-it-yourself product design and creation, driving a resurgence of American manufacturing. As the new technologies of digital design and rapid prototyping give everyone the power to invent, creating “the long tail of things,” a generation of “Makers” using the Web’s innovation model will help drive the next big wave in the global economy.

– Chris Anderson in Makers: The Next Industrial Revolution


How to start learning 3D Printing online?

1. 3D Printing: Turn Your Ideas Into Objects

With industry partners Ultimaker and Autodesk, the University of Illinois offers a five-course Coursera specialization that gives you the knowledge and skills to use 3D printing to turn your ideas into objects.

2. The Internet of Things

The ability of computing devices embedded in everyday objects to send and receive data is what gives rise to the Internet of Things. Smartphones, coffee makers, washing machines, headphones, lamps, wearable devices, and pretty much anything else you can think of fall under this category.

“The Internet will cease to exist. You won’t even be aware of the sheer number of IP addresses, devices, sensors, clothing, and other objects you will be interacting with. It will always be a part of your presence. Imagine that you enter a room that is alive. You are participating in the activities that are taking place in the room with your permission and all of that.”

— Eric Schmidt, Google chairman in The Fourth Transformation: How Augmented Reality & Artificial Intelligence Will Change Everything


How to start learning The Internet of Things online?

1. Create Your Own Internet of Things (IoT) Device

In this five-course program from the University of California, Irvine, students will use the Arduino and Raspberry Pi platforms to design, construct, and deploy a fun Internet of Things (IoT) device.

3. User Experience Design

The process of increasing user satisfaction with a product by enhancing its usability, accessibility, and pleasure in interaction is known as user experience design (also known as UX or interaction design).

“In a world that demands constant change, we are still building linear organizations. In a world where complete collaboration is required, we are still creating silos. In a world where continuous experimentation is required to achieve continuous innovation, we continue to invest in analysis, argue over specifications, and efficiently produce deliverables.

— Jeff Gothelf in Lean UX: Applying Lean Principles to Improve User Experience


How to start learning User Experience Design online?

1. Interaction Design: Learn How to Design Great User Experiences

Learn how to come up with design concepts, how to quickly prototype those concepts, and how to use prototypes to get feedback from other stakeholders like teammates, clients, and users. This 5-section specialization is from The Plan Lab at the College of California, San Diego.


2. Web Design for Everybody (Basics of Web Development and Coding)

This five-part specialization from the University of Michigan teaches you how to start a career in web design by creating a responsive and accessible web portfolio with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.

4. Digital Marketing

Digital marketing requires storytellers and content creators with technical skills like analytical ability and strategic business thinking, as attention spans decrease and information overload makes advertising more difficult.

“Great marketing is all about telling your story in such a way that it compels people to buy what you are selling, regardless of whether you are a Fortune 500 company, an entrepreneur, or a small business. That never changes. How the story is told, when it is told, and even who gets to tell it all are always in flux, especially in this noisy, mobile world.

– Gary Vaynerchuk in Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How To Tell Your Story In A Noisy World


How to start learning Digital Marketing online?

1. Digital Marketing Specialization

This specialization, which is a part of the MBA program at the University of Illinois, teaches you how to address brand communication in a digital world by mastering strategic marketing concepts and tools.

2. Social Media Marketing

With Northwestern University’s five-part specialization in social media marketing, you can grow your online audience and build your social brand.

3. Foundations of Marketing Analytics Specialization

This six-part Emory University specialization teaches more experienced marketers how to use data and analytics to guide managerial decisions and marketing strategy.

5. App Development

With the typical American presently going through 3-4 hours daily on their cell phones, there is an enormous interest for a gifted application engineer. Or on the other hand in the event that you have a thought for an application, figure out how to fabricate it yourself since you most likely will not have the option to bear the cost of a decent designer to do it for you.


How to start learning App Development online?

1. Launch Your Android App Development Career

This five-part Vanderbilt University specialization will help you begin your career as an Android app developer.

2. Full Stack Web and Multiplatform Mobile App Development

This five-course specialization from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology teaches front-end web design, hybrid mobile app development, and server-side development.

3. Launch Your iOS App Development Career

In this four-course specialization from the University of Toronto, you can start your career as an iOS app developer by learning Swift, creating beautiful user experiences, and creating your first fully functioning iOS app.

6. Robotics

While manual labor and service-industry jobs are being replaced by robots, the new employment opportunities are for people who design, build, and maintain robots. You can begin building a foundation of knowledge to determine whether you have the aptitude to succeed in this expanding industry, despite the fact that becoming a robotics technician or an engineer requires skills that are difficult to master.

The second machine age has arrived. The ability to use our brains to comprehend and shape our environments is what computers and other digital advancements are doing for mental power, or muscle power.

The new technologies are exponential, digital, and combinatorial, and the majority of the benefits are still to come. The world will add more computer power in the next 24 months than it has ever done before. It is likely that the increase will exceed a thousand fold in the next 24 years.

― Erik Brynjolfsson, The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies


How to start learning Robotics online?

1. Learn the Building Blocks for a Career in Robotics

This five-part specialization on how robots are disrupting industries like health care, manufacturing, and disaster response teaches the concepts of robot flight and movement, how robots perceive their environment, and how they get around obstacles.

7. CyberSecurity

Cyberspace will be the battlefield for future conflicts. Protecting networks, computers, programs, and data from damage or unauthorized access is the focus of cybersecurity, which is one of the fastest-growing industries worldwide.

We’re talking about our economy’s future and the critical infrastructure of our nation’s questionable resilience. When discussing national security and cybersecurity, why are experts so courteous, patient, and forgiving? Through press releases, sound bites, and the enforced absurdity of mainstream media, the drama of each script kiddie botnet attack and Nation-State theft of our IP has been turned into a soap opera.

It’s the ideal opportunity for a network protection general outlook in the West where digital cleanliness is an image that is forcefully conveyed by the people who have dominated it and urged to be imitated by the individuals who have encountered it.”

― James Scott, Senior Fellow, Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology


How to start learning Cybersecurity online?

1. Cybersecurity Fundamentals

In this five-course specialization from the University of Maryland, you can start a career in cybersecurity by learning the fundamental ideas behind the construction of secure systems, from the hardware to the software to the human-computer interface, using cryptography to protect interactions.

8. Data Science

Data scientists are the new, highly compensated rockstars of the software engineering industry. With such a lot of information being gathered, state of the art organizations need information researchers with both logical and interactive abilities to figure out the information to enhance business processes.

The data scientist’s responsibility is to ask the right questions. If I ask, “How many clicks did this link receive?” which is something we frequently examine; this is not a data science inquiry. It’s a question about analytics. If I ask, “Can I predict how many people from France will read this in the next three hours based on the previous history of links on this publisher’s site?” that is more of a data science inquiry.”

― Hilary Mason, Founder of Fast Forward Labs and Author of Data Driven


How to start learning Data Science online?

1. Data Science

This five-course specialization from John Hopkins University teaches you the concepts and tools you’ll need throughout the data science pipeline, from asking the right kinds of questions to making inferences and publishing results.

9. Artificial Intelligence

Robots took the positions of assembly line laborers. Computerized reasoning (artificial intelligence) will take the positions of office laborers. Understanding how artificial intelligence can be used to solve social problems and business processes, as well as managing new AI systems that perform tasks more effectively than humans, will be the new jobs.

By around 2029, artificial intelligence will reach human levels. If we extend that further, say to 2045, we will have quadrupled our civilization’s intelligence—the intelligence of our biological machines and humans.

― Ray Kurzweil, How to Create a Mind: The Secret of Human Thought Revealed


How to start learning Artificial Intelligence online?

1. Machine Learning: Build Intelligence Applications

You will gain practical experience in major machine learning areas like prediction, classification, clustering, and information retrieval through a series of case studies. You’ll start developing intelligent applications that can analyze data and make predictions as you get better over time.

10. Deep Learning

What is the purpose of the driverless cars? Artificial intelligence, or more specifically, Deep Learning, a subset of specialized AI. In contrast to task-specific algorithms, it is a part of a larger family of machine learning techniques based on learning data representations and simulating neural networks.

“I actually have a hard time thinking of an industry that I don’t think AI and Deep Learning will transform in the next several years,” said the author. “Just as electricity transformed almost everything 100 years ago,”

– Andrew Ng on Why ‘Deep Learning’ Is a Mandate for Humans, Not Just Machines


How to start learning Deep Learning online?

1. Deep Learning Specialization

One of the most sought-after skills in technology is deep learning. The fundamentals of deep learning will be covered in this brand-new five-course specialization. You will dominate the hypothesis as well as perceive the way things are applied in industry. In the courses, you will practice all of these concepts in Python and TensorFlow.

The routine skills of the 20th century will be automated, and the new industries that will drive the next economic boom will be powered by these high-paying digital skills. By mastering these high-paying careers first, you can get ahead of the pack and become an early adopter of one of these new skillsets.

In-demand careers of the future in 2030

There are a lot of careers and industries that are expected to be in high demand by 2030. One of the most notable high-demand industries that is anticipated to expand over time is the technology sector.

One of the U.S. industries that is anticipated to continue growing due to the increased demand for technological advancements and innovations is the United States of America, which is the technological leader of the world and accounts for 33% of the global tech market.

The demand in a variety of sectors, including healthcare, food service, the arts and entertainment, and others, continues to rise in tandem with the U.S. population. With factories accounting for as much as two-thirds of the global gas emissions that contribute to climate change, the increase in population and demand in a variety of industries also comes with an increase in waste, pollution, and resource consumption.

On account of these destructive ecological impacts, there is likewise an expanded requirement for vocations in natural assurance, some of which have not even been made at this point.

Here are 7 in-demand careers of the future:

  1. Tech industry jobs
  2. Food service careers
  3. Healthcare jobs
  4. Arts and entertainment careers
  5. Teachers and educators
  6. Travel and transportation
  7. Environmental careers

1. Tech industry jobs

Tech industry jobs are expected to grow and stay in high demand:

In both the United States and the rest of the world, the technology sector is one of the fastest-growing. As increasingly more of society’s capabilities are moved into online spaces, occupations in tech need to grow to stay aware of interest.

Computer programmers, information security analysts, computer support specialists, software developers, network and computer systems administrators, and a variety of other positions are all included in the tech industry. Even within the tech industry, technological advancements cause some jobs to become obsolete and necessitate the creation of new ones, facilitating rapid turnover and a vibrant, dynamic sector.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects that jobs in information technology will increase by approximately 13% between the years 2020 and 2030. This is far over the public normal of generally 8%.

The BLS projects that cloud storage, data management, and information security will be the most in-demand fields. Information security analysts, which are expected to grow by 33%, and computer and information research scientists, which are expected to grow by 22%, are two of the most rapidly expanding tech jobs. The wages for jobs in the technology sector typically exceed the national median: The median annual wage for jobs in information technology and computing as of the most recent BLS report was $97,430, which is more than twice the national median wage of $45,760.

The tech industry is unique in that it offers a relatively high number of well-paying jobs to applicants with a bachelor’s degree as their highest level of education, despite the fact that education requirements for these positions vary.

Some positions in the technology industry, like computer support specialists, may even consider self-taught candidates without a college degree. As a means of preparing sufficient candidates for all of the new tech industry jobs, new postsecondary programs in information technology are constantly being developed.

2. Food service careers

Food service careers in restaurants and fast food expected to see fast growth:

The United States of America’s population is growing, and so is the need for food service. In the coming years, catering, bars, restaurants, fast food restaurants, cafes, takeout options, and other related services are all expected to see significant growth.

This is probably in part because food service establishments reopened after the industry experienced a lot of closures and layoffs as a result of COVID-19. Also contributing to the rapid growth of food service careers is a busy workforce that has a high demand for food delivery’s convenience.

By 2030, the BLS anticipates a 17% increase in jobs in the food service sector. Bartenders are among the industry’s jobs projected to grow at the fastest rate, at 32%; cooks, growing at 26%; and servers, which are anticipated to expand by 20% over the same time period. By 2030, approximately 740,000 new jobs will likely be created across the industry.

Wages for workers in the food service industry are lower than average, despite the industry’s rapid expansion. The food service industry’s median wage in 2021 was just $25,980. The median salary for bartenders is $26,350, while the median salary for cooks is $29,120 in this industry. The board positions in food administration regularly give somewhat higher wages.

In most cases, post-secondary education is not required for jobs in the food service industry. On-the-job training is provided. Not everyone who works as a cook goes to culinary school. Food service jobs are popular with high school and college students because they are often part-time and don’t require much prior experience or training.

According to BLS research, food service employs more 16- to 19-year-olds than any other occupation. Food service jobs frequently require quick reflexes and physical stamina. To meet demand, workers might work shifts on weekends, holidays, in the evenings, and early in the morning.

3. Healthcare jobs

Jobs in the healthcare industry will continue to be in-demand as the population grows and ages:

There are many different kinds of jobs in the healthcare industry, which is a broad category. Due to a variety of factors, many of these occupations are expected to grow in the coming years. First, the population of the United States is getting older, so more and more people will need medical care and support as they get older.

Second, according to a recent report from the International Centre on Nurse Migration, many nurses will likely retire by 2030, creating a job void with numerous unfilled positions. Lastly, the U.S. Government Accountability Office estimates that up to 23 million people have increased healthcare requirements as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to the BLS, job growth in the healthcare sector as a whole is currently anticipated to be 16% by 2030. In the coming years, there will be more new jobs in healthcare than in any other industry: roughly 2,6 million Nurse practitioners (45%), occupational therapy assistants (34%), home health and personal care aides (33%), and phlebotomists (22%), among others, are expected to see higher growth rates than others.

The median annual salary for dentists is $163,220, while the median annual salary for home health and personal care aides is $29,430 in the healthcare industry.

Instructive necessities for medical care positions are additionally exceptionally factor. Attending medical school and earning a doctoral or professional degree are necessary to become a physician. A master’s degree is required for all occupational therapists, nurse practitioners, speech-language pathologists, and genetic counselors.

A bachelor’s degree is required for registered nurses, dietitians, and athletic trainers, while an associate’s degree is required for MRI technologists and dental hygienists. Certification exams, such as the NCLEX-RN or NCLEX-PN for nursing positions, are also required for many of these positions. With a high school diploma, it is possible to get a few jobs in the healthcare industry, such as pharmacy technicians, opticians, and home health and personal care aides.

4. Arts and entertainment careers

A projected growth in arts and entertainment careers indicates a demand for joy and new knowledge:

Arts and entertainment are another sector that is anticipated to see significant expansion in the coming years. This is a broad category that encompasses numerous occupations, just like healthcare. There may be an increase in investment in joy, escapism, and new learning opportunities, which may be causing growth in some of these areas.

Similar to the food service sector, many entertainment-related businesses have been forced to close in recent years, so some of the new growth is expected to make up for the shortfall. This category encompasses all forms of entertainment, including film and television, music and dance, the fine arts, and others.

The BLS does not report on entertainment as a whole as a separate field. Instead, it breaks down various aspects of the arts into distinct growth areas. Special effects artists and animators will see 16% growth by 2030, making them jobs that are likely to see significant growth. 24% are directors and producers; film and video editors and camera administrators, at 29% development; and actors, with a 32% increase.

The fact that performers may work contracts for specific shows rather than full-time work means that pay for these jobs can vary greatly. The median salary for producers and directors is $79,000, while the median salary for video editors and camera operators is $60,360. At $78,790, special effects artists are in the same price range.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics does not provide information regarding actors’ annual salaries; however, it does provide information regarding their median hourly wage, which is $23.48.

The training that is required for jobs in the arts can vary. With a high school diploma, many camera operators and video editors learn on the job or from self-taught instructors. A bachelor’s degree is typically required for animators, producers, and directors.

Depending on the specifics of their work, performers of all stripes may or may not have formal training. Generally, couple of occupations in diversion require in excess of a four-year college education, yet some do expect laborers to function as they would prefer up through, for example, a film group to acquire explicit skill.

5. Teachers and educators

There will be a continued need for teachers and other educators:

The field of education is one in which there will always be a need for new workers. Teachers who work with students of all ages are in greater demand as the United States’ population continues to rise. Teacher shortages are fairly common, especially in underfunded regions of education.

Consequently, there are always new teaching positions available nationwide. By 2030, approximately 920,500 new education jobs are anticipated to be created. The BLS bunches instructors with related schooling based occupations like exhibition hall caretakers and library laborers.

Typically, education growth is faster than average: 10% development by 2030. The field, on the other hand, is not expanding at the same rate as some other occupations. Archivists, curators, and museum workers are among the educational professions experiencing the fastest growth (19%). instructional coordinators (10%) and postsecondary teachers (12%) On average, educators earn more than the national median.

The median salary for these workers was $57,220 in 2021. However, some jobs that are based on education pay more than others. The median salary for postsecondary teachers is $79,640, while the median salary for instructional coordinators is $63,740. On the other hand, the median salary for preschool teachers is $30,210, while the salary for teaching assistants is $29,360.

Teachers in elementary, middle, and high schools are among the occupations that require at least a bachelor’s degree. A master’s degree is required for instructional coordinators, and depending on the position, postsecondary teachers may require a master’s, doctoral, or professional degree.

A master’s degree is also typically required for museum curators and archivists. Teaching positions necessitate certification in addition to education, typically in accordance with state regulations. Passing standardized tests like the Praxis exam and completing teacher training requirements are necessary for certification.

6. Travel and transportation

Jobs in travel and transportation are expected to be of higher need:

Many people are once again able to travel as COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. As a result, demand for travel and transportation jobs is expected to rise in the coming years. Additionally, more people are required to travel for work or to visit friends and family in other countries as the world becomes increasingly globalized.

There are a variety of jobs related to travel and transportation, such as driving or piloting passenger vehicles or providing hospitality and customer service to travelers. While some travel-related jobs, like travel agents, are becoming less relevant, numerous others are growing in demand and importance.

By 2030, there will be a 25% increase in the number of jobs for passenger vehicle drivers, according to the BLS. Carrier and business pilots are probably going to encounter a comparable fast development to their work field, assessed at 13% by 2030. Flight attendants are another travel-related occupation that is expected to grow at a rate of 30%, much faster than the average.

Over the same time frame, other travel-based careers, like lodging managers, will probably see about average growth (9%). These occupations earn more than the national median for other jobs, but less than the national median for drivers of passenger vehicles (37,540). The annual salary for flight attendants and hotel managers is approximately $60,000. Pilots are the exception, earning approximately $134,630 annually.

Travel work typically does not necessitate a lot of formal education. A high school diploma is needed to work as a passenger vehicle driver, flight attendant, or hotel manager. Despite the fact that drivers may require specific licensing based on the vehicle they drive, all of these occupations provide on-the-job training.

Pilots need a lot more training, like flight training and, most of the time, a bachelor’s degree. Before switching to flying passenger planes, people typically need prior experience as commercial or military pilots to become airline pilots.

7. Environmental careers

Business’ environmental impacts on the world have resulted in a higher demand for environmental careers:

Humanity is currently facing a major crisis caused by climate change. The ecological effect of industrialization compromises untamed life natural surroundings and the equilibrium of the world’s environments. Climate change is affecting the lives of humans, animals, and plants.

Careers in the environment of all kinds are likely to expand in the coming decades due to the severity of climate change and the need for immediate action. The BLS says that jobs in the environment aren’t expected to grow a lot right now, but they are still very important and new jobs in the environment are likely to come up as people learn more about the effects of climate change.

A few instances of natural vocations incorporate ecological researchers and trained professionals, preservation researchers, and foresters, which are all set to encounter roughly normal work development in the 2020-multi decade. Technicians in environmental science and protection will see growth of 11%, which is faster than the average.

Zoologists and wildlife biologists, for example, are among the environmental careers that are anticipated to expand at a rate that is currently slower than the average. However, there may soon be new opportunities. In 2021, zoologists and wildlife biologists made $64,650, while environmental science and protection technicians made $47,370. Foresters and conservation scientists typically earned $63,750, while environmental specialists earned $76,530.

Post-secondary education in the natural sciences is typically required for jobs in the environment. The vast majority of these positions expect essentially a four-year certification, however ecological science and security experts commonly require a partner’s certificate.

Field work is often required for jobs in environmental conservation, sometimes in ecologically fragile areas or areas that have been affected by pollution or natural disasters. Despite the fact that any business could hire a conservation officer to ensure compliance with environmental efforts, many environmental workers work for non-profit conservation agencies.

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