Teaching can be a job with meaning and satisfaction. However, there are some individuals who may eventually seek to apply their teaching abilities in a different setting. You may be able to make important decisions regarding your career if you are aware of how teaching skills transfer to other positions.
You will find a list of twenty jobs in this article that teachers who want to transition out of the teaching profession and use their skills in a different field might be interested in.

Alternative jobs for classroom teachers
If you want to make a change, the following is a list of twenty jobs that will let you build on some skills you’ve developed while teaching.
1. Childcare worker
National average salary: $35,133 per year
While childcare workers enjoy spending time with children during the day, they do not have to worry about the meetings, grading, or paperwork that can consume teachers. In a private home or daycare setting, childcare workers may be in charge of one or more children. They may collaborate with other professionals or work alone. They might also be able to work with kids of different ages, which is something that an elementary, middle, or high school teacher typically cannot do.
2. Substitute teacher
National average salary: $37,436 per year
When a permanent teacher goes on vacation, maternity leave, or has an emergency, a school may ask for a substitute. The day-to-day responsibilities of a permanent teacher are completed by these professionals. They can plan lessons, teach them, handle students’ concerns, and attend staff meetings.
3. Personal trainer
National average salary: $41,268 per year
Teaching students to be motivated is one of the most important aspects. Personal training will benefit greatly from this capability. Personal trainers use their passion for fitness to instruct and motivate their clients. They assist clients in comprehending how diet and exercise affect the body.
If you want to quickly advance in the industry, you will need to earn your personal trainer certification. Physical education teachers should definitely look into this profession, but anyone who has coached might be interested in it. It’s also a great field to explore while you’re still teaching to see if it’s right for you.
4. Event planner
National average salary: $51,296 per year
Weddings, meetings, and conventions are all handled by event planners in their entirety. They are in charge of arranging transportation, meals, locations, and more. This could be the ideal change of pace for educators who used to enjoy organizing field trips and assemblies.
5. Substance abuse counselor
National average salary: $51,683 per year
Counselors for substance abuse, like teachers, are focused on assisting individuals. Their job is to help people overcome addictions such as alcoholism, drug addiction, and others. Like in education, a bachelor’s degree is usually enough to get a job at the entry level; however, in order to advance, you may need a master’s degree or a license as a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor (LADAC).
6. School and career counselor
National average salary: $53,403 per year
Career counselors work in colleges, nonprofit organizations, government agencies, career centers, and schools, while school counselors mostly work in schools. They help people figure out what they want to do in the future and what kind of education and skills they need.
7. Museum archivist
National average salary: $55,283 per year
Museum teams rely heavily on museum archivists. They locate, acquire, authenticate, and evaluate museum materials and historical documents. Additionally, they organize, categorize, and protect materials to make them simple to search. They also serve as the museum’s leaders, directing employees to assist with collection organization and display.
8. Museum curator
National average salary: $59,120 per year
Since museums are learning environments, they are an excellent fit for former educators. Art is acquired, stored, and displayed by a museum curator. Planning displays, events, and shows that will benefit and engage your intended audience will be easier with a teaching background. It might also help you figure out what other materials you’ll need to help your museum’s collection and educate visitors better. If you’ve just retired from teaching, volunteering at a museum is also a great way to stay connected to your community.
9. Adult education teacher
National median salary: $59,720 per year
Although this position does not offer a significant change from teaching, it does provide educators with the opportunity to work in a different setting and with students who do not typically fall under the typical student population. These educators work with adults who have not yet completed high school but are eager to acquire the skills they need to advance in their careers. Working with students who are typically highly motivated and appreciative of the opportunity to learn to read or qualify for a general education diploma (GED) is an opportunity.
10. Life coach
National median salary: $60,510 per year
Life coaching is similar to teaching in that the goal is to help students discover their strengths, break bad habits that could be holding them back, identify their goals, and then work toward them. Life coaching is different in that you might not be working in a classroom setting.
11. Instructional coordinator
National median salary: $63,740 per year
In education, instructional coordinators take on leadership roles. Curriculum oversight and development as well as teaching methods are in their charge. They also look at how well programs work.
In this kind of work, you will benefit from having previous hands-on teaching experience. To pursue this option, you probably need a master’s degree in educational leadership or curriculum and instruction.
12. Human resource specialist
National average salary: $66,230 per year
To do their jobs, human resource specialists use many of the interpersonal skills teachers use. For big businesses, it is their job to find, hire, and train new employees. Planning and successfully implementing training for new employees will be easier if you have the ability to work with a variety of learners and have teaching skills.
13. Writer
National average salary: $67,423 per year
If a teacher leaves the profession, this position is a natural fit because many teaching specializations require strong writing skills. Advertising, newspapers, magazines, copywriting, and a variety of other industries can provide writers with steady employment. You might also be able to work from home or independently in this field.
14. Wholesale sales representative
National average salary: $72,552 per year
An entry-level sales position in which you sell goods to organizations and businesses is as a wholesale sales representative. Teaching abilities, such as the capacity to connect with a variety of people and to convey information in a clear and concise manner, lend themselves well to this profession.
15. Radiological technologist
National average salary: $74,062 per year
For medical diagnoses, such as X-rays and MRIs, radiological technologists take images. Because they frequently collaborate with others during trying times, they require strong interpersonal skills. They are required to explain the imaging scan procedures. It’s possible that teachers will frequently discover that they are utilizing the same people skills when educating patients.
16. Postsecondary educator
National median salary: $79,640 per year
In community colleges, colleges, and universities, postsecondary teachers teach. They could instruct others or carry out and publish research. While a doctoral degree is required to advance in this field, a master’s degree is frequently sufficient to work at the community college level.
It is also possible for former teachers to work in admissions, academic advising, transcript evaluation, or the registrar’s office of higher education institutions. Since these services are needed by many online schools, it might be possible to work from home in this field.
17. Personal financial adviser
National average salary: $84,209 per year
Individuals are assisted in making sound financial decisions by personal financial advisers. They educate families about their investment options when they meet with them. Particularly, math teachers may discover that they possess the necessary set of skills to succeed as personal financial advisers.
18. Dental hygienist
National average salary: $92,902 per year
Dental hygienists with an education background can use their teaching skills to teach patients how to take care of their teeth and gums. Dental hygienists are also in charge of taking x-rays and cleaning teeth. They assess and take care of their patients’ oral health in close collaboration with dentists.
19. Real estate agent
National average salary: $96,895 per year
In order to facilitate the residential and commercial real estate sales, real estate agents collaborate with buyers and sellers. They spend their days interacting with clients and providing them with information about the communities and homes they are investigating. Many of the interpersonal skills that former teachers had would help them succeed in this field.
20. Respiratory therapist
National average salary: $127,178 per year
People who are having trouble breathing are the clients of respiratory therapists. It’s a good opportunity for a former teacher who loves helping people but wants to move into supporting a different population because their patients can range from infants to the elderly. With an associate’s degree, you can also enter the field, so teachers may find it easier than entering other professions.

Hey, I am Sachin Ramdurg. I run and manage futuredecider.com website that helps students, graduates, and professionals, to find and decide on their future career with ultimate future career advices and future career guides. I have an overall 12+ years of career guidance experience in multiple domains which has helped multiple students, graduates, and professionals to find the best career path for their future.