35 Future Career Plans Examples – How To Achieve Career Goals With Examples

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Have you established objectives for your career? You should if you haven’t already.

“If you’re not moving forward, you’re drifting backward,” goes the old saying. Also, having clear goals for your career is a way to make sure you have something to strive for and keep moving up the career ladder.

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What are career goals?

“Career objectives (also known as work goals (also known as job goals) are statements that explain how you intend to advance professionally.

A career goal can be seen as self-improvement that makes you better at your current job, a milestone you hope to reach in your chosen field, or even a turning point in your career, like changing fields completely.

Short-term and long-term career goals are the two main types of career goals. Although there is no universally agreed-upon definition of “short-term” and “long-term,” we will assume that “short-term” career goals are those that can be achieved within a year and that “long-term” goals are anything else.

Today, we want to look at dozens of the best examples of career goals. Additionally, a few hints on the most proficient method to set and accomplish your expert improvement objectives for long haul achievement.

So, let’s begin.


What are future career plans?

First and foremost, the desired outcome that a person envisions, plans, and commits to achieving is referred to as a goal.

More specifically, your career goals are the milestones you want to reach as you advance in your chosen field. They are also referred to as professional goals, professional development goals, employee goals, work goals, and job goals.

Last but not least, I like to classify my professional goals. The time it takes to accomplish a goal is the basis for one type. The other type, on the other hand, is categorized.

Next, let’s talk about these two different points of view.

Types of future career plans

Think about how long each of your professional development goals will take to complete when choosing and planning them.

As an issue of decision, I didn’t arrange any of the present vocation objectives models in light of length. I am not like many professional development coaches who enjoy doing this.


Because what may be temporary for one individual For one person, it might be long-term. As a result, the amount of time required to finish is up to you.

Regardless, when choosing and establishing any of today’s examples of career goals, you should keep the following time periods in mind:

  1. Short-term career goals
  2. Medium-term career goals
  3. Long-term career goals

In the first place, momentary profession objectives ought to be set and finished in one year or less. Second, professional development objectives that must be completed in less than five years are referred to as medium-term career goals. Lastly, career goals with a long-term completion date of more than five years should be planned.

Examples of types of future career plans

Next, I like to organize my career goals into six broad categories when planning them. because a well-balanced career plan means choosing goals from these categories.

Despite the fact that every situation is unique. The first three categories, in my opinion, are ideal for setting short-term career objectives. While the last three categories are better for career goals in the medium and long term,

Therefore, the examples of today’s professional development goals are arranged according to category.

  1. Basic building block career goals
  2. People and people skills goals
  3. On-job skills goals
  4. Credentials and credibility career goals      
  5. Personal branding goals
  6. Reward-based career goals

1. Basic building block career goals

Take these objectives as the cost of attending the game. because they are absolutely necessary for laying a solid foundation for your professional growth. Consider them to be short-term professional objectives when considering the duration of the goals.

2. People and people skills goals

Almost everything you do in your career will be about working with, for, and for other people. Therefore, it is essential to set objectives to enhance interpersonal skills.

3. On-job skills goals

The next group helps you make the most of your current situation. Whether or not you currently hold a job, achieving skill-based goals will propel you forward.

4. Credentials and credibility career goals

Without credentials and credibility, it’s hard to advance in any career path. Therefore, we have a set of objectives in this area.

5. Personal branding goals

Personal branding can help you gain even more credibility. It’s a fantastic way to stand out from the crowd.

6. Reward-based career goals

Last but not least, we have goals with a focus on rewards and rewards. Both have monetary rewards. Money, as you know! in addition to qualitative.

How to choose your future career plans?

  1. Take a look at the fundamental components first. They are listed today from 1 to 9.
  2. If you think you’re not up to par in any of these areas. The following step is to make one or more of them a priority. Examine the goal duration. to ensure that you have at least one short-term, one medium-term, and one long-term career objective. Therefore, you are synchronized across time.
  3. You might also want to break down long-term goals into smaller, more manageable tasks. Then, as you accomplish your short-term and longer-term goals, switch to new ones.
  4. Third, keep your goal selections in balance across the six categories I mentioned earlier. Check to see that each of your chosen goals is in line with your strategy for long-term career growth.
  5. Last but not least, don’t set too many goals at once. 5 should, in my opinion, be sufficient. However, evaluate it on your own. Think carefully about whether you can handle more or less than 5 responsibilities.

Then, after you’ve chosen your objectives. It is time to place them.

How to set future career plans?

Regular readers are aware that I prefer to establish SMART objectives. Additionally, these qualities serve as the foundation for the SMART goal-setting system:

Specific: Be as specific as you can about what you want to achieve.

Measurable: Know precisely how and when you will determine a goal’s accomplishment.

Achievable: Extend yourself. However, avoid wasting time on objectives that cannot be met.

Realistic: It is possible to achieve a goal. However, you should also evaluate your capacity, resources, and ability to achieve a goal. To put it another way, make sure it applies to your particular circumstance.

Time-bound: There must be a deadline for achieving every goal.

We have been finding out about another objective setting framework, called HARD objectives. Your career and personal development objectives will both benefit greatly from this approach.

Okay. You can choose from 35 examples of career goals. And some suggestions for selecting the best ones for your particular circumstance. Additionally, the secrets to setting SMART goals.

A few pointers for achieving your professional objectives follow.

How to achieve future career plans?

To achieve future career plans, follow the steps below:

  1. Have a vision for the future
  2. Talk to others about your goals
  3. Write your goals down
  4. Put in the work
  5. Take action
  6. Monitor results
  7. Failure isn’t fatal

1. Have a vision for the future

Consider how your professional life will look when you achieve your objectives. Then keep looking ahead at your vision.

2. Talk to others about your goals

Commitment is strengthened when you share your work goals with others. and aids in the elucidation of your actions and thoughts.

3. Write your goals down

It is more likely that written goals will be achieved. Additionally, writing your professional objectives will require you to be specific.

4. Put in the work

Work is required in order to make significant career advancements. Therefore, hustle daily. Then rest when important to stay balanced.

5. Take action

You should do something, no matter how insignificant, every day. pursuing one or more of your objectives.

6. Monitor results

Give yourself a reward for staying on course. When you fall behind, adjust and make changes. Most importantly, evaluate how well you’re doing against the deadlines you’ve set.

7. Failure isn’t fatal

You will occasionally fail. It happens to everyone. Get yourself back up. Find out what went wrong. Profit from it. and strive for improvement.

35 future career plans examples

We’ve compiled a list of the best examples of career goals for you to choose from:

  1. Be great at what you do today
  2. Seek out performance feedback
  3. Develop a new job skill
  4. Determine what you love to do
  5. Develop a career plan
  6. Find career mentors
  7. Make a top-notch resume
  8. Craft the perfect cover letter template
  9. Learn to interview like a pro
  10. Expand your professional network
  11. Become a better collaborator
  12. Enhance your interpersonal skills
  13. Attain increasing levels of leadership
  14. Master public speaking
  15. Streamline processes at your job
  16. Increase knowledge and skills through training
  17. Get an internship
  18. Achieve a KPI
  19. Cross-train in another functional area
  20. Get international experience
  21. Expand your technological expertise
  22. Start your own business
  23. Get an additional degree
  24. Obtain a professional certification
  25. Become an expert in your field
  26. Win an award in your industry
  27. Become a teacher in your area of expertise
  28. Develop a personal brand
  29. Build a personal website
  30. Grow a social media following
  31. Earn a promotion
  32. Land your dream job
  33. Change to a better career field
  34. Maximize your earning potential
  35. Achieve financial independence

1. Be great at what you do today

In life, only three things are certain: today, taxes, and death. Regardless of what you are doing right now. Make it your career goal to excel at it.

2. Seek out performance feedback

Don’t wait for your performance evaluation every year. Always seek out helpful feedback from those around you. No one ought to be excluded. coworkers, customers, suppliers, friends, mentors, and family are all included.

3. Develop a new job skill

We work in an expertise based economy. As a result, those with highly sought-after skills benefit. Therefore, enhance your existing abilities. Also, learn new skills to add to your arsenal.

4. Determine what you love to do

Setting objectives based on a possible future state is pointless. You won’t be happy about that. Because of this, choosing what you want to do is crucial. The most important thing is deciding what you enjoy doing.

5. Develop a career plan

Pursuing your passion. while establishing objectives to get there. That is the focus of everything here. establishing the foundations of an effective career plan. Take a look at this big picture. Also, make sure everything works together.

6. Find career mentors

Find people who have accomplished something that inspires you. Then, try to find these people as often as you can. If you can, ask them for advice.

7. Make a top-notch resume

Your resume serves as your business card. It is the way to securing your “opportunity” during a pursuit of employment. Create it the very best it tends to be. to highlight your distinctive abilities, talents, and experiences. For this job, I like MyPersonalResume. and for achieving this professional objective at a high level.

8. Craft the perfect cover letter template

Make sure that each cover letter you send is specific to the job. However, this does not necessitate starting over each time you apply for a job. Therefore, create a solid template for your base cover letter. which you can customize as you see fit.

9. Learn to interview like a pro

The best interviewer typically wins the position. not always the most suitable candidate. Therefore, practice your interviewing skills to prepare for the next opportunity. Then, when the next chance comes along: plan, get ready, get ready.

Prepare to describe your strengths to your potential employer. exactly how you intend to approach the task. Additionally, how you will assist them in achieving their long-term business objectives. Also, make sure your job goals are in line with the opportunity and tell people about it. Finally, ask pertinent interview questions.

10. Expand your professional network

The days of using job boards and want ads to find professional career opportunities are long gone. because what you know is less important. Additionally, additional information regarding your acquaintances Therefore, set a goal to broaden your professional circle.

11. Become a better collaborator

An employee who works alone is unproductive and vulnerable. because the majority of high-quality businesses have objectives centered on teamwork. So, improve your communication skills. and to be an effective member of a team.

12. Enhance your interpersonal skills

It is essential to get along with others well. Therefore, acquire the ability to convert them to your perspective. Try to be liked and liked by others.

13. Attain increasing levels of leadership

Opportunities are made available to leaders. On the other hand, employees are given instructions to follow. if you’re a leader. Whatever career path you choose, you can succeed. Therefore, learn how to lead.

14. Master public speaking

Learn how to speak effectively in front of a group. to educate, entertain, and inspire. because good public speaking skills are necessary for high performance in a leadership role.

15. Streamline processes at your job

It’s always a good goal to make your job or employer more efficient in some way. It’s easy. Simply discover and implement methods for accomplishing more in less time!

Every company has financial objectives. What’s more, further developing efficiency is one method for accomplishing them. Do so and you will make certain to dazzle your boss.

16. Increase knowledge and skills through training

Accomplishing preparing objectives is basic all through your vocation. Therefore, training should never stop learning. Whether informal on-the-job training is involved. or, more structured courses, seminars, and programs for professional development.

17. Get an internship

An internship program is a good way to get specialized job training. One of many excellent career goals that students can set and accomplish is this one.

18. Achieve a KPI

Businesses establish broad-based KPIs as a foundation for success. A key performance indicator is called a KPI. Additionally, many KPIs are frequently nonfinancial.

Therefore, you do not need to be an expert in finance to contribute in numerous KPI-covered areas. As a result, learn more about your company’s KPIs. Then assist in their accomplishment.

19. Cross-train in another functional area

A great way to expand your horizons is to cross train in other areas. and significantly improve your abilities. For instance, the company where I worked offered assignments on the sales force to employees. regardless of their professional development objectives or functional expertise.

And make sure you know this: The language of business is money. Therefore, if you ever get the chance to work in the finance department. Always take advantage of it.

20. Get international experience

Taking on a project abroad is another excellent objective. to understand how work is done around the world. and by people whose cultures vary.

21. Expand your technological expertise

Every business in the world today is, in some way, a technology business. Additionally, technology is a part of every job. Therefore, proficiency in technology pays off.

22. Start your own business

Displeased with “working for the man” or female. Regardless of the circumstance. Set a goal to start your own business if that’s the case. However, the majority of new businesses require capital.

Therefore, do your research. Additionally, before beginning, develop a sound business strategy. Then, to get things going well. You might also want to look into setting some short-term goals for your company.

23. Get an additional degree

Regardless of your skills, certain occupations require specific degrees. Make a career objective to meet the requirements once you are aware of them. If you don’t, you won’t get far.

However, exercise caution here. Education takes a lot of time and money. Therefore, despite the fact that everyone has one, don’t spend your valuable resources on a degree.

Do it because it’s necessary for your chosen career.

24. Obtain a professional certification

Professional certifications are the same. It is required in some fields. Certifications can also be a nice way to stand out from the crowd.

They frequently can be accomplished with less effort and expense. versus a degree program in education. For instance, I hold the designation of CPA. Additionally, the certification as an accountant opened numerous doors for me over the years.

25. Become an expert in your field

Special and rare skills can yield significant benefits. Choose a field in which you want to specialize. After that, become an expert. Do this by locating and resolving issues in a specific area. Where others are unable to.

26. Win an award in your industry

Building your creditworthiness can be significantly aided by receiving industry-specific rewards and recognition. Demonstrating your expertise is one way. Every industry and circumstance is unique. Take some time to investigate the options that make sense to you.

Then take action. Furthermore, win that honor.

27. Become a teacher in your area of expertise

Teaching is an excellent way to learn and develop. because of their ability to instruct. You must be an expert in your field of teaching. There are numerous opportunities to teach part-time and at night. It is a great way to improve your resume. even if teaching isn’t your main line of work.

28. Develop a personal brand

Personal goals for your career that are related to branding are among the best. It’s a way to stand out from the crowd. And it entails projecting authority over others. Furthermore, a confided in source. Therefore, consider how you present yourself. and how your long-term career objectives can contribute to the creation of your brand.

29. Build a personal website

Consider developing a professional website next. Include a bio for yourself. After that, write and publish articles on subjects related to your field. It’s a great way to improve your digital presence and resume. in addition to having a solid LinkedIn profile.

30. Grow a social media following

Last but not least, get involved in social media to build your brand and raise your digital profile. You can look into sub-reddits, Facebook groups, and Twitter.

31. Earn a promotion

Aims to advance in your current position at your employer. Then you’ll be promoted. Use it to grow as a manager, become a better leader, learn new skills, and, of course, increase your income.

32. Land your dream job

Do you remember your fourth career objective? Find what you enjoy doing. After you have figured it out. Then, go find the job of your dreams, where you can follow your passion. If you do this, you will never have to work again. Since you will cherish what you do.

33. Change to a better career field

As time goes on, our priorities and interests occasionally shift. Therefore, when your passion shifts. It will, too.

Change your course of action.

I did it in my late 40s. Leaving my calling in corporate money. and becoming a professor at a business school.

It provided a great reward.

34. Maximize your earning potential

Find the highest salaries in your industry. The next step is to set a goal to reach that level. Select additional objectives that complement this goal.

35. Achieve financial independence

Nobody can work continuously. Also, work on your own schedule while you’re working.

The best way to do this is to become financially independent. After that, you can only advance your career if you want to. according to your specifications.

If you’d like, you can read more about how to set and achieve long-term financial goals in our guide. to learn more about this topic.

Okay. This article has come to an end today.

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